This week we talk to Theresa, Katy and Victoria, founders of the BOSS Reseller Remix – an innovative gathering of online resellers designed to inspire and motivate attendees to learn from each other and take their reselling businesses to the next level. Prepare for three jam-packed days of networking, panel discussions, and opportunities to expand your knowledge! We also have eCommerce and List Perfectly news!
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Episode 27 Links
BOSS Reseller Remix
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An Analyst’s Review of the Star Seller Program
Welcome to episode 27 of the seller community podcast. I’m Doug.
And I’m Liz.
This is a very special episode, Liz, as you know. I mean, besides the fact that it’s the most guests we had at one time, which was interesting, but why is this a special episode, Liz?
Well, all of our episodes are very special, but this is the first podcast where we have had three prior guests on all at once to talk about something super awesome that is coming up for the reseller community!
It’s like a reunion special!
Almost, almost.
But without revealing too much. What you said, something special is coming up. I mean, I guess I would reveal something here, but it’s a big event. It’s the hugest seller event this year. Hugest in-person seller event this year, for sure.
We are about to talk to Theresa, Katy and Vikki about the biggest multi channel reseller event of, I was going to say the last year, but I would be wrong.
Could be of the universe!
Of the universe. Of at least the last two years.
Yeah, no, I agree. Especially what you said, multichannel. That’s important to note, not just eBay, not just Amazon, not just Mercari, not just Etsy, not just Depop.
Not just Poshmark.
And all those others that I forgot.
Right. So, but before we get into that, how’s your week been going? Doug?
It’s been all right. You know, a lot of unpacking.
Yeah? Are you all moved in now?
Well, I would say all this stuff is in the house, but there’s still a lot of boxes that are in a state of unpacking-ness. I found, I did find obviously the Morrissey Funko pop travels with me. So he was fine. I found my other Funko pops. My books are out. I found my lap desk and then, you know, Mer is doing the majority of the unpacking and organizing. Kitchen is pretty much set. You know, we’ve definitely got too much stuff, too many books, but the office is pretty much organized and functional. As you can see the podcast studio in the upstairs master closet is functional. Listeners can’t see the crazy chandelier up above my head. It’s Phantom of the Operaesque. It lowers in the middle of the show to terrify the audience.
There you go. Up and coming during this interview that we’ve had with our friends…
Oh, and then so unpacking kids back to school this week. That’s been interesting. My daughter’s a senior. My son is a freshman. He had his first technically a scrimmage, but his first real football game against another team. Kind of played a dirty team. So that’s why it was a good experience they were throwing punches and trying to start fights. But he did well, he played on the O line and the D line. So he had fun. He did a good job. First play, he kinda got knocked on his butt, but he got back up there, lowered himself and then did well. And then they won like 35 to zero. So that’s good.
Holy cow! That’s awesome. So you stayed very busy this past week.
Yeah. You know that and the side gig or, I mean the main gig. How about you? How’s things out there in the CO?
You know what? I’m sitting here reflecting on the last week and I can’t remember any of it. I think it was a typical, boring, uneventful, nothing happened except for the day-to-day life of a reseller and family.
Well, you listed, you shipped, you sourced.
Yep. I didn’t source. So I did a very good job bulk shopping the last couple of months that I don’t need to go anywhere. I told my husband, I was like, babe, I really feel like shopping this weekend. And he’s like for yourself or for the business. And I was like for the business, he’s like, okay, I’ll drive you to the storage unit.
To show you what you have, is that what it is?
Exactly. He’s like, you can shop from your own inventory. No, I’ll tell you I’ll drive you and I’ll drive you directly to the storage unit, which, you know what it’s I think our storage unit is like three quarters of a mile from the house. It’s not even on a hill, which makes it easy. And it does keep me out of the stores. I go in and I open it and I’m like, yep, here we go.
That’s rad. He’s like, “Yes! I’ve been waiting for this setup for weeks!”
He really has. (laughing)
So are you telling us that your downstairs shower is still not full of stuff?
It’s not, there’s nothing in it.
It’s an actual shower now?
Yes! (laughing) Okay. Are you going to put this in the podcast? Because I feel like if you’re going to keep this in the podcast, I really have a lot of explaining to do. Okay. Sellers, please. You can totally relate to this. If you have a lot of inventory, let me explain.
Wait! No, no, you got to hear from me. And then Liz can give her justification.
Oh my God!
The first time I was at Liz’s house. I’m down in the basement and following her all around as you guys have heard this story they’re like, “we know you went to Colorado and you’re documented Liz.” So I was doing all that. And then, she showed me around downstairs and she’s got a big basement and she’s got a lot of stuff in her bins in her office. Then she has another room. And then she says, “and I’ll show you this. She’s like, I don’t show this to anybody.” And she takes me in the bathroom and whips open the shower curtain. And it’s full of stuff. The Liz shower story.
Yes. Yes. So it’s quite a lot less uneventful than that. Yes, I do have a finished basement. However, on Colorado standards, it’s not a big basement. So I work out of a bedroom in the basement. There is a small living room and then there’s a smaller unfinished room. And then there’s a full bathroom. Well, I work down here. We have no use for a full bathroom down here. So to maximize space, as any smart person would do that, likes to shop and hoard, I mean, save inventory. You find creative ways to store your items and that would be in tubs in your tub. Now, I know I’m not the only one that does this. I will not call out any names, but if you’re listening, you know who you are. I may have learned this from another reseller. So, I had family in town and the kids stayed down in the basement and I had to give up that bathroom for guests. So I had to, when I expanded and bought even more, that’s when I was like, okay, well I can, when I go to do these big bulk purchases, I’m going to need a storage unit which got that out of my house. So when I shop, I can go to the storage unit and it is empty. And I do have house guests coming in October. And I promised them that I will not have tubs in my tub so that they will have a place to shower.
