Knowing how to reach out to List Perfectly Support and engage with the List Perfectly Community can make all the difference in your reselling journey! We’ll guide you through the best ways to contact support, navigate community resources, and get the most out of your List Perfectly experience.

Effective communication with support and active participation in the community can help you solve problems faster, learn new strategies, and stay ahead in the reselling game. Whether you’re new to List Perfectly or a seasoned user, this video has something for everyone!

The Seller Community Podcast from ⁠List Perfectly⁠ is the e-commerce resource for the seller community across all platforms and a hub for information on growing your business. Find out more at ⁠⁠, leave a message, or ask a question at ⁠⁠, or email us at

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How to Contact List Perfectly Support & Community

Doug: Look at this. Look who’s here.

Trish: Look who’s here. It’s a miracle in Bond Miracles.

Doug: Trish Glenn, ladies and gentlemen. What’s up? Patricia Glenn.

Trish: What’s up, Douglas Smith?

Doug: How are you?

Trish: I’m fine. How are you?

Doug: I’m doing well. I always look forward to our time together.

Trish: I agree.

Doug: As we call it the Trish and Doug show now.

Welcome. I’m doing a couple of little, there we go.

Trish: Oh, you were so good.

Doug: I know so much. Thank you so much. I have a lot of links to share today. I’m very excited.

Trish: Doug loves to share a link.

Doug: That is true. I have things open and ready.

Our topic today, as you can see how to contact List Perfectly support and community. So how to engage with List Perfectly support and the community. Trish.

Trish: I gotta be honest, I know all about how to contact the community, not as much about the support because,

Doug: it’s a good thing you’re here.

There’ve been some changes over the past few months. We’ve really in a lot of ways streamlined how to get in touch with us. And then of course, we’ll talk about one of my favorite topics. And I think one of Trish’s.

Hashtag community.

How to contact List Perfectly support. So are we ready?

Trish: Ready?

Doug: You go to the catalog, you go to any of your pages in your list, perfectly catalog slash dashboard. You’ve got this little smiley face widget down here. He wants to help you. He, she. He

Trish: does want to help you. So you

Doug: click that.

So what I love about this though is it’s got multiple options and hop in as you see fit. Multiple options. You can search for help. So we’ve got this incredible database that’s constantly updated and curated. If you want to search for help, you can search and you can get your own help. Some people like to read and watch videos, and you’ve got this whole thing.

You can run this in here, or you can go to the bottom and open it in its own window, if that little window is not big enough for you, simply go to the bottom. And it. helps us to go down here and rate whether or not this answered your question. So that tells us if this is helpful, if it’s helpful or it’s not.

If it’s not, we will take a look and update it. And then what I love is you click this button, and it basically opens it. In a new window, ladies and gentlemen. I

Trish: didn’t know that. That’s so helpful.

Doug: It is pretty cool. And then also, so you, just so you know, you can also go to the List Perfectly Help Center by going to and that’ll bring you there. And you will have to be logged into List Perfectly, but that’s another way to direct you there. You can bookmark that link and go there. So these are some recommended articles, other stuff. These things called journeys will, where we will run you through a little learning journey.

You can contact us here. You’ve got multiple options for that. Maybe these are some of the topics, some common topics that come up. News. So this is stuff that we are releasing and announcing. And this is customized to the type of List Perfectly user you are. For instance, if you’re in the instance, if you’re in the referral program, you may see messages for referral members or different plan messages, things like that.

But basically, this is where we release Yeah,

Trish: I knew that, Doug. I do work here. I just was, I just didn’t know you could make it bigger from that screen. That was really good.

Doug: I see.

Trish: I do use it. That we try to do is make it as easy as possible. We’re using this new help center to get in touch with us, but also to share what your issue is so that we can make sure we really understand.

What it is. And the screen recording is absolutely a great tool. And I also would like to say that when you go into chat with somebody it will say virtual assistant.

Doug: There you go.

Trish: But it isn’t. It’s just a way to bring you to the live people. So you’re gonna, the virtual assistant handles the live chat.

So the virtual assistant will make sure you go to the right person. So I don’t want anyone to not go through those steps because they think it’s virtual and it’s they’re not with the live people you are, if that makes sense. Did I explain that well?

