This week we chat with Courtney of the BOLO Buddies YouTube Channel, Facebook Group, and Instagram about what the BOLO Buddies Community is and how you can benefit from all the free content that is put out daily to help YOU explore and expand your business. Of course, we’ll also have Seller Shoutouts and the News!
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Episode 20 Links
Be On Lookout BOLO Buddies Resellers & Thrifters
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Poshmark Heart and Hustle
This is episode 20.
2-0, it’s very exciting. And congratulations, Liz. 20 episodes in, and you know why this is exciting.
Well first, congratulations to you also and tell our listeners why episode 20 is exciting.
So episode 20 is exciting because apparently based on podcast industry standards, most podcasts don’t make it past 20 episodes.
That’s awesome!
So to be more excited about 21, if we make it! I mean, chances are we will, but this is definitely a milestone 20 episodes. Here’s 20 more!
Here’s to 20 more! And I don’t think that we could have done it without the enthusiasm and feedback from our listeners. That every week, I mean, “Hey, I listened” and, you know, pulling pieces and stuff out of each podcast and letting us know what’s helped them in their business. So it’s been really exciting!
All the enthusiasm, all the great reviews, all the great feedback. Participation in things like the hashtag challenge have been great!
Yes. Currently still going check the Facebook group. And do you want to do a bonus third week, Doug?
I think we should. Yeah, I think we should keep it. So what do we have this week, Liz?
So we have a packed episode this week. I cannot wait for our listeners to learn about Courtney Hayes and the BOLO buddies community. What do you say Doug, I think we should probably get on with the show. We have a lot!
Yes, definitely. So we’ve got Courtney, we’ve got seller shout-outs and we have the news. And so the seller community podcast is produced by List Perfectly every week for your enjoyment and show notes are found at thesellercommunitypodcast.com/podcast.
Let’s get on with the show!
BOLO Items to Source That Sell
Today we welcome Courtney Hayes to the studio. She is seller extraordinaire, founder of the BOLO Buddies YouTube channel that we’ll talk about in a moment, Facebook group, Instagram page, and so much more. I cannot wait for everyone to hear Courtney’s journey and learn more about this amazing community that she’s built. Welcome Courtney.
Thank you. Thanks for having me.
Thanks for coming on. Before we get started, let’s set the level. Tell us what BOLO is. Explain that to us.
Okay, a BOLO is an item to be on the lookout for.
B,O,L,O, be on the lookout. I found the BOLO Buddies Facebook group about a year and a half ago, and the group is huge.
It is And I tell you since I started my YouTube channel, the Facebook group is growing much faster. Yeah. They’re kind of feeding off of each other.
So which came first, the Facebook group or the YouTube channel?
The Facebook group. And I had no intention of starting a YouTube channel. when I started the Facebook group. I don’t even really know why I started either of them. I don’t even know why this happened, to be honest with you. I was trying to learn because I started out, uh, doing clothing, retail arbitrage, clothing, and I wanted to branch out into hard goods. And I really had no idea what I was doing, and I started a Facebook group and I kind of wanted to play around with affiliate links with the eBay Partner Network. And I was like, maybe I could do that in a Facebook group and kind of research and help others learn and do that. And it kind of rolled into this Facebook group. Yeah.
So clearly you had this small vision of just, you wanted knowledge like, “Hey, what should I be on the lookout for?” And then you started researching it and started putting it out there and people followed because clearly you weren’t the only one.
Yeah. I was like, if I’m going to take the time to like, look these things up, I’m going to use the link. So yeah. Might as well use a link that maybe if somebody clicks on it, maybe they’ll buy it. And you know, it’s a research thing, you know, it just makes sense and they can gain knowledge and I can gain knowledge. And then I was like, well, let’s let them post other questions also. So let’s make it broader. So I actually have two Facebook groups. I don’t know if you knew that.
Yes I do. Yes.
One is just the affiliate links where I post the links and my YouTube videos. So that’s for people that don’t want all of the other stuff, they just want the BOLO items. And then the other one is where everybody can post like questions, they can post screenshots of their BOLOs. It’s just very, very broad. Anything reseller related pretty much. So, yeah.
So for those that don’t know, the BOLO Buddies, Resellers and Thrifters Unite, eBay Poshmark, Mercari, Etsy sellers. We’re going to put a link to that in the show notes, everything pretty much. Okay. And you’re, and that’s over 28,000 members right now, sharing…
I don’t know. I don’t even look anymore. I just like, whoa, I need to go over and like accept people.
So there’s clearly 28,000 plus right now that are sharing information on items to be on the lookout for, and people sharing that information. That is amazing.
And I am so behind on posting links, I’ve been really, really slacking. And I’m the only person that moderates the group. So…
Oh my gosh. And I’m going to back up really quick because Courtney, you’re also a seller yourself.
Yes. I’m a full-time reseller.
So you are a full-time reseller on top of doing this. You’re not just giving out information, you’re teaching while you’re learning and selling.
Yes. Yes.
Jeez Louise. Oh my Gosh.
I have fallen a little behind on posting the BOLOs lately. So what I recently started doing was taking those links and I’m incorporating them into a video because I post them and then we wait because they’re auctions. And then sometimes I don’t get to go back and see what they actually sold for. So I make a video after the auctions end and then everybody can watch to see what they actually sold for I call that 50 unexpected bolos. So I have a whole playlist on that. That’s a newer series that I’ve come up with. So I’m falling behind on listing those in the group. So I need to get busy.
Because you’re not busy already. Right? You are busy.
I am busy. So then I decided to start a YouTube channel. I think the YouTube channel came about two and a half years ago.
The BOLO buddies channel.
Yes. The BOLO buddies, my main channel.
Okay. With almost 10,000 subscribers.
I am so close to 10,000. I’m so close. I think I’m less than 500 away.
Maybe we can help you get a little closer.
Yeah, that would be awesome. And then I had this crazy idea to start a second channel. It’s called Sourcing With BOLO Buddies and I’m kind of putting, you know, like my garage sale, and my mystery box, kind of the sourcing videos over on that channel. And I started that, gosh, I don’t even know when I started it three or four months ago. It hasn’t been that long…
But clearly there was a need for your viewers that, you know, said, “hey, I’m going to put the sourcing videos separate from the BOLO.”