Tubs in my tub.
I will not have tubs in my tub. So now that we’ve looked into my whole personal storage.
Into your tub.
Yes. Oh dear. So I just admitted that to all of the tens of people that listen to us, Doug.
Now, are there any dirty secrets you want to reveal about me? So we’re even, or are we, are we all right?
I don’t know. What do I know about you? I don’t think that I know anything about you, Doug. What can you tell us?
Well, I would tell you, it’s like, I’m thinking about this. It’s like storing boxes in the tub… Oh, we do have a downstairs shower that we might not use that much. Maybe we’ll stack some boxes in there!
It’s not a bad idea if it’s extra storage space~.
Tubs in the tub.
Yup. We have no use for that bathroom or for that bathtub. So it’s my dry storage area if needed. I don’t need it anymore. So that’s good.
It is a good thing.
It is. It is. So Doug, this serves as a reminder to me that next week, I better have a story about what happened for the week or else you’re going to pull out like these reseller storage secrets. Like where do you store your inventory? Who knows what you’ll get out of me next week? I’m going to have to just concentrate on what happens next week. So I have a good story. So now that I’m sweating and embarrassed, actually, I’m not, I’m actually, that’s pretty creative if you ask me. So I’m not embarrassed about that at all. Go to List Perfectly Facebook group and tell us some awesome ways you save space and you make use of every square foot of your place.
Yeah, no, that’s, that’s a good one.
So, but in the meantime, Doug, I’m super excited about this episode, super excited about our interview. So today we’ve mentioned, we’ve got Katy, Vikki and Theresa from the Boss Reseller Facebook group, talking about the Boss Reseller remix event that will be held in Las Vegas in person this October. What do you say we get started?
Yes. Yes. Well, we also have the news, Liz.
Yes we do.
Let’s pay the bills.
The seller community podcast is brought to you by List Perfectly every week for your enjoyment and show notes are found at thesellercommunitypodcast.com/podcast. So let’s get started with our featured guests.
BOSS Reseller Remix: Learn, Network and Have Fun
We’re joined today by Katy Zilverberg, Vikki Egan and Theresa Cox of the BOSS reseller Facebook group. That’s not why you’re here today. Vikki, tell us why we’re all here today.
Hi Liz. Hi Doug. We are here today to talk about the BOSS Reseller Remix.
Yes! So Vikki, tell us what the BOSS Reseller Remix conference is.
The BOSS reseller remix conference is a conference that Theresa, Katy and myself are putting together. Coming up in October of this year. It’s a three-day conference where we’re bringing resellers together from all different platforms to learn from one another and to get together and network and learn how to step their business up to the next level and learn how to be better resellers in whatever platform they want and try to take their business further and better.
That’s awesome and exciting. And just so everybody knows, or so for people who don’t know you, let’s go around and introduce yourselves.
Okay. I can start. Hey, I’m Katy Zilverberg and I’m here with Vikki, and for anyone who doesn’t know us, we actually have a YouTube channel. Surprisingly it’s called Katy and Vikki, where we talk about reselling. We fight with each other. We have fun. We have a weekly show where we do a whole, it’s just a fun kind of show that we do to get together with our community online. And then we also help Theresa run the BOSS Facebook group.
I’m Vikki. I’m the other half of Katy and Vikki. We are a reseller couple. We have two different businesses. We both sell online on multiple platforms and we co-host our YouTube channel and help Theresa run the BOSS Facebook group where we help teach other resellers, how to sell and how to up their business.
I’m Theresa Cox and I am a reseller I’ve been selling for over twenty-five years on eBay. I’m known as the eBay girl, but I have branched out to many different platforms. I think I’m on 11 different platforms now because of List Perfectly. And I help run the BOSS reseller remix conference with Katy and Vikki, but I run the BOSS Facebook group. I have a pathetic Instagram account. I have no YouTube channel, but I’m just here.
But wait, something that Katy, Vikki and Theresa left out is your episode numbers. So, Theresa is episode four of the seller community podcast. Vikki is episode six of the seller community podcast, and Katy is episode 15 of the seller community podcast. So you are no strangers. You are podcast family. If you want to find out more about each of these sellers, go make sure you check out those episodes that we did in the past. It’s
Liz’s deep statistical analysis of your pattern. Theresa had wanted to do every 10, which we did okay with you. But now she’s a couple off. So I know that it’s going to bother her.
No it’s not.
It already is. She was supposed to do four, 14, 24 and 34.
You guys are going to just make this episode 34 and the stars will be back aligned.
Yeah, we’ll hold it until after the remix one. Okay. So you’ve introduced yourself. So tell us a little bit about the BOSS Facebook Group.
Okay. So the, I started the BOSS Facebook group about four years ago with the idea of having a group where people could ask all kinds of questions and it’s BOSS is a business for online selling success, because it’s all about the acronym. And the idea when I started, it was to talk about all the things that people didn’t like to talk about, like taxes, and can you write this off and stuff like that, that all sellers need to know, when running their business. And when I found out very quickly is that people get really bored with talking about that stuff. And Katy and Vikki were helping me admin and they were running their channel. And so it sort of morphed into this awesome group of a lot of sellers that love to help each other. I don’t have a lot of rules. We don’t have a lot of rules in the group, which I like it that way. I like groups to be able to self police themselves. And so, you know, if somebody asks a question, it’s the thousandth of times they’ve asked the question, I’m not going to make you go search it. It’s like, if somebody wants to stop and answer it, they’ll answer it. If you don’t want to answer it, scroll right by. But it turned out to be a very safe place, positive. We have like an incredible engagement in that group. And, it’s just lots and lots of resellers. We’ve grown to about 7,600 members. And you know, it’s just, we talk about all platforms and there, it started out, you know, because we started out being eBay sellers. It started out being very eBay centric, but now people will ask questions about Etsy and Mercari and Poshmark and so on and so forth. So I love how it’s grown. I know it will continue to evolve. Liz is also an admin in there, Katy and Vikki, and a couple of other people run the Facebook group and all, what is it? Six admins will be at the BOSS reseller remix conference in October.