Doug: I think you did. Go to our help center and you can go there and follow along.

Like a read-along book, and you can search for the answer to your question. And then maybe you can find it instead of fishing for you. I will teach you how to fish, but it is easy to do. We’ll, we will likely get to it, but let’s go back to help here. So let’s look here. So I’m in here and I’ve searched for Trish and Tim and everybody else.

All you listeners I’ve searched for sell similar. So I’m going to search. And see what comes up merge feature. What do you think Trish? Where should I go?

Trish: No. I would think the easiest way would be to end a listing and then recopy it

Doug: and listing. Okay.

Trish: And then recopy, I think would be the easiest way to do this.

So just a lot of things. I think there’s different ways to do these things. Yeah,

Doug: different ways to say it.

Trish: Yeah, I think that would be the easiest. Just put re copy and see what it says.

Doug: Re-copy.

Trish: I believe that’s the right term.

Doug: The re-copy button.

Trish: There you go.

Doug: Okay, here we go. Recopy feature. Okay.

So this is going to take you and that is what we call a practical example. Ladies and gentlemen no please.

Trish: If that doesn’t help, I am going to say come and join a customer support call on Listing Party. That may be easier than going through the help right now, especially because something like that may be easier to see it, to be able to just walk through it.

And Pat, who does the 411 every day, really is good. He’s so good at teaching, so that may be something that may be worth going to a support call for.

Doug: There you go. And we’ll share, we’ll get to that as well. But I’m going to go back here to my little help widget. Which, interestingly, so there’s a couple options here.

Some of it is bot based, so some of it goes through and helps you. Some people like that, they just want to get a quick answer. And then you can also reach out and talk to a real person. But! This is funny to me every time. The name of the bot is Finn, which is also my son’s name. But it’s not all bot-based.

Ladies and gentlemen don’t worry. Don’t be concerned. But and obviously there’s always the contact us if you don’t want to search for stuff. Again, something I like to self-help myself and these are messages pre. So this is the cool thing too. So previous messages. that are sent out, you get to see, and you can scroll back through, and you can save them.

 Like this go back through and then you can go back to your main window. And then there’s some tasks like here’s some of the these are maybe like some basic tasks again. This is like a learning flow you could go through if you wanted to learn some stuff. Learn some tips resources, things like that.

What do you think, Trish?

Trish: I think that the help center is a lot better than I realized, to be quite honest with you. I don’t spend a tremendous amount of time looking at it, but this is a little inside baseball, but we take turns. doing the Facebook group who gets to be in charge for the weekend, so nobody’s working all the time.

And on my weekends, I find it invaluable to be able to, I go in and I search stuff and I’m like, Oh, but I never knew how to make it that big. So I’m really glad about that because I was doing it in that little window.

Doug: Let me tell you something Trish is The cool thing about that. If you go in, let’s say you’re managing the Facebook group on the weekend, you can go in and that also gives you an individual URL to share.

Go ahead and be logged into List Perfectly and click this to learn more. We’re going to go over to Listing Party right now. And I will share that as we’re going to talk about. Customer support 411 and then everything in general. And we will touch on Mastermind.

Obviously, Trisha’s baby, her other baby besides Liz

Trish: that

Doug: she knows of her other Listing Party that she knows

Trish: other babies. I would know.

Doug: All right. So here we are. We’re in Listing Party. So Listing Party is for those of you that are listing parties at, and it is included in your List Perfectly subscription.

I feel like I’m talking too much. Tell them about that, Trish.

Trish: No, I, I think anyone who’s talked to me knows how I feel about Listing Party. I think it is absolutely worth, a subscription price. It really can help you take your business to the next level. There are always new things happening on there and there is we have a Mastermind every morning at nine o’clock Eastern.

And it’s a place where I think some really. Experience resellers and some really new sellers and then everyone in between. We talk about topics and how it affects and what to do and how to handle things. And we also, but then more than that, there are different things on there every day.

So if you want us every single day, there is a customer service for one, one and then we can talk about the other ones. There it is. And that is a live help. So you can go to that, and somebody from customer service, usually Pat, is in there to help you, and he can screen share, you can show him things, he can show you things, and it is a really great way to get maybe the questions asked.