So I was putting those on my main channel and I felt like those videos were not performing as well on my main channel, but they were still performing decently. So I just felt like I wanted to separate the two channels.
And a third channel.
Yes. Yeah. So I like to add videos to my eBay descriptions when I have items that function. So this shows that my item works and how it works. So if I have a toy that does something, an animated toy that wiggles or sings, or, you know, just does something. So you can add that into your eBay description. So what I do is I put that on this new channel and I add that into the eBay description. And then I was like, I think I can make this a channel. So now I am just loading that channel with anything I find that does something.
Okay. So you’ve got that channel and then the sourcing channel, but the main channel, the BOLO Buddies. So you do a couple of different things on that channel. Are there specific videos that come out at certain times of the day of the week? Like on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays.
Okay. So my main BOLO Buddies channel, I was putting out videos probably before I started the other two channels. I was really cranking them out probably five or six days a week. And then my sourcing with BOLO Buddies to get it up and going, I was really cranking them out. And I think I was monetized within, I think, three months. So maybe that channel has been up, maybe it’s been five months now. Cause I think I’m almost at 1500 subs on that channel. I don’t know. It’s all just a whirlwind, to be honest with you at this point. Everything’s all mixed up. I told somebody, one of my friends the other day, I’m like, I don’t even know anymore. What channel has what subs. I think I’m almost at 500 on the Reseller Testing Products, but who knows when that’ll be monetized, probably never, but I did have this really ridiculous transformer video. It’s like a three step transformer, like the easiest transformer to transform ever. And I couldn’t figure it out and I’m like, I finally figured it out and I got so excited in the video and it’s like a short, they call it the new #shorts and it has like 52,000 views And it’s like the worst thing I’ve ever done. I’ve gotten like 200 subscribers from that video. So it’s kind of funny that, it’s just a ridiculous video and it’s my best video ever.
Oh my gosh. That’s hilarious.
Yeah. Yeah.
The three YouTube channels. The two Facebook groups. Instagram, is there a third, fourth or fifth Instagram we don’t know about?
No, just that one Instagram. And then I have a Twitter account, which I just share my stuff to, but really with Twitter and Pinterest, I just share things to it. I don’t like look at my accounts. I really don’t even look at my accounts on Instagram either. I just share from time to time. I just, it gets to be overwhelming trying to keep track of all of that stuff…
Everything altogether, when you think about it, what is your favorite part of the BOLO community?
I like helping people. One of my favorite things to do is help others grow their channels. I don’t know why. I just really like to help others grow their channels. I don’t know why that, I don’t know why I like to do that because it really has nothing to do with BOLO Buddies. It’s just something about that makes me happy. You know, like when somebody is like, “oh, I got like 15 subs when you shouted me out.” Like that just makes me happy. So I don’t know. I like that. So it really doesn’t have anything to do with my channel, but…
But it has to do with you as a person. And you’re kindhearted nature. Right. I get it. I get it.
So that’s kind of what keeps me going. Cause there’s times where I’m just like, “why am I doing this? This is just overwhelming,” you know? But, I like the teaching side of it. I like helping people learn what to source for, you know, what to be on the lookout for. I really never expected the channel. I don’t know. I’ve had decent growth, you know, like it’s more of a teaching channel. I’m not super entertaining. I guess you could say I’m more of a teacher, I guess…
That’s entertaining to me. That is entertaining to me. I mean, I’m learning and it’s entertaining.
Well I want to look up this Transformers video now.
Oh my goodness. Yeah.
All the videos, all the channels, your super growth and the Transformers video that you referenced is that your most watched video, and if not, what’s your most watched video?
My most watched videos, the ones that people like the most are my Big Money BOLO videos. So those are the items that I am selling. Like I have my Bread and Butter series, which I did these on. I was like, I’m going to try this. I’m going to call it “Bread and Butter BOLOs. And I’m like, it’s probably going to flop. And those actually do pretty well. So those are the items that I pick up cheap and I sell for $35 or less. People really like those because those are the items that you can go to garage sales and you can find pretty easily or thrift stores. Now my Big Money BOLOs are also items that I pick up at garage sales and thrift stores. But those are items that I’m selling for, you know, $35 or more, usually $50, a hundred dollars, a hundred dollars or more. I think my last big money, BOLO video, I think it had 3,200 views, which is really, really good for my channel. I don’t have like one of those channels where I’m getting 10,000 views per video, you know, 3000 views is I’m doing pretty good at that. I did just start memberships on my channel and my membership videos are doing really good. So I’m super excited about that. They’re getting close to 3000 views per video, which to me is fantastic because I am sharing and helping others grow their channels and those videos. So what I do is people become a member, which is basically a perk. It is a paid thing. So they pay $4.99 cents a month, which is, you know, it’s pretty reasonable. They get to be featured in a video. So their BOLO items are featured and I share their channel if they have one and I share their eBay store and I share their BOLO item in a video. And so it’s basically advertising, I’m advertising their BOLO, their store and their channel. And it’s in a video once a month and those videos are doing really good. So I’m really excited about that. So yeah.
Oh, that is awesome. I mean, and really when you think about, cause I really wanted to hear about that too, because I hadn’t heard about that. And when you think about it, $4.99 is just such a nominal fee and people are really responding to that. And I think it’s absolutely amazing. I’ve seen some of those and I love watching them because really we’re resellers at heart. And sometimes we just get stuck in our own little ruts. We do our own little circles in thrift stores or garage sales or consignment stores. Sometimes we forget there’s other sections. And I think that it really helps open your eyes to what people are saying.
Well, what’s great about it is like you said, everybody sources a little bit differently, you know, so they’re helping everybody that’s watching to learn. And all of the people watching are potentially learning about some new channels that they can watch also. I mean, there’s one gal that just started her channel. And I think after the first video, I think she got like 50 new subs just from people watching her because she had really good BOLOs, you know, people are like, “I want to see what else she’s selling,” you know?
So that’s really good.