What was the idea of the BOSS Reseller Remix? How did this come together?
So we were talking last year. So last year, the year 2020, the year that never was, is kind of what we recall. It feels like so last year, pretty early on in the year, eBay had announced that they were going to have eBay Open, be virtual, and that was before the pandemic had hit. And once we had heard that happened, the three of us were talking one day and we said, well, we really want to have our own little eBay Open. So why don’t we do that? Why don’t we throw our own little conference? So the foundation was laid at that time, we started talking, we had chosen a venue. We had a loose idea of what we were going to do and the topics we wanted to discuss and then the world shut down. So we were about two weeks away from launching our ticket sales and realized that we could not possibly have this event safely, and, so we had to postpone. And here we are a year plus later. 18 months later, and we’re ready to have this event. And yes, the world is a little, still, a little bit different, but we’re really happy to get together and have an in-person event. As far as we know, this is the very first and the only in-person reseller event that is going to be happening this year. We do know that there is Poshfest happening in person the week before on the other side of the country. But this is the first reseller event that is going to be for multi-platform sellers, the resellers. And we’re really excited to have it. It’s an intimate type of event with about 300 people.
I think one of the key things about our event and one of the reasons we wanted to put on is that it’s seller led. eBay has their event, Posh has their event. And, you know, we’ve all been to eBay Open, those of us here, talking today. And a lot of you guys listening have been to eBay Open and I think everyone can agree that what’s the most exciting and the most rewarding and the most informational is the interactions with other sellers, the networking, the getting to know other sellers and the best, the best sessions are always the ones that are actually led by sellers. Those are the ones that I personally get the most out of. And so we kind of took when we decided we were going to do this event because eBay Open wasn’t having one. We were like, let’s take all the things that we’ve like complained about over the last several years, all of the criticisms, and we’re going to take all the things that we think should go into an event and they get happened with the seller led event. And who knows? Maybe we will realize that it’s harder than we thought, or maybe we’re going to pull off the most spectacular seller led event in the history of the world! On the plus side, we also took all of the things that we love the best from eBay Open, and we stole all of their fantastic ideas, blatantly stole their fantastic ideas and used them for our own events. So the really best parts of eBay Open, we are hoping to replicate and make even better for our event. And like Theresa was saying about the kind of the makeup of BOSS Facebook group, and kind of where it’s evolved over time, our event is similar where, yes, a lot of the people going are probably going to be eBay sellers, but we’re also going to have a lot of posh sellers. A lot of us, I would say the majority of us probably are multi-platform now, you know, for me, it’s, eBay, Etsy, Mercari, Grailed, Instagram. So it really is an event that’s for everyone. I think there’s going to be one session that is being led by somebody from eBay exclusively. Otherwise everything is applicable to pretty much any platform for resellers.
So I was going to say, I’m sitting here thinking about this. I think between all of us in this podcast, collectively, we probably have about a hundred years of experience selling. Right, right. So we kind of like the two of you have come to the three of you have come together. We know what sellers need. We know what sellers want. They tell us all the time, we know what we need, but putting on an event, is this something new to the three of you?
Well, for me, putting on a reseller event is new that’s for sure. I do have a background in running a large multi-million dollar non-profit organization. So I have put on several very large events. And so I’ve done a lot of event planning. So that part is not new to me, that the type of putting on events and doing event planning and the details and all of those types of things are not new. And a lot of it is very similar. This is just for a different audience. So that part I really did understand and how to handle on, and I’ve done a lot of it for me, that part was, is not different. This is to a different audience. So the marketing and the getting this information out to the right audience is very different for me. Absolutely. But the content and the making it happen and the choosing the venue and all of the details in that and making it turn out to be a spectacular event, that was not different. That I have experience in. So I will tell you it’s going to be fantastic because I am nothing, if not a perfectionist. So, and I know that the two people that are doing this with me are also perfectionists and we’re all very detail oriented. So know and we’ll tell you that we are not putting on a half-assed event.
So yeah, my professional career, I have a lot of experience with events as well. You know, I have my master’s in nonprofit management and I worked for Habitat for Humanity and affiliate in Oregon for years as a program manager, that is a resource development director. And then as executive director. And one of the things I did year after year after year was to organize and put on events. And some of them, you know, we’d have our big auctions, which would be 300 plus people and all kinds of different events like that, where you had to take care of every single detail from the entertainment to the decor, to table settings, to interacting with the people, to, you know, there’s a million different things to go into an event like this, and you have to juggle all of them and bring them together and create an experience for the people attending. And they expect a certain level of pizazz and wonderment and fun. And so for me, like that is very familiar, even if it wasn’t in the reseller setting that I was doing it before. And actually Vikki and I were talking about this and kind of laughing this last week because the venue that we’re at, you know, as far as some of the stuff, like they take care of that for us, it’s in the package, you know, things like tablecloths. And I’m like, man, like when I was doing events in the past, like we had to rent the tablecloths, we had to rent the tables and chairs. We had to set everything up and I’m like, I feel, I almost feel like some parts of this. It’s like, oh, thank God. We don’t even have to deal with those details.
Right? We don’t have to do tables. I didn’t have to pick out the silverware. I didn’t have to pick out centerpieces. This stuff was done for us. I’m like, that is so much easier. We’re so lucky that this venue does a lot of this for us. And that’s so much of the detail that we can put our time and energy into other stuff.