If maybe you’re somebody who needs who needs to talk, talk things out. Maybe you’re somebody who needs to be shown visit, visibly. Maybe you’re somebody like that, who isn’t just going to read something and be like, oh, I get it. Or maybe you have a more complicated question that you just need help with.

And so that’s a really great place. And that happens every single day. It does change time-wise sometimes, but it’s always Monday through Friday. We have different things. Every week. Today is reseller tips. So this happens on every Wednesday. The next one is creative conversations, and that’s just a place.

So some of these are not reselling focused, creative conversations, isn’t reselling focused. It’s just, they get together and they craft, and they think they talk about whatever. And sometimes I’m sure it is reselling related. And sometimes it isn’t star also does a thing. About, oh, what’s it called?

Doug: True Crime and List.

Trish: True Crime and List. So they get together and they list, and they do, and they talk about true crime, so serial killers, whatever, Star really likes those things, and, if you watch Dateline, so do you, so we all get to, they get together and talk about those things. Then there’s a few parties that are hosted.

So they don’t have somebody who’s in charge and that if you go the other way, Doug topic talks, so that’s a different topic once a week, but it doesn’t have a host. So you’re just going to go in and, have a water cooler discussion for lack of a better word. And so then, and then Nisha does a jewelry party, consignment chats are there once a month talking about consignment.

So if you’re interested in consignment, you can go and ask questions. If you’d help with a consignment contract or how to split it up or what to do, you could go in and speak to them. And there is a calendar view at the top. You could go in and look at that and that will tell you when parties are and you can see, you can add them to your own calendar, I believe.

Doug: Yes.

Trish: And so it’s just a way, so it’s our community arm, really what it is. It’s List Perfectly’s community arm, but from, I can speak for myself. I don’t know about all the parties, but for myself, List Perfectly is spoken about, but on the fringe. Most of the time, it’s just reseller-focused.

Everybody in there is using LP, so it’s whatever happens, but it is mostly about reselling and how to take your business to the next level.

Doug: Definitely. And yeah, so Trish has daily Mastermind, which is amazing. I think it’s, always one of the most attended parties there.

We also have the 24 hour it’s called the 24-hour party hangout. And there are sellers in there almost 24 hours a day, seven days a week. And a lot of people will. A lot of people will hang out there all day or some people will drop in there with a quick question and just be like, Hey guys, have a question about blah, blah, blah.

And remember too is support is going to be mostly about List Perfectly help and support. But for one, one, you can go in and you can ask selling questions, things like that. And especially here on Listing Party, we have a lot of spots that are, you can ask Non-LP questions. You can ask eBay questions.

You can ask for seller advice, especially in like Mastermind and in the 24-hour room as well.

Trish: Agreed. And then there’s also Coffee Talk on Mondays with Theresa. She does different reseller topics.

It’s more like it’s just what we call our community. So it’s really just a place that anyone who uses LP can come and work together and figure out how to do things. I think of it personally, I think a lot of it is educational. And, but it also has that social component. What we do is a relic for a lot of people is without is a solitary thing.

And so I think sometimes having place where people can get together in almost like your own cubicle, right? So I’m here working away. Doug’s there working away, and you can look up every once in a while, and say, how made you get done so far? You don’t mean like that kind of collaboration. But then there’s also true collaboration in some of the other rooms.

Doug: So let’s are you ready to move on, Trish?

Trish: Yes, Douglas.

Doug: All right. Let’s go to talk a little bit about the List Perfectly YouTube channel.

Trish: Listing Party is most of the time they are just for us. They are not broadcast out. But sometimes the listing parties are both reseller tips are both. So it’s shown inside Listing Party, but it’s also shown here on YouTube. So this one is both, but a lot of times those things are just inside Listing Party.

Doug: And yeah, we’ve got that. So yeah, Listing Party that has a lot of exclusives perfectly. We’ve obviously got our lives. We’ve got, today, which is the Wednesday Reseller Tips with Trish and Doug, also known speculatively, internally, as the Trish and Doug Show. Then we have the Friday YouTube Live, which a lot of times has rotating rotating stars and guests, but we have all kinds of help videos on here.

We’ve got shorts, little shorts, some of the stuff we share from you guys, some of it’s the team, then there’s our lives. And the good thing about the lives on here is obviously you can watch them live, but you can also watch them after the fact. Popular lives podcast is emulated on here as well for some people like Video podcasts are big now.