Yeah. Yeah. That’s a great way to, you know, advertise and some of the people that they just want to share their BOLOs, you know, how cool is it to just be like, I get to see my BOLO on a video, you know, it’s kind of like the BOLO live show I was doing. I did that for, I think almost two years and I took a break and you know, to be honest, I’m like, I kind of like not doing the live show. You know, I was having some issues with the chat not coming up when people would put it in the comments, it wasn’t coming up. Right. And I was like, this is kind of working. So I may just use this instead of the live show. And I don’t know, I think this may just replace it. So yeah, this may just work, so…
I was just telling somebody the other day, nobody gets this business like other resellers. So when you do have that exciting moment and you find that item for a dollar and you’re like, “oh, this will be okay.” And then you look it up. You’re like, oh my gosh, I can sell this for $250. You want to tell everybody, but everybody around you is like, “okay,” so you want to be around people that get it. And that is part of this community. Yeah. And, what I found is so awesome about this community. It’s not like “wish I would have found it.” It’s “oh my gosh, that’s amazing. I want to see what it does for you.” That’s what I love about it for you.
Yeah. But it’s not like you’re bragging.
No, not at all. It’s, you’re, you’re genuinely excited for what you just found and you can flip.
I forget. It was, I had somebody on and they weren’t familiar with the BOLO live show and they’re like, “I get it now” after the show they were playing, “I didn’t really understand it.” It was like, “I thought it was just like, are people just coming on and just like bragging about their finds? Like I don’t understand.” And then they came on and they’re like, “I get it.” And I’m like, yeah, you’re just, you know, it’s really educational. You’re like really teaching, you know, because people were going to go out and they’re going to find these items after they watched the show. I mean, it’s so rewarding when people message me. And they’re like, “I found one of those items that you talked about” and I’m like, “yes, I love it.”
Are you an eBay seller, a Mercari seller, a Poshmark seller? Or are you all across the board?
Yeah. I didn’t even tell you that I use List Perfectly.
Yeah, but when you teach this, you’re teaching this, like, would you say, “hey, this sold here,” you’re not showing just eBay solds or just Poshmark solds. You’re kind of going across the board right?
So I typically divide my videos up. Primary, favorite number one is eBay. I sell the most on eBay. I usually break it down by saying, “if I sell 10,000 on eBay, I’ll be lucky to sell a thousand on Mercari and a thousand on Poshmark.” That’s back before I started YouTube. Okay. Because things aren’t like they used to be. YouTube has decreased my sales. Let’s just say that. But anyway, I need to, I need to find a little bit better balance. eBay is definitely my number one, Mercari and Poshmark are great. But eBay is, if you guys are not selling on eBay, please use List Perfectly and get on eBay. That is my advice to you because it’s just, eBay’s just whole different, there’s no comparison. I mean, there’s just not, I dabble in Etsy, but I have not dabbled lately. I need to get some more stuff on there and Grailed, I stuck my foot in the water for a little bit, but I just don’t have time.
And it’s probably not the merchandise that you typically sell.
Well, I’ve sold some hats there, but I just, I just, it’s a time thing, you know, I just, I don’t have enough time. So I break my videos down into eBay, Mercari, and Poshmark on my new channel. I do a What Sold on Sundays and I will usually release it on Monday or Tuesday, but it’s What Sold on Saturday and Sunday. And that will be Mercari, Poshmark, and eBay. I mixed it up for that video, but it’s typically mostly eBay and a little bit of Poshmark. Mercari has been a little slow lately, but I’ve been a little bit slacking on cross posting. I did a video the other day and I’m like everybody in the comments write “crosslist, crosslist, crosslist.” I have been so busy with YouTube trying to grow this second channel and I’ve been really slacking on cross posting and I, when you slack on cross posting, so do your sales, you know, you need to keep up on that. I was making myself like set aside some time to cross posts and so they really motivated me with all those comments. So I was getting some time in and making myself sit down and do it. And you know, it’s amazing how quick it is when you just sit down and take a little bit of time to do it. It doesn’t take long, you know, it’s really fast if you just make time. So…
So, speaking of that and cross posting and saving time, you’re a List Perfectly user, how’d you incorporate it into your business? What’s your List Perfectly story?
What is my List Perfectly story? So I have a friend, her name is Leah, and she told me about List Perfectly. I kind of blew her off to be honest. And then I kept hearing about it. And then I signed up, I don’t know why I blew her off because that was a dumb thing to do. But my story is I manually cross posted 3000 things from eBay to Poshmark before any crosslisting service was around. So it was before List Perfectly was a thing. I had no pictures saved. So, I had to screenshot every single picture that I had on eBay and cross post that way to Poshmark. And then I did it to Mercari. So I had, yeah, that was before I started YouTube. Okay. So this has been, I don’t know, a while ago, a long time ago. I mean, before YouTube, before List Perfectly, it was awful. When I tried List Perfectly for the first time, I couldn’t even believe what was happening. Like it was perfectly amazing. So, I push List Perfectly because I love List Perfectly. It’s fast, it’s efficient. It’s amazing. So, I love it, but I start on eBay and then I cross post to the other platforms. And the reason I do it that way is because I typically will list on eBay during the day because, like I said, my primary platform is eBay and I like to get as much as I can on eBay during the day. And then I try to use the extra time at night to sit down and cross post. Now the bad thing about that is if I don’t sit down and get that time in, then I don’t always get my items cross posted to the other platforms. So I probably should be using the catalog. And I tell myself that, but the one area that I run into is I like to use Sell Similar.
The thing with List Perfectly, is that I’ve noticed that I’ve run into users that use it so differently than I do. Like what I do works for me, I use the catalog and it keeps my brain sane. Right. But then I have friends and other people who are like, “well, I don’t do that because I do this and this and that.” But what I think is great is List Perfectly is built for so many different types of users. Like Courtney does it this way. Liz does it this way, but we’re both successful at it. And we both save so much time…
Yeah but I see the way Liz does it and I’m a little bit jealous of how Liz does it. And I think I should be doing how Liz does it. But man, getting my 5,000 listings to where Liz does, it seems way overwhelming.
Courtney, I did it with a thousand. So I only had a thousand listings when I did all that. And I was, I was right. I totally get it. 5,000 is a lot of listings. So you know, we’re clearly, we’re both talking as established sellers, but you help sellers across the board from just getting started to expert experienced sellers. What tips or a tip do you have for sellers that are just getting started?