And I’m able to focus on marketing and stuff like that, which is what I have a lot of experience with. And like I said, creating the experience, which I think is super important for people to just have a really amazing time and come out of this feeling like they had so much fun, but also learned a lot at the same time.
And I’m just over here doing all the budget stuff.(laughing) #Numbersgeek.
Yeah. It’s nice having somebody who keeps track of all the numbers and writes the checks and balances the budget and whatnot.
Listen, I am not going to be doing a spreadsheet or an Excel spreadsheet because I still at 46 years old, do not know how to use Excel. So I began writing everything in a ledger, like it was 1872. So thank goodness Theresa can do this! I’d be doing this long hand addition, subtraction, division.
Does your pen have a big feather?
Speaker 2:
Yeah, I need an Abacus. Really. (all laughing)
So what’s it cost and what’s included in the ticket price?
So the ticket price is $295. You can purchase the tickets right on the website, and I’m sure that there’s going to be information for that, but it is at resellerremix.com pretty easy to find. $295. That includes your ticket for three days, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. And what that includes is your three days of sessions, your registration will include a little swag bag, of course. Your three days of seller led sessions and panels. And that is also going to include your beverages every day. We’re not going to include food, but we will have multiple gourmet food trucks on site for the food break. So you don’t have to leave the place if you don’t want to. You’re fully capable of leaving, if you’d like to. You’re going to have a 90 minute break for lunch, but I guarantee we’re going to have so much good food there that you’re going to want to stay on site and then network, grab your food, network and hang out and talk with people. That’s what we intended. On Thursday night, our very last day of the event, we are having a huge party. And the night of the party, there is going to be a red carpet event, as you arrive to the party. We’re going to break Thursday’s session. We’re going to break for a couple of hours. You’re going to go back to your hotel. You’re going to get all dolled up if you want. The party doesn’t have a theme, but we do have some people threatening to come in costumes. So please feel free to zhuzh it up however you’d like.
I want to!
Come on.
I know! I’m zhuzhing it up, right? So come back, we’re going to have a red carpet. We will have a professional photographer for the red carpet doing photos. We will have the Posh Kings, Brad and John on the red carpet doing live red carpet coverage, doing interviews.
And they’ll be live streaming it. So even for you guys who aren’t going to be there, you’ll be able to follow the live stream of the red carpet.
And then once you get into the event, it will be a fully catered party. So we will feed you that night. It’ll be a fully catered party and we will have a band for the first hour. And then there is a DJ all night and a cash bar, and there will be plenty of photo stations set up for you to take some fun selfies, do your own little recordings, whatever you want to do, but it’s going to be a lot of fun. It’s going to be a fun party. I will say that while we’re not providing lunch, there will be snacks along with the beverages and actually Alley of Ralli Roots is highly invested in what the snacks will be, and she will be consulting with us. (laughter) It has been requested that there be some sort of meat stick. (all laughing) So there will be snacks, but we will be breaking for lunch. So basically we’re telling people like, I mean, budget $20 total for your lunches on Wednesday and Thursday from the gourmet food trucks.
And we will have vegan options. We do have several people that are vegan. There will be vegan options on at least a couple of the food trucks that will be there. So there will be food for you for those of you that are non carnivores.
And that ticket price is going to include so much more that we’re going to talk about. But that’s, you know, that’s just your tangibles. Super cool venue. Theresa, can you tell, tell us more about this venue?
Sure. The Blind Center of Nevada assists people who are blind or visually impaired. It’s an amazing facility that I was able to tour when I was in, at an open probably three years ago. They have a music room and they have a musical performing rock band. They have a performing glee group. They do arts and crafts and ceramics, and they have physical fitness. They have an awesome two lane bowling alley, which is kind of cool. They teach braille in Spanish and English. And the thing that I was most blown away from, is their electronic recycling center. And when I was there, they gave a tour of this facility and what it is, is basically they are, this is what kind of ties them to the reseller community is that they have this huge operation in the back room to recycle and resell computers, VCRs TVs, all kinds of any kind of electronic thing. And it’s all like, there are visually impaired and blind people creating listings on eBay. And so for those people that like, oh, I can’t get any listings done. I think about, I mean, I saw that they have this monitor and the font was really, really big, but you know, that’s visually impaired. And so, but the fact that they can still do it just blows my mind. And then we were watching some guy just taking apart a server in the back, just like he knew exactly where all the screws were and like boom, boom. He had that thing taken apart faster than you and I could with our sight. And so I’m excited for the facility. It’s an amazing facility. And what Katy and Vikki were talking about with the stuff that’s included in you renting their facility is phenomenal and I’m excited to be able to support this group, support the community and just give back. And again, I love the connection that we’re not just having this at any old facility. It’s a facility where they have taken their resources and eBay, and if I’m not mistaken, it paid for the building of their current building, which was like an eight or $9 million building. And when I remember a $4 million building?. So yeah, so what I remember from the tour that I took a couple of years ago, and I know this from working with nonprofits, is that nobody that gives money wants it to go to administration and administrative costs. And because you have this eBay business, they are able to take their donations and put it towards the programs that the people donating want. So, you know, their program for them to take groups twice a week to go grocery shopping or whatever they might do. And then the administrative stuff is paid for from their eBay business, which I think is a phenomenal business plan!
Yeah. I love that so much. I love that I’m going to Vegas, and I know that my ticket price includes a venue that is helping fellow resellers with resources. I mean, this isn’t just going, and I won’t name out any big names that I normally stay at, but I think that it’s this special connection that we get to be included in, in helping resellers, helping resellers.