Some people like to listen on YouTube, right? Just all kinds of options here and We’ll be adding a lot more Trish’s working on something special, too

Trish: I’m trying to get some YouTube stuff done. So we’ll see.

Doug: Yeah

Trish: We do think YouTube’s a little underutilized. So if anybody has any ideas of what they’d like to see on YouTube or who they’d like to see on YouTube, let us know where, we’re interested in, we’re open to ideas, so reach out if you have anything you’d like to see.

Doug: Indeed. And then, of course one of our biggest things here is the List Perfectly group, so obviously this is for you, and this is free too, and again, it’s something that doesn’t have to be List Perfectly questions, there’s all kinds of questions in here all kinds of conversation.

Trish: We would like it to be a reselling place, right? Of course it’s run by List Perfectly. So there’s a lot of List Perfectly content on there, but if you don’t, if you’re not a user of ours yet, I’m going to say yet we’d still love to have you in there because all resellers, have great questions and its good conversation.

And so everybody’s welcome.

Doug: Exactly. Exactly. Basically when we do lives. You can watch it, you can link to it from Listing Party, you can watch it on the list, perfectly page in the group and usually on the Listing Party Facebook page as well. Another fantastic resource. One of my favorites, and I hope it’s one of Trish’s,

Trish: it is my favorite

Doug: is the Seller Community podcast.

Trish and I do this.

Trish: And Doug, I just would everyone to know, if nobody knows this, Doug has two podcasts and he doesn’t talk about the other one very often, but it’s called The Albums That Saved Us and it’s really good and interesting.

And whether you like music or not I know I was just going on about, no, you guys should really listen to it, The Albums That Saved Us. It was wonderful. Thank you so much.

Doug: Albums that saved us. So I learned a lot with Griff and the team at the eBay for Business podcasts, especially with Griff.

And then when I, when eBay and I parted ways, I yes,

Trish: but

Doug: that’s so albums that saved us is where I learned how to do it all myself. The music theme podcast, one of my dreams as is the seller community podcast, when I left eBay, I wanted to start an e commerce podcast that touched on all marketplaces, Trish.

Trish: And you did it and you got, and he got you got them to back it. Meaning Clara and Amanda.

Doug: Yes. They scooped me up. So we’re four seasons in, 200 something episodes, over 90, 000 downloads, so we’ll be doing something big. Doing something big when we hit 100k. And we’ve got some there’s some interesting stuff coming up.

We’re gonna be adding some stuff. Ledgers and lattes. That is a Listing Party, right? Trish, tell us about ledgers and lattes.

Trish: Ledgers and Lattes is a party I asked for. This is from Kathy. We meet on Saturday to take an hour to work on our books, anything really, but I specifically work on my financial end, so taxes will be easier.

So I do think it’s a good thing. Kathy came up with the idea to be able to do it once a week. So you’d get into the routine of doing your, you keep your books up to date. So it was a great idea.

Doug: There you go. Thank you. Thanks, Kathy, for the reminder there. New analytics is great.

Yeah, it is very it has that cool little pie chart that I like. But this is again, the Sounder Community Podcast. We call these the show notes. So this is where you can click through and you can listen here or you can listen on all the various sites where you like to listen to podcasts, Apple podcasts, Spotify, et cetera.

And then this is a supplemental page that contains links. A transcript that’s searchable and the whole thing is searchable. So if you wanted to learn about something, maybe we talked about like eBay, SEO or listing assistant, et cetera, et cetera, you could search there for that.

Anything else to say about how much you love the seller community podcasters?

Trish: I do love the Seller Community Podcast, and I do think that Doug and I are going to try to beef it up a little now, especially since eBay for Business Podcast has come to an end and we, we want to see if we can fill in a little bit of that gap.

Doug: Exactly. Yeah, there’s there is a dearth there. We are going to spill. We’re going to fill that spot, hopefully, and then be there for you. And then of course, we are also all-over social media. Obviously, we’ve got the Facebook group. We have a Facebook page List Perfectly has if there we are again, look at that.

It’s like double indemnity also for you professional minded people. We are on we’re on LinkedIn as well. So you can come, we post there regularly, stuff that’s going on, et cetera, et cetera. Some people like LinkedIn. It’s a great content portal. Ooh.