Start slow. Don’t try to do too much. You know, I think everybody goes into it at different levels. Don’t compare yourself to other people, you know, like, “oh, they’re selling so much more than me,” or “why are my sales not where they’re at?” You know, don’t compare yourself. I think that’s a big thing. Sell what makes you happy? I sold clothes because clothes made me happy for a time. And then clothes do not make me happy anymore. I have a whole closet sitting over there full of clothes. And you know what, it’s just going to sit there because I don’t want to do it. It’s all paid for. So I’m just gonna let it sit there until I figure out what I’m going to do with it. And I would love to find somebody that would consign it for me locally. So far I have not been able to find someone. So if anybody lives in Ohio, that is close to me, that wants to do consignment, it’s all new with tags or new without tags. I can’t remember, but I just don’t want to do it. I have no interest. So, yeah, but I have one gal that just started doing hard goods for me on Mercari. I don’t have enough hours in the day. And I would like to have five people to do consignment for me, eBay or Mercari or Poshmark. I don’t care. Just consignment 50/50 split after fees.
You need five people and you have one and you do your sourcing. You’re selling your business, all your YouTube channels, your Facebook channels. So how do you do it all by yourself or with that one person? What is your secret? Is it your support system? Or how do you do it all?
I just do it. I just do it.
I have a feeling you don’t sleep much.
I don’t sleep much, but what I do, you know, I mean, I think when you like or love what you do, you know, it creates a drive and I have a passion for what I do, and I just do it.
So out of that, what is your favorite part of reselling? Is it an action? Is it pictures? Shipping? YouTube? Facebook?
It’s funny because everybody says they hate listing and I really enjoy listing. I mean, I like to list. Sourcing is of course, hands down my favorite thing to do. I like listing, I would say my least favorite thing is probably shipping, like packaging it up. Like, if it’s an item that breaks, I don’t like that part. But, for the sale, I only say that I will not complain about shipping because I’m happy for the sales. If it’s breakable and I have to like, figure out how to, like wrap it in bubble wrap, oh, I don’t like that part. I actually, a friend of mine, went to a garage sale and I found some breakables cause she’s really into like Raggedy Ann and stuff. And I found these breakables. I spent an hour and a half packaging this package for her. And I was like, never again, awful. I was like, you’re lucky you’re my friend. There was like a picture and I was trying to get it all in one box and I’m like, this is not gonna make it. And she’s gonna like to unbox it. And I’m like, you can only air this if everything makes it, you can’t. But yeah, it took me like an hour and a half to package it.
That’s the beauty of clothing. That’s the one beauty of clothing.
Yes. Clothing is great. I love packaging clothing like, yes, I sold a bra. Yes, I sold some jeans because I do still have tons of clothing in my store, but yeah, definitely clothing is great for that. And I do like selling toys for that very reason. I buy mystery boxes and I do a lot of unboxings on my new channel of toy boxes, mystery, toy boxes that I pick up and I will get a lot of like mini figure, little mini figure toys and they’re our bread-and-butter items, but you’ll be surprised.
Like some of them will sell for 10 or $15, but I just throw them in a little, like they’re called a pillow. I think they’re called pillow, uh, mailers. They’re like, I think you put gift cards in them, but my dad’s girlfriend gave them to me. She’s like, you can have them, you can sell them. And I was like, these are perfect to put like little jewelry and things in, but I just stick the toys in those. And they’re great. Yeah. I’ve gotten into selling toys, but they’re really great bread and butter items. And a lot of people won’t mess with them because, um, you know, the profit margins, but I mean, I’m getting, um, by the time it’s said and done for a quarter or 10 cents, you know, I pick them up at garage sales so cheap and you get to, you get to know what these items are worth, you know, and if you can flip it for 10 bucks plus shipping and it’s a little toy and you just throw it in a poly mailer or that little pillow thing and easy money, you know?
So I don’t know. I like, I’m kind of into toys right now. So I don’t know if that’s going to hurt my channel or not because some people are like, I have no interest in toys, but, um, I like toys. I like selling toys. They’re fun. You know, that’s what I mean. When I say list and sell what is what you enjoy and then your job is fun. So I’m not doing clothes. I’m selling things that are fun. You know, toys are fun. They’re easy. Google Lens picks them up. Really easy things with a barcode are easy, but not really fun. Right? Some people like to go up to those garage sales that are pallets. If I see your garage sale that is full of pallet items, I am running the other way. Like, those are not my thing. You know, I don’t like pallet items, but some people love them.
I get it. Those $10 add up. Yeah, those $10 sales. They just add up. Yeah. Who wouldn’t just stop to pick up a $10 bill off the sidewalk you wouldn’t want to just, or a penny. Right? So yes, those $10 bread and butter items definitely add up.
But I’m also the person that walks up to the garage sale and we’ll see a tote of toys. And I’m like “how much for the whole tote?” And I buy the whole tote for 10 bucks and walk away with it, you know? And you can bundle them, you know, if you don’t want to sell them individually. Toys are fun.
So sellers love hearing about other sellers. And one of the things that we love to do is just really ask questions about you. We’re going to go into some what we call rapid fire questions, quick answers. Doug likes to say there’s bonus points…
So we can do it this way too. We can be like, hi, Courtney, welcome to the bonus round. Here’s where you can make up some points. And we’re going to ask some quick, rapid fire questions and you can give us the answers that come off the top of your head. Are you ready? All right, let’s get started. Go ahead, Liz.
So Courtney, what was your first online sale? Do you remember that?
No. Okay. Okay. It may have been, it was probably an audio book because I was just selling stuff that I was, yeah, I think it was an audiobook, but I didn’t document it. I wasn’t planning on being an eBay seller.
Just wanted to get rid of the audio books. I get it. Yeah.
Wasn’t a job then.
So maybe that helped contribute to the evolution.
I’m glad I tried to sell something on eBay.
What was your highest priced sale?
It was a, I don’t know how to say it. I think it’s a Mahjong game and I think it’s sold for $1350, $1,350. I think it was. And I bought it for $40 at a garage sale.