Well, and not only was the building built basically with cash that they raised themselves, but they built it as a revenue generating building in itself. It was built with the idea that they would be able to not only run their programs there, but also use it as a venue space that they can rent out for weddings. And like, I was talking to somebody recently and they were like, that’s where we’re having our company Christmas party. And it’s such an amazing space and that generates revenue as well. So that’s the thing, it’s like what you’re saying about ticket price. It’s like, yeah, some of the people’s ticket price they’re giving back to this organization and it’s supporting a great cause.
Which is a fantastic nonprofit organization. Their chefs and their kitchen is a full gourmet chef that works there and he is vision impaired. So they are doing the catering in-house, their food is like four or five star food. It’s fantastic. We could not have chosen a better venue to use for many reasons. It has limited our capacity a little bit for the size of the event, but I think for the first few years, I think this is where we want to stay and keep it at this place and this size, because of all of these reasons.
I love that so much. I love the thought process that went into the location.
Yeah. I’ve been there too. It’s super cool. Very nice. Very good choice. So let’s talk. So we talked about the ticket price and what’s included but, you know, with an event like this, there’s a lot of extra stuff too. It’s like, you know, like with eBay Open, a lot of sellers go and all they do is network. Some of them don’t even go to any of the panels. Obviously you want to go to the panels, but there’s huge networking opportunities. You’re going to meet a bunch of sellers, a bunch of influencers. You’ve got the parties, but it’s not a nine to five thing either. So, you know, talk about that a little bit, like the opportunities to network, to meet influencers that you know, sellers that you know, but it’s just so much more than just panels and things like that, and parties. It’s almost like, well it is Vegas. So technically it is 24 hours a day.
Well, yeah. You know, so recognizing that at least for all of us, our experience is that we love the part where we can just get to hang out with other sellers, we just get to talk to other sellers and hear about their experiences. And also just like have fun with them. Cause we’re kind of a crazy, nutty, eclectic group of people, that when we get together, we have so much fun. And so outside of the event we wanted to make sure to kind of really take advantage of the opportunities we have to interact with each other. And first of all, everyone’s going to be staying down in the Fremont, you know, Las Vegas, downtown area. And if you’ve ever been there before, it’s such a contained area of all these big hotels and casinos, but literally you can walk up it in like less than 10 minutes, cause it’s not that big. So I almost feel like, this is like Vegas, I guess I was going to say summer camp, but fall camp for resellers. Because we’re all going to be in the same area. And so, you know, the event goes from the 19th to the 21st, but we actually have on the 18th, because most people should be coming in at least the day before the event, we are on the 19th gonna have, sorry, on the 18th going to have a meet and greet. And so we’re all gonna meet up at the Golden Nugget, most likely at the Rush Lounge, which is right in the middle of the Golden Nugget. But it’s a big open space with lots of bars and everything all around. We’re going to meet up there for a meet and greet. And so our experience with eBay Open in the past, we’ve kind of had an unofficial meet and greet always before the event would start. And that’s one of the best times. That’s when you get to see your friends you haven’t seen forever. That’s when you get to meet people that you’ve been talking to online forever, you meet them for the first time finally in person. And so we wanted to make sure we got that opportunity to kind of ease people in and you can feel a little bit better. Some people are going to be anxious about the event and getting to meet other people and talk to other people. It’s going to be energizing and we’re going to be right there in downtown Las Vegas. And then Tuesday, that’s kind of like, I guess a recovery day, like you’re gonna go register at noon so you can sleep in a little bit. Maybe your jet lag, maybe a little hung over, registration at noon, you have a half day of stuff. And then that night you can either just chill out in your hotel room, kind of catch your breath a little bit or go do your own thing.
Or go to dinner with your new friends!
Or whatever you want to do. You can do whatever you want. And then Wednesday you’ve got a full day of the convention and then Wednesday night is going to be super crazy fun. We’re calling it the Fremont Night Crawl and going to meet up in Container Park, which if have you been there before, there’s the enormous, gigantic praying mantis that spews fire out of its antennae, and that’s to music. It’s really cool. So we’re all gonna meet up there. And then, hopefully like there’s gonna be 300 of us that are gonna take our parade of crazy people, down the street to Fremont, to just have fun, enjoy the live music there. Have fun with each other, maybe do some gambling, whatever it is we want to do, just have a really fun time together. And so that’s going to be Wednesday night. And then as Vikki was saying earlier, Thursday night is going to be our big closing party. That’s going to happen at the venue. You’ll have a couple hours break to go home and change. But List Perfectly is sponsoring this amazing party. And like Vikki said earlier, there is going to be the red carpet, professional photography. We’re going to be dancing like crazy. You haven’t seen a dance floor until you’ve seen a dance floor with Doug on it. Seriously, it’s going to be a blast! So I feel like people are gonna be exhausted by the end of this week, but they are going to have so much fun.
I don’t recall the story Wade told about him and I having a dance off. So, we’ll revisit that one.
We’re going to make it happen again. And that’s the other thing, because this is such a small, relatively small group. We’re talking 300 people as opposed to maybe like 2000, 3000 people. We’re going to get so much quality time with each other. We’re going to have an opportunity to get to know each other. Some of our speakers are people who have bigger followings. So if you are fans of theirs, you’re going to have a lot more time to get one-on-one interaction, quality, fun time with people that you’ve been wanting to get to know for a long time. So I think it’s just going to be all around just a really, really fun event.
Well, and I love exclusives. So I’m going to throw this down right here. I am challenging #danceoff. I am challenging Casey Rockstar Flipper, and Wadesventures to a Soul Train style, dance off. (all laughing)
Oh, okay folks, you heard it here first!
I should get my camera now.
Live stream it, take photos, freestyle!