Can you hear the music? I hope

Trish: I can. What the heck?

Doug: Say, I hope I didn’t just start dancing.

Trish: There was music.

Doug: Ladies, gentlemen, we are awesome. What’s up everybody. We’re also on tip top all night long.

Trish: Oh Lord.

Doug: All List Perfectly all the

Trish: time.

Doug: Call up your lady or your gentleman. But yes, TikTok as well. And very supportive.

Woo! What was that like jazzy

Trish: That was like jazzy, soulful, sexy music.

Doug: Sexy sax man.

Trish: Sexy sax.

Doug: Speaking of speaking of TikTok Starr Bryson and ladies, gentlemen, starting up a book review. I know

Trish: I saw that this morning book talk. Is that what she’s calling it?

Doug: Book talk. Yeah, we do have a page on the website.

That basically shows you I would say not all the help options, but a lot of what we call our community options. Yep. It’s called the community page, Listing Party, the blog. Oh, we didn’t go to the blog yet, but we’ve got the blog as well. We will go there. And just links to everything and some fantastic testimonials, Becky Park.

Sonny Las Vegas and more. And so just, showing you how ensconced we are in the in the community. And then let’s touch base on the blog List or the seller We do. At least two blog posts a week, sometimes more depending upon what’s going on.

And we try to keep you in the news List Perfectly features stuff we’ve got going on news there’s a lot of seller resource stuff here as well, and we have a weekly what’s happening at List Perfectly, a combination of things that are going on, check it out if you are the blog and the if you are a blog minded person some people do like to read It’s the same thing with the seller community Some people do like to read seller community is online and offline and you do both and there’s a lot of crossovers can you talk about that?

Trish: I started in this community in person, not online. My first real introduction to this community was at an eBay meetup. I D I had watched Casey, the rockstar flipper a little before that.

On YouTube, because I didn’t know anything about reselling. But for me, it really was in person. And it wasn’t until after eBay opened. I think 17 that I like found the online part, right? Because I met people from all over the country and, I’d be like how do you guys know each other?

And they’d all be like I belong to this, or I belong to that, or we know each other from this group. And so then I started to get involved in those a little bit. I never was somebody who was in them constantly. But I really, they were really great for conversation and for learning and to be able to throw something out there.

And there’s some really great Facebook groups, that we don’t really have anything to do with specifically like BOSS Business for Online Selling Success, which was started by Theresa and is now run by Theresa, Vikki and Katy. And, from that. Facebook group, they started a reseller in person event, which they just announced will be in March of 2025 in Las Vegas.

And so for us, I think that List Perfectly’s success is because of the reselling community. They went to they went to List eBay Open 2018, Doug, or 19, 19, I think. And they Clara tells a story about not having enough money to buy both of them tickets. So Amanda went inside, and Clara stayed outside.

And they got people to sign up and they got people to see their product. And from that, it grew. And for me, I really think the great thing about this is our community. And it is amazing, the friendships I’ve made, but also how much my how much my sales grew once I knew people and I could talk to them and ask the right questions because sometimes you don’t know what you don’t know.

And I also think that the reselling community, we have done a lot of great things. We have raised a lot of money for people. We have come together and done a lot of different things for people. Diane Lassonde who is, my In real life, best friend, but also, a reseller who I met through this community, she started a charity really because of reselling and, it’s unfortunately because she has cancer and what she’s going through, but she started this and it will continue after she’s gone and I’m sure that the reselling community will continue to be a part of it.

Do you, what do you think, Doug? You used to do community for eBay, so you have a different take on it than I do, I’m sure.

Doug: Yeah, in a nutshell, so I’ve worked in community for a long time for a bunch of different a bunch of different companies, Verizon way back, and the community, An online community is a spot where people, interact and engage and then people can engage and interact with the company or employees of that company.

So like Listing Party or the Facebook group, there’s all kinds of different kinds of communities and in a lot of ways, sometimes they’re message boards or blogs. And then I worked in the in the eBay community when I went there and that’s when it started tying into events. And then just the community events, the offline and the online stuff.