What was your most memorable sale?
That one. Yes. That one. For sure.
What’s your current favorite BOLO?
My current favorite BOLO. I have these bunnies that I picked up at a garage sale and this is such a sad story, kind of, I kind of feel bad, sad. I went to this garage sale and there were these glass bunnies, and I know this is the speed round, but it started out as frogs. And I was like, these frogs are cool. I’m going to buy these frogs. And then he’s like, “well, I’ve got some glass bunnies in the house” and I’m like, “all right, I’ll look at the glass bunnies.” And he brings these bunnies out and he wanted like, I don’t know, 20 or 30 bucks for these bunnies. And I’m like, “oh, I don’t know, glass doesn’t really sell anymore.” You know? Cause I was thinking of glass that I had and I’m like, I’m just going to be sitting on these bunnies. And I think I paid $10. I got him down to $10 for 32 bunnies. Well I got home and I researched these bunnies. And so I paid about 32 cents each form. Right. Something like that. I kind of feel bad now because I’ve been getting between $70 and a hundred dollars per bunny. I thought they were going to be like paper weights that just sat in my house for like ever. So I didn’t even really, I almost left without them. Oh my gosh. I had no idea. So after researching them, it turned out that some of the ones were from a special mold and were made in special colors and were only given to family and friends. And I mean, it was just a really weird random thing. And I got lucky, but I do feel bad. I should have given him his $30 or $20, whatever he was asking. But you know, you always negotiate at garage sales. You know what I’m saying? I should have given him 20. Maybe it was 20. He was asking. But I got, I think I got them for 10.
That’s what he agreed to.
I know, but I have like seven left, seven bunnies. That’s my hero story. If you sold me the bunnies, I’ll bring you your $10 or 15 or whatever it was because I feel really bad. I mean, he did agree to it for $10 and I did buy other stuff, but yeah, I had, I even tried to look them up at the garage sale and so did he and neither one of us could find them at the garage. So it just really ended up being a really rare thing.
That’s awesome. What is your BOLO Holy Grail? Like what is the Holy Grail of BOLOs that you’re looking for?
Oh man. You know, I am so new. Really. If you look at the big picture of how long I’ve really been doing hard goods and vintage items, I’m so new. I mean, it’s really only been close to three years of hard goods for me, really, maybe three and a half. Let’s see the channels. It’s been about three and a half years. So I’m still really new and learning. I don’t really have anything that’s…I’m always just learning. I mean, I’d like to find another one of those games. I don’t know. I mean, I have things that I found that I’ve done really well with and I’m always looking for those things again, but I can’t say that there’s one thing. I found a Rolex at a garage sale. It was a vintage Rolex and my husband wears it. So it’s vintage and I mean, it’s, it’s real and he wears it, but it’s, it’s an old one and he actually collects old watches. So yeah.
Maybe more of those bunnies…
I don’t think I’ll find more of those bunnies. They’re really weird, yeah. I’d like to find more bunnies. Sure. Yeah. I mean, I would definitely know what they were if I found them, but they were in a thrift battle that I did when I first found them and I kind of talked about them and some of them glowed under black light and, but yeah, it was just such a weird thing, but I do feel bad that I negotiated on those. I shouldn’t because I always negotiate. I mean, I always negotiate, but I didn’t realize his price was so good.
Do you keep an eye on his house in case he’s having another garage sale?
It was like an estate and he was from out of town. I mean, he just wanted to get rid of the stuff, you know what I mean? But he had no idea. Neither one of us knew what we were talking about. Oh my goodness.
Well, there you go. Don’t feel bad. This is a therapy session, we’re helping you feel better about the bunnies.
I just admitted how bad I feel about the bunnies.
Courtney. Nobody is mad at you for the $10 bunnies. Nobody’s mad at you. It’s going to be okay.
The Silence of the Bunnies.
Well I know, but think about it if I had 32 of them and I mean, that’s a lot of money that I flipped those bunnies into. That’s better than the game really, if you think about it.
Liz and Doug:
Yeah, yeah.
What’s your favorite List Perfectly feature?
Oh, the bulk cross posting. Bulk. Yeah. Bulk all the way. Oh yeah.
Isn’t that the only answer we’ve heard for this question when we’ve asked the other sellers?
I’m pretty sure.
I mean, yeah. I mean, I’ve done like 50 at a time.
Yeah. I get it. I get it. Everybody loves that. Everybody loves that.
I’m like, I need to go to bed. How many do I want to do? Like, cause I know once I pull them up, I need to finish, you know, before I go to bed. So I have to be smart about how many I…
See all the tabs open on my computer right now? That’s what I was doing right before the show. I know I’m like, it’s killing me. I want to close them, but I can’t.
Yeah. I need to finish. And then I just feel so proud when I’m done. I’m like, I just got 17 on two platforms done. It’s done.
I think it’ll go super-fast. Yes. So how do you do your research on your items? Do you just do Terapeak, WorthPoint? Do you use sold…
I just looked on eBay.
Okay. I was just curious.
So like, if I’m at a garage sale and if it’s cheap, I just buy it. And if it’s $5 or more, I’ll look it up. But I’m really known for making a pile at a garage sale. If there’s more than three or four things that I want, I’ll be like, “can I make a pile?” Like, “will you negotiate if I make a pile and then, or will you bundle?” That type of thing and then got it. Yeah. I like to do that, but yeah, I just search solds on eBay.
Okay. I feel like we grilled you. I don’t like to grill, but I like to just have a conversation. I could probably talk to you for like another hour, but instead I think that I’ll go watch some YouTube videos.
I feel like I talk a lot.
So Courtney remind our listeners where they can find you.
I am BOLO Buddies on YouTube. Just basically, if you type in BOLO Buddies on YouTube, you’ll find both my channels. And then Facebook, same thing, type in BOLO Buddies, you’ll find both my Facebook groups, Instagram BOLO Buddies, actually I’m BOLO Buddies Resellers on Instagram because I looked up BOLO Buddies on Instagram the other day and somebody’s cat popped up. So yeah. I don’t know what that’s all about. Yeah, BOLO Buddies Resellers on Instagram.