We’ll make sure to tell them they need to listen to this episode because they need to get to hear the challenge.
That’s right! Put it out there.
I’m going to tell you that my challenge, as it is every year, is to top my previous year’s photo or video of Casey.
Wow. That’s going to be tough.
Because every year it gets more and more humiliating.
For him!
More and more scandalous.
For him.
Well, sadly, that’s what outfit I was going to wear to the party. But now I can’t (All laughing).
You still can, Doug. You still can.
So, and then that’s going to restart your TikTok. I’m really scared right now. (laughing) Okay. Hey, let’s do this, Doug. Hashtag dance-off is a little generic. How about hashtag RR dance off?
All right.
Write this down. Everybody. #RRDanceoff. Reseller Remix Dance-Off. We’re going to have to follow it. You’re stuck with it now, Doug.
Follow it. Maybe I’ll start warming up.
That’s the new hashtag so start using it because we’re going to start using it. It’s a thing.
Yes, yes! So I will tell you, I’m super excited that this is going to be on Fremont Street, kind of that smaller feel in every year past that we’ve been in Vegas, I’ve always felt like I’ve been torn so many different ways and I’ve never even made it to Fremont street all the years that I have been to Open.
You’ve missed out!
That’s crazy!
I know! I got all dressed up one night and I never even got out of the casino because I kept running into people. And I never even made it to the Uber, right? So this is super fun. I’m so glad that it’s contained. I’m super happy that it’s small. This is going to be so much fun. I mean, yeah, all the night stuff, Liz is about to win a million dollars at a slot machine. I’m just going to throw that out there. #LizwinsVegas.
I would like to say that we went out to do a recon mission on Fremont to get some photos and stuff, I did play the Simpsons game and won like over $200. So just saying.
There you go, you were warming it up for me. Thank you very much. I appreciate you. All of that stuff sounds really fun, but can we get in kind of like the agenda, like the meat of what this conference is? Well, for me, the meat of the conference is meeting people.
The learning part.
Yeah, the learning part. If you don’t mind, can we kind of run through the agenda, like a rapid fire, like, Hey, tell us who’s going to be there, who’s speaking, and on what? I could talk about all of these speakers for hours on end.
So this is our first time that we’re going to be talking. This is the first time we’re actually going to be talking about the specific sessions. And Katy has done a fantastic job of putting together what the actual sessions are. They’re not in any particular order. We still have to figure out the finagling of the scheduling to accommodate some people’s schedules, but we’re going to do a session on bookkeeping and taxes with everybody’s favorite CPA, Mark Tew, from not your dad’s CPA. We are going to do a session on inventory management with our very lovely Theresa Cox. The most organized person I’ve ever met. Someday I am going to hire her to come out and come into my garage and live there for a month and make it look like hers. We are going to do a session on hiring and managing employees for those of us that want to level up our business that is going to see with Trish Glenn. And we are going to do something on sourcing big to scale up with Casey Paris, Rockstar Flipper, a session on storage units and selling through YouTube auctions with Wade Coggins.
I feel like a lot of people are doing, like they call them live auctions I’ve noticed from watching them recently. There are a lot of sellers, I don’t really pay attention apparently, cause there’s a lot of sellers out there who are selling on YouTube, live auctions,.
And they’re doing it, and they’re doing it well. So we’re just going to talk about how he has moved a lot of his business from selling online through eBay and such, and to selling through YouTube auctions and how he has scaled that business and how you can do it. We’re going to be having a session with Clara and Amanda, our favorite List Perfectly founders, talking about cross posting. They’re going to be hosting a session, actually talking about cross posting to grow your business through using List Perfectly. And that is going to be a session where we’re going to have Brad and John, the PoshKings talking about their business and how they have increased their business by using List Perfectly. And also we’re going to have Sydney L thriftingdebutante talking, and in that session as well, we are going to have a session on non-profits and reselling and how the two can work together. That will be Laurie Wong and a representative from the Blind Center will be talking there. Social selling, Instagram, networking. That’s going to be a session led with Jesse and Austin. The two young men that own Yesterday’s Fits, a streetwear shop here in Las Vegas. And Barry Afro vintage, who is a friend of ours, also here in Las Vegas, who is an Instagram seller. Also Selling Street where they have two different ends of the spectrum. Jesse and Austin are super young and very successful. And Barry is the OG Streetwear Seller that’s even older than I am, if you can believe that. And, they’re both super successful at what they do. And they’re going to talk about how they’ve gotten there and how they continue to grow their business. We’ll have a session on building community and we will have a representative from eBay community. We’re going to have Star Bryson who, Flipping Hippos, who talks about her Facebook group and her community there. We’ll have Diane LaFond, who will be talking about eBay meetup groups, and that’ll have three different types of community talking there. We’re going to have diversifying your business and building wealth in multiple ways. And that’s going to be our main session with Ralli Roots, Ryan and Alli Roots. We’ll have a session on research. How to do research and how to comp your research. And we’re going to have a representative from eBay discussing Terapeak, and we’re going to have a Wil Shipley, the owner of Worth Point coming and talking about WorthPoint. We’ll be talking about those two businesses and how they are similar, yet different and how you can use them in depth for your business. We will have a smaller session on eBay from eBay, with Sharon McBride, talking about eBay government relations and how different things in government can affect your business and how you can be on top of what that is doing and how you can get involved. And our last panel, again, in no particular order is going to be a local Las Vegas seller spotlight panel, where we’ll be talking with some local sellers, Mike Cook dynasty, Danielle McNeil, and Dana Jasmine, three local sellers that four years ago had never even shopped on eBay that, took previous careers that were floundering or had run their term and had decided that they wanted to become their own bosses. And they have done so successfully by learning from other resellers locally, and they’ve built and created their own businesses and become self-sufficient as online sellers.