And sometimes there’s a lot of crossovers. between the two. Like when you get into meetups or Facebook groups, a lot of meetups have Facebook groups, but definitely the seller community is very unique in the community world. A lot of online communities for companies are for support. So if you need help, you go there.

Some of them are content communities. But the really cool, unique thing to me about the seller community, and it was the switch that flipped it for me when I was on the team, is that just like this. So many sellers are willing to always learn, adapt, and especially help others all the time, even if you’re technically competing with each other.

I’ve seen multiple sellers that sell the same stuff, sit down, help each other out in person, online, offline, and I haven’t seen this in any of the other communities that I’ve worked in.

Trish: It’s funny because I don’t think of myself, I do not think of myself as in competition. What let’s use Crystal Maus as an example.

Crystal is a volume reseller who does used clothing. I’m a volume reseller who does use clothing. And I don’t, for one second think of her as my competition. And I don’t know why that is. Because when I owned a consignment store, I absolutely thought of the other consignment stores that were in my area as my competition.

So it’s an interesting thing that you say that. I really haven’t thought about it, but it’s interesting.

Doug: Yeah, it is. It’s a bit, very unique in the in the community world. But unfortunately All good things must come to an

Trish: end.

Doug: Some great things as well. Like this, it’s Trish’s dinner time. It’s happy hour in Boston.

Trish: Happy hour is illegal here.

Doug: Oh, it is.

Trish: Yeah, we’re not allowed to have happy hour.

Doug: How weird.

Trish: We’re not allowed to put alcohol on sale ever.

Doug: It’s happy day. How,

Trish: how interesting. Yep. All right.

Doug: I can get alcohol delivered to my house.

Trish: You can’t. Not easily here.

Doug: All right. Very easy here. But anyway, so we’ve covered how to use the Let’s Perfectly Help Center.

This is we set up in the instructional world. We set up your objectives at the beginning, set up your objectives at the beginning, and then we’re going to recircle and we’re going to touch base on you and tell you what we have what we’ve covered for you. So here we go, ladies and gentlemen, how to reach out to List Perfectly via our newish help center.

You’ve got that cute little smiley face widget in your catalog and your dashboard on your List Perfectly pages. You can also go to directly to help. Trish, tell us about, cause we’re summing up. So be brief. Don’t go on like an hour.

Trish: You can go to Listing Party,

Doug: Customer Support

Trish: 411 the 24-hour room, but then also the Seller Community Podcast, the, our blog, the Facebook group, the YouTube channel our social media, Power of Community, man.

Doug: There you go. So much great stuff. And then don’t forget too. It’s we sponsor a ton of meetups. We attend meetups, some of us run meetups. Trish runs one in Boston.

Trish: Some of us do. Yes.

Doug: There you go. Where there is no happy hour.

Trish: There is none.

Doug: Usually somebody in the 24/7 room. You can also drop into support and start up a chat or go to a Listing Party.

I know you’ve got some day job, that’s what I say to you, my real job commitments. You have all those options. And incidentally, ladies and gentlemen, there will be a blog post going out. Maybe I’ll put it out tomorrow that encapsulates all of this stuff.

Trish: Yeah, that’d be great. So there you go.

Here comes the baby boomer. That’s a good name.

Doug: That’s cute. That is cool. We are wrapping up. But we have reseller tips with Trish and Doug every Wednesday for now. And then reseller tips every Wednesday at three Pacific six Eastern five central. Yeah.

Trish: No. Yeah, I said

Doug: yeah. Yeah. Oh, every Friday we have the YouTube live various topics various hosts.

This Friday. Patrick and I will be on there talking about new List Perfectly features that are rolling out, including some that are imminent in their rollout. Thanks everybody for being here.

Trish: Always a pleasure, Doug.

Doug: Always a pleasure as well. Trish.


Trish: Thank you for joining us on The Seller Community Podcast from List Perfectly. You can find us at the Seller Community

Leave a message or ask a question at You can email us at

You can post a question for us in the List Perfectly Facebook group at

Listen to The Seller Community Podcast anywhere you listen to podcasts and be sure to subscribe, tell your friends, if you’re on Apple Podcasts or Spotify, please leave us a review.

You can always use our promo code podcast. That’s P O D C A S T for 30% off your first month of List Perfectly or 30% off your first month of upgrading your plan.