And for those that will have access to thesellercommunitypodcast.com/podcast. All of the links will be in the show notes for you to easily access all of Courtney’s platforms. And you’re also a List Perfectly referral member. So, anybody that is interested in joining List Perfectly, or has the List Perfectly simple plan and wants to upgrade to business or pro to take advantage of Courtney’s favorite feature, which is the bulk cross posting, you can save 30% off of your first month or your first upgrade. And your code Courtney?
BOLO Buddies, all one word.
All right. Well Courtney, thanks for joining us. This was a fun chat. I learned a lot. So check out the BOLO Buddies and I will be looking for the Transformers video in particular.
I watched it. It’s pretty cool. Courtney. Thank you so much. I feel like I’ve been sitting here talking to friends, just chatting about reselling and I love it. Thank you again for joining us today.
Thanks for having me.
Seller Shouts and the News
I cannot even begin to tell you all the things I’ve learned from being in the BOLO buddies group and subscribing to the BOLO buddies channel. So, it’s just given me so many sourcing ideas and things to keep in the back of my head, so now when I go to the thrift store or garage sale, they can be like, “Oh, hey! I saw Courtney showed that on our show!” Or, “I saw a member of the BOLO buddies group post that!” If you’re not following, go give them a follow up, check the show notes.
She’s got the bread and butter items and then the big money items, and then balance in between just knowing where to source, how to source what to look for. Also, you know, the bunny story was great. That guy was looking to get rid of his stuff. And if he’d wanted to do some research, maybe he could have. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure Liz. And so speaking to the hashtag challenge, Liz, obviously we’re keeping it going, but we had a couple of usual suspects. Obviously you participated, I participated, Mertini Mercantile participated, Vikki hopped in on it, Teresa kept our participation up. And then we had a new player.
Who is…
Stuart White from Franklin Hill Ventures. He is on Instagram, he’s in our Facebook group, and he responded too. It was so nice to see other people saying, “Hey, yeah, I’m going to get in on this!”
And Stewart posted on Instagram and in the List Perfectly group. So thank you, everyone. We will post something in the group this afternoon where you can see what’s up next week because I have the new list, Liz.
Yes. It sounds like it’s going to be a top secret, good one, huh?
Okay. So we’ll just have to wait until this afternoon to see what you challenge us with.
Secret squirrel stuff.
Yes. So, a lot of news this week.
So last week we announced eBay’s pay per click advertising. Well, we talked about it, because they’d been talking about it. Liz, you were in the June seller check-in this week and they gave out a little more information. What’s new with that?
Yeah. So what’s really great about these seller check-ins is there’s a place for a Q & A on top of a chat. So in the Q & A, I’d flat out, I immediately think “will pay-per-click promoted listings replace the current promoted listings? Or will it be an addition to?” And an eBay employee responded, “It will be in addition to the current promoted listings.” So it sounds like we’re going to get an additional way to advertise our products. Of course, more to follow. They didn’t talk about it during the seller update, but I’m sure it’s getting worked on.
And then last week you had said, you thought it was going to be replaced. So it is in addition.
It is an addition. So speaking of eBay last week, right after that seller check-in, I got an email that eBay’s reopen ready report was out and they have a lot of stats. There was a lot of great information that came up with it. But of note, here are the stats for some items that are having a sales moment right now. Louis Vuitton, Prada and Gucci bags are up 31%. That leads me to believe that luxury handbags are up in general.
10 times the amount of jeans than sweatpants are being purchased. People are getting out.
With their jeans and their handbags. Know your size jeans though.
Oh, Hey listen. I did some retail shopping about two weeks ago. Ah, it was rough. It was rough. (laughing) This was kind of a little bit of a surprise. Rolex watch sales are up 54% on the site.
Hmm. Interesting.
Beverage tub sales are up 59%. So your backyard barbecues, getting out, and for all of you, car sellers, convertible cars are up 34%.
Well, I guess some of that makes sense with summer and everything going on, but then, you know, the jeans are interesting.
A lot of companies are switching to remote only. Like my main gig is going to be remote only. I don’t need to dress up anymore.
I saw that you posted a picture at work, which means you had to get out of the house and get real people working clothes on.
And I wore jeans.
There you go. You know, it’s rare that I go out and do retail, but I was having a hard time, not just finding things that fit my new post COVID fluffiness, but just clothing in general. And I was at one store in particular. I was like, wow, you know, what’s going on? Your shelves are pretty bare. She told me, “We have a lot of people coming in, looking for office wear because people are going back to work.” She’s like, “There’s just a shortage of it.” The sales weren’t plentiful. I’ll pay retail, but I couldn’t even find anything. So maybe I was just looking at the wrong places. I need to go to over 40 stores. (Laughing).
I don’t even know. I couldn’t even tell you.
So, but then that leads me to shopping online.
There you go.
And another site that we use, Doug.
Exciting news that sellers that we talked about last week that I got access to this week, is the Poshmark bulk features.
I’ve seen some back and forth on that. Some positive, some negative, some surprise.
Yeah. So right after we recorded last week, I actually updated my app and I got access to it. And I have to tell you, there’s going to be some, there’s still some clicking going on, but it goes fast. Like I was able to send offers to watchers, like 280 offers. It probably took me five minutes to select those. And about another eight minutes for Poshmark to send out all those offers. That weekend that it came out, that I did that, I probably had one of my better Poshmark selling weekends in the year and a half that I’ve been on Poshmark. And I’m not a huge Poshmark seller. Like that’s not my main gig. Right? So my good weekend may sound pathetic to full-time Poshers, right? And that’s okay. But the point is, I did see an increase with my activity. And I think that this bulk feature will definitely help that, whether or not it’ll all balance out in the end remains to be seen, but it is nice to have.
It sounds like a good thing to me. And I would think it would be a time-saver.
It was a time-saver for sure! There’s still people that don’t have it. Hopefully if you’re listening to this, you have it. Update your app, go to your Poshmark closet and look to the far right hand side of where your name is. And you’ll see a little wrench icon. You’ll click that. And then at the bottom, you’ll see the bulk feature. So you can bulk share to your followers. Bulk send offers to likers and you can customize that. And then you can also bulk reduce prices and increase prices.