So for anyone listening, don’t worry about having to remember all of these people individually, but we’re going to put a link in the show notes. You can follow along on Instagram at BOSS Reseller Remix, and everyone’s bio is on that page with a lot of other amazing interactive posts. And you can kind of follow along there too.
Packing a lot into a couple of days.
It really is. It’s a lot of stuff. I think I’m really proud that all of the people, like here’s the thing, Katy and I are fairly successful resellers. Theresa is a successful reseller. But what we wanted to do is if you notice, there were not on these panels, other than Theresa was her fantastic inventory management system, cause that can’t be replicated. There’s a reason for that. We wanted to bring in people that we want to learn from. These are people that we think are bringing so much information to the table that we want to learn from as well. There’s so much information out there and we all have different teaching styles. We all have different learning styles. We wanted to make sure that there was something in this conference for everybody. And it’s something for every reseller at every level.
I absolutely love that there is such a variety of learning like social selling. We’ve talked about it on the podcast on a couple of different episodes and there’s so many amazing sellers doing great things. So excited to hear from yesterday’s Fitz and Jesse on that. I’ve never explored storage units and auctions. I’m excited to hear about that because personally I’m intimidated by it.
Me too.
Yeah. So I cannot wait to learn about that.
Can I just say that, and just little toot, our own horn a little bit. I am so impressed with our first year lineup. I feel like we hit this one out of the ballpark. And if you come to the reseller remix, I think that like everybody said, there’s something here for everybody. And I think we’ve got, we’re going to do some things with people that the reseller community don’t really know. And then the people that are really well known because of their YouTube channels or their Instagram following or Facebook groups or whatever. But I love that we have everything in between.
Well, and I think that, you know, for some people, especially maybe if you’re just starting out selling, or maybe if you do this all on your own and you haven’t been to an event like this, I get that this can seem very intimidating in general, to use the word that Liz just used, not only the lineup and who’s going to be speaking, but also some of the topics that maybe it seems like it’s too much. But we just want to kind of alleviate any of those concerns and hopefully help people feel more comfortable. Listen, there’s going to be people at all levels, and I think no matter what, even if you haven’t even listed your first item, but you want to be a seller, I think you can get something out of this conference and listen, you know, not every thing is going to speak to you. Not everything is going to be something that you’re interested in taking on into your business. But I think just hearing from other sellers alone, just hearing people’s stories are, you know, they will inspire you. You know, one of the people that Vikki was saying, is going to be on the Vegas spotlight panel Dana. She was Vikki’s assistant. She hadn’t even bought anything on eBay before. She started working for Vikki a few years back and Vikki took her to eBay Open because she just wanted her to get the experience and she thought it would help her in working for Vikki. And what ended up happening, Dana again, was not a seller at this point! It was literally just taking pictures. I don’t know if she was doing anything other than taking pictures?
Taking pictures and doing drafts.
She was taking pictures and doing drafts, but she was not a seller. She was not going out sourcing. She wasn’t doing any of that stuff. So she was as much not a seller as you could possibly be. And she went to eBay Open and go into eBay Open was so inspiring for her that she was like, I got to get into this. I got to do this myself. And now she’s selling and she is making a living selling online.
She stayed working for me for about a year part-time and then she was like, yeah, sorry, I just, I don’t need you anymore. (laughter)
And I guarantee you, when Vikki suggested to her that she should go to eBay Open, I guarantee you, Dana was like, but why? Why would I go to that? That doesn’t even apply to me.
I paid for her to go obviously. As my employee I paid for her to go. And I was like, just listen, just go to the sessions, go to Griff’s session, learn how to take pictures, better, all that kind of stuff. And, and, you know, I knew that she would get something out of it. I didn’t know I was going to lose an assistant. (laughing) Don’t get me wrong. I love her dearly. She is a fantastic seller. Some things you can’t teach. She has an absolute wonderful eye and instinct, and she’s fantastic at what she does, but I’m so proud of her that she is the seller that she is. And that’s why I wanted to highlight her story because I think it’s something people think they can’t, and she’s gone on and done it. And she loves being herself. Her own boss now. And I think that’s great!
But it doesn’t matter. Even if all you’re doing is selling this stuff in your own closet right now, even if all you’ve ever done is go to the thrift store every now and then it doesn’t matter what size business you have or if you even call it your business yet. I firmly believe that it’s never too soon to start dreaming about your future. So, why not just come? Come for the parties and maybe you’ll accidentally learn something.
And that’s the beauty, I mean, it’s inspirational, it’s educational. You’re going to learn. You’re going to be inspired. All these stories are amazing, but the foundation of the seller community is that sellers are always willing to help and teach other sellers and help you learn. And honestly change your life, get out of a boring corporate gig or, be able to work within your passion, things like that. But it’s always been amazing to me that sellers are so willing to help other sellers. And so many sellers will be traveling literally across the country to come and teach others. And then just impart the knowledge and experience that they have. And that’s always just been amazing.
Not to interrupt, but this is something that I really wanted to point out to a few people, too. This is our first time doing this event and we have some big, heavy hitters that are coming to this event and coming to speak. And one of the things I really wanted to say, and I’ve said this on our show once before, but I think it needs, it bears repeating. None of these speakers are being paid. They’re not being paid to come and participate in this event. We asked people in the community that we know that are our friends to come and participate and come and speak and come and teach and come and share their knowledge because we knew that they had a lot to teach and we thought that they’d be good for this event. And every one of them without hesitation said, sign me up. Yes.
They believe in us. And they believe in what we’re trying to do here. And they’re excited about it too. And I do really feel like we are creating something new. That’s going to move forward. And I’m pretty excited for all the people that are coming those first time around, because they’re always going to get to say I was there for the first one.