All right. Well, I will have to go look in my empty closet this weekend.
There you go.
See if I have it. And then there was another big Poshmark announcement this week, too. So Posh Fest is coming up and you were explaining to me how it’s going to be hybrid this year. And so tickets aren’t available yet, but they will be, it’s going to be in Orlando, Florida, October 8th and 9th. Since it’s hybrid, you can go in person or you can do it virtually. Got that whole spectrum of Poshmark sellers. You’ve got a lot of moms that are silent there that have to think about kids and kid care, I guess you’d say. I think that’s a really interesting option, like, some people will really like that. Save some money, but you still get to participate and hopefully they’ll figure out some cool ways to differentiate it a little bit too. You know what I mean? So it’s not like you’re just sitting there watching videos, but maybe they can, you know, make that a good experience as well.
But yeah, that’s going to be very interesting. Something else, Poshmark, let’s just stay on this Poshmark roll really quick. So yeah. Poshmark also has announced their spring 2021 heart and hustle winner. So a huge congratulations to all those winners!
That’s awesome. Yeah, that’s always good to see that extra recognition and you know, people get really excited about it and it’s just nice that the platforms put these types of things out.
Yeah, they do. And so, you know, I’d heard of the Heart and Hustle Fund and I didn’t look too much into it. I probably should have. Poshmark is providing the seller community with funds and fundamentals to support their business goals this year and beyond. They actually do four of these a year!
Oh, wow. Okay, cool.
Yeah. So this was the spring of 2021. So the applications for summer 2021 grants will open on July 1st. So, tomorrow. Applications for fall 2021 grants will open October 1st and winter 2021 grants will open on January 3rd. There are some requirements, so you can go to poshmark.com/communityfund, and there’s all the details of what the requirements are, and whatnot. So just kind of mark that up, and they give out $5,000 grants and $500 grants.
Nice. That’s cool
Yeah, super cool. So, Congratulations.
Yeah, congratulations! All right, Liz, you know, with news sometimes there’s good news and bad news, and we’ve got a little bit of bummer news.
Oh, I’m going to let you take this one.
Yeah. I get the bad news, thanks!
You’re welcome! (laughing)
So, sellers hate new fees. So I’m sure, you know, you’re aware PayPal is going to start instituting new fees. Venmo is going to start charging fees. So, you know, we won’t go into super detail on that, but just something to look up something to keep an eye out for, so you’re not surprised. But that’s coming. My guess with PayPal, the interesting thing about PayPal right now is the separation from eBay is pretty much done. So PayPal is still an option, but it’s not like a required option. Not your only option.
Definitely keep an eye on the platforms with that in the coming months. I mean, it’s not like they’re going from 2.9% to 12%. They’re just going up a little bit, but every little bit counts. So just to be aware of it. PayPal and Venmo are usually Venmo, especially with Facebook marketplace, people use Venmo a lot. PayPal on sites like Grailed, Heroine, Depop, these are all PayPal based. So definitely just kind of keep your eye out for that.
I know you love this Liz, doing my TikTok dance. Don’t look away!
Ohhhh, hahaha. So is there some TikTok news, Doug?
You know, I love TikTok news.
So we saw this article this week. Very exciting. So they’re doing a lot with small businesses, but they want retailers to come on there as well, but there was a big to-do this week. Bigger than I thought it would be. Retailers looking on TikTok to see what what’s going to sell out, what people want to buy. So I saw a lot of back and forth about that as like we’ll do so TikToks this younger generation, do they have disposable income? And I think they do, but you have to consider your audience. And that’s the type of thing that these, I think the people that are saying that, “Oh, it’s not going to work out. That’s going to fail those. The younger generation. They don’t have disposable income.” A lot of them do, but they’re very picky about what they buy and they’re very brand loyal. And so the article said Gen Z’s affinity for nostalgic styles from the 90’s and early 80’s has helped the brand earlier this year of basic brown Gap hoodie initially sold in the two thousands, took off on TikTok and Instagram. When users posted videos of themselves wearing the classic sweatshirt, the hashtag Gap hoodie has gained more than 5 million views on TikTok and helped rack up the price to as much as $300 on resale sites like Depop and Grailed! I mean, that’s basically a free commercial for these types of things. You know what I mean? And it’s not like marketing, like “you gotta buy this cause you’re cool.” But that’s the beauty, is this type of thing. And it’s hard to predict what’s going to happen, but that’s why I think TikTok is important and cool for retailers and small businesses.
At first I dismissed it. I’m like, well, I’m not on, I’m not going to be following. I’m not doing any TikTok stuff, but it’s important, especially for resellers. Because we’ve talked about this before. Gen Z, 85% are looking to shop used. They’re the ones saying, “I want used items. I want the stuff from the 90’s.” The stuff that we have. So I think it’s kind of important to kind of keep up with those trends and “hey, what’s going?” On another way to do that. Hey, BOLO buddies, right?
There you go. And then when Liz shares her throwback photos of her outfits from the late 80’s and early 90’s, maybe that will start, you’ll start a hashtag too. #momjeans. #bighair. #denim.
Look, man, feathered bangs where the, the thing! I’m telling you. Yeah. So it’s just, I just think that it’s really cool to see that, right? As a seller, I want to know these things. I actually did a post. I saw something and this was a couple months ago. I saw a thing on the BOLO buddies group. Somebody posted a pair of Crocs and I did just kind of a quick little reel showing the sold items on these specific Crocs and the comments were, “I just sold those for 20 bucks, like six months ago.” And my comment was there was probably a TikTok moment where somebody had these exact Crocs and they were hot for three months.
Yeah, exactly.
And that’s what happens. Something from this article, Doug. So I dismissed it and then I went back to it and I found it very interesting because I, you know, I fall into a TikTok hole. You get on TikTok and I’m like, “I just want to see what the trends are.” And then four hours later, I’m watching how to melt cheese. Really, come on. So, this was in the article, it says, but over the course of the pandemic, the app, again, speaking of TikTok, has grown by 87%. Far outpacing Reddit at 25% and Pinterest at 8%, which Pinterest is a great advertising tool for resellers. While YouTube still takes the top spot for in-app spending, TikTok comes in second, according to a March report from the app analysis firm app Annie. So overall consumers across the world spent $32 billion in just the first three months of 2021 on in-app purchases on TikTok.
There you go. And it’s going to keep growing. Again, TikTok is really leaning into this. I think part of it too, this is your think of it as research. Like if retailers are saying, “oh, people are there, aren’t going to buy”, they might not buy your stuff that you’re marketing and you know, a passive way. But if I see something that an influencer is going to wear or an influencer is using, they see a cool video on TikTok, you know, that’s going to be influential on gen Zs.
It really will. So I mean, you think about that brown Gap hoodie. Yeah, somebody could go in, you know, Doug could be wearing a brown Gap hoodie and he goes viral and somebody does an in-app purchase and buys that hoodie. Well, now it’s sold out. Where are they going to go? They said Grilled, Depop. Grilled and Depop is not my first stop shop, but I have teenagers and young twenties in my house. So if they saw something that went viral and I wanted to buy them a gift, my 40 something year old self would go to eBay and buy it, right? So you’re kind of covering all bases, which is a great reason to crosslist. Because you’re getting all the generations.
Exactly. Generational crosslisting.
Gen X?
Gen X.
Gen X!
So what about, we’ve got some List Perfectly news, or reminders I guess. We’ve got the laptop and thermal printer giveaway going on right now. You can win a laptop and a Dymo label printer to help grow your business with List Perfectly and some List Perfectly swag as well. Here’s how to get in on that one. Follow @listperfectly, tag friends in the comments. Each friend equals one entry to win, then that’s it. But Liz, wait, there’s more!
There’s always more.
And the optional ten bonus entries where you share the Instagram post in your Instagram story and tag @listperfectly so they see it. So go over to the @listperfectly Instagram for more on that and get in on that. That’s on my list, is a label printer one day. So I don’t have to print out and cut and tape and all that. Then my printer runs out of ink…
Let me tell you, I love my label printer. We just had a discussion about thermal printers in the Facebook group. And I thought I was so smart. I was cleaning my desk and my Rollo printer. So it’s a little bit bigger than most. It takes up more desk space. I put my printer on top of my label stand as I cleaned and I forgot to take it off. And I printed a label and I was like, oh, wait, that works. So I thought I was so cool and posted a picture like, “Hey, you can put your label printer on top of the stand to save more space.” Oh no, here comes the user. “Oh, here’s my Rollo printer.” I’m like, “where are your labels?” He’s like, “I have a mounted under my desk.”
Oh my, very fancy.
I gotta get right on it. So yeah. Sellers love their thermal printers. I love mine. So definitely get in that contest, get the thermal printer and the laptop so you can do all of your crosslisting on the go.
Yeah Liz, we talked about the Poshmark awards, but there are other awards as well. List Perfectly just launched the community spirit awards and they are cool, like glass? Crystal?
Beautiful actual awards. Like List Perfectly is going to mail you an award. They’re beautiful. Good to go to the Instagram page and look at them.
You can put it by your thermal printer on your desk.
Since you have so much room now.
So Liz, how can someone be eligible to receive a community spirit award?
So really, all you have to do is show your spirit and leadership. Post, comment, answer questions, really just participate, right? Share your experiences, like me learning how to put my labels under my desk. Engage in Instagram, follow List Perfectly, tag List Perfectly in any List Perfectly posts that you may do, share your love of Lists Perfectly with your friends and resellers that you think could benefit from Lists Perfectly. If you are a YouTube content creator, include List Perfectly in one of your videos, tag List Perfectly so they can see it. Anything else, if you want to bake a List Perfectly cake and pose on Instagram or TikTok with your brown Gap hoodie.
That’s right.
Be sure to let List Perfectly know. And really just anything else. Use your creativity! You don’t have to do all of this. You can do one, some, all it’s totally up to you. What List Perfectly wants to see is for those that are in our community, really just sharing the love of List Perfectly.
And a lot of people are doing it already.
They really are.
We’re aware of what’s going on out there, but for a lot of you, it’s just keep doing what you’re doing and it’s going to get recognized.
Tune into a live event. Perfect. You know, we just did the hashtag panel. List Perfectly just had on Danna Crawford from WorthPoint, so tune into the live events that List Perfectly does. Engage in the List Perfectly YouTube channel. List Perfectly has come out with so many, so much great YouTube content on how to use the programs, get engaged in that. There are super seller sessions where Alex, the COO interviews super sellers from our community. Like, post, engage in that, and that’s just kind of showing your community spirit. So you will receive a List Perfectly trophy, List Perfectly goodies, swag, and three months of List Perfectly for free! Any plan you want, go with a pro plan, come on.
Winners are chosen on a rolling basis or as they emerge. So it’s not like a set thing like every week or every month. There may not be a winner one month or there may be a bunch of winners. Anything else? Or is that it? We squeezed a lot of news in this. That’s all the news that’s
All the news that fits. And I think that’s all that we have for this week.
Thank you so much for joining us this week on the seller community podcast from List Perfectly. This week, we talked to Courtney Hayes from BOLO buddies. Don’t sleep on opening your eyes to learn about new things to sell in different niches. Join the BOLO buddies group and watch the BOLO buddies YouTube, and be sure to follow along on Instagram, all the links will be in the show notes.
We had seller shout-outs and we had a bunch of news.
You can find us at thesellercommunitypodcast.com/podcast. Leave a message or ask a question at anchor.fm/sellercommunitypodcast, or email us at podcast@thesellercommunitypodcast.com. You can also post a question in the List Perfectly Facebook group at facebook.com/groups/listperfectly use the hashtag seller community podcast and mention me, Liz, or Doug.
And you can listen to us anywhere that you listen to podcasts, be sure and subscribe. Tell your friends, if you listen to us on apple, please leave a review. You can also review or suggest stuff in the Facebook group or on Instagram and tag us. So we see it. We want your suggestions and then follow us on Instagram @coloradoreworn, that’s Liz, @snoop.dougie, that’s me, of course @listperfectly.
Liz and Doug:
See you next week.
Man! That was good for episode 20!
Yeah, you’d think 20 times maybe we would get it down. All right. Okay. We can sing goodbye.