And for you first timers, I don’t like big crowds. I’m super, you know, super shy, blah, blah, blah. If you need a kindergarten buddy, I’ll hold your hand or we can get a little ribbon and hooked together and go around, or one of those little leash things that people put their kids on. I’d be willing to do that for you.
Let me, let me use this moment to, to say what I say all the time no matter what event it is, is I get it. That people are people. There are people that have never been on a plane by themselves or traveled anywhere by themselves. And so this can be very intimidating. And to those people, I want to talk to you directly because I do this every year at eBay Open. eBay Open has somewhere between 2000 and 3000 people there. And I promise you that you get yourself to Vegas, if you can’t figure out how to get an Uber or a Lyft or a taxi cab from the airport to the hotel, when you buy your ticket, you’ll be in a reseller Facebook group. And then I will pick you up from the airport. I’m making that promise. I will do as many airport runs as we can. So some of you may not know who I am. So, but once you get in the Facebook group, you’ll be like, okay, I know who this woman is. She’s not gonna take me out in the desert and kill me. (laughing) But, the nice thing about the meet and greet on Monday is that everybody gets in there and if you’re nervous and you have your jitters and everything like that, we’re all gonna meet there. Everybody can, everybody will be there and you can just get to know somebody you’re like, Hey, I know you from Instagram. I know you from YouTube. That’s the opening line. Hey, I sell this. What do you sell?
You find a buddy. Find a buddy.
I can tell you that from previous Opens that I’ve been to, there’s always two or three people that are nervous and they will tell you now that, oh my gosh, I met this person my first year at eBay Open and we are best friends. We talk every day now, blah, blah, blah. So for those of you that are intimidated or afraid or any of those things to get in a plane by yourself and go to Vegas by yourself, just get there. And once you get there, all of that will disappear because we’ve become instant family. And that meet and greet on Monday night will be what you need to break the ice. On Tuesday you’ll be going to dinner with your new best friends. And it would just, just do it. That’s what I tell people.
I will say that one of the things that Katy and I talked about, you know, we’ve been to events before where we’ve seen people kind of hide in the corner. I’m that person I’m going to come find you. If you’re in the corner, I’m going to come find you. And it’s not because I’m going to try to embarrass you, but I’m going to try to bring you into the fold because I know how that feels to be in the corner and to be insecure and to feel unsure of yourself and not kind of want to join the crowd. And that’s okay, but I’m going to go and make sure that you’re okay. I’m going to be the person that’s going to come up to you and make sure that you feel like you’re involved in the conversation because nobody wants to put baby in the corner.
And I will say, you know, some people might be surprised by this, but by nature, I’m actually an introvert. And I do have some…
I ain’t buying it. I am so not buying it! (all laughing)
It’s true though. I’m good at faking it. I do have some social anxiety. And to me, my worst nightmare is to have to go to a party where I don’t know anybody. And I have to have small talk with strangers who I have nothing in common with. And it’s going to be super awkward. And I seriously like that to me is my worst nightmare. But let me tell you that there’s something magical and different when it comes to getting together with a bunch of resellers, you automatically have so many things to talk about. You feel like you’ve known them forever. It doesn’t matter. It’s crazy. It’s like I always bring up Danica Lee looked over because I feel like I didn’t even really interact with her online hardly. I think she watched our show and she watched her show and would comment and stuff, but I didn’t have even an online relationship with her. But I met her at eBay Open and we hung out with her for maybe a couple hours on Fremont. And I seriously felt immediately, like she was an old friend and I still feel that way. And I’ve literally spent two hours with her in my entire life and it doesn’t matter.
And she’s coming. We can’t wait.
I still talk about her. Okay? It’s not weird Danica, okay? Anyway, but that’s how I feel. And so just for those of you who feel like, well, I get really anxious. I’m telling you it’s going to feel different.
So first Theresa, thank you so much for that because I don’t think I could have put it so eloquently because yeah, you’re not going to be a stranger. So first off, if you’re in the BOSS Facebook group, you can ask questions about the reseller remix. We’re all there. Once you purchase your ticket, you’ll get an invitation to a Facebook group that is for all attendees. So, so far I’ve seen people, Hey, do you need a roommate? And Hey, what are you guys doing? What time are you getting in? And we can ride share. Like, this is a great place to pre network. There are no clicks. Okay. We’re going to just set that straight right now that every single person attending, we are all in the same click because we’re all there for the same benefit, right? We’re all there to meet each other. So it’s not going to be a bunch of tiny pocket groups. Will it end up like that? Probably for the sake of, Hey, this group wants to go to this restaurant and this group wants to go gamble, and that’s okay. But know that we’re all there for the same reason. Another thing I wanted to point out really quick before I ask my next question, this is something that stuck out to me and I was reminded of, as you were going down the list of speakers is there are no overlapping sessions. When you come to the BOSS reseller remix, you do not have to choose who you want to go see. Which I understand why when you go to something like eBay open, because there are more sessions. But something that I really like and appreciate about this is I will be able to attend every session.
Yeah. Every session is in one large room, it’s going to be set up auditorium style. And there are several other breakout rooms. We’re going to have vendor rooms. We’re going to have a room set up for you to meet Doug and Liz. There’s going to be a little podcast room, just so you know.
Liz and Doug:
What? What!
There’s a podcast room.
They’re going to have a podcast lounge, actually. There’s going to be a vendor room, set up with tables and swag and people. But the sessions are all going to be held in one main room.
And we’ll probably do a tour of the facility sometime in the near future. Maybe put it on the Instagram or something like that. So people, cause that’s the other thing. Speaking of people with anxiety, I know for me, when I’m going to be going to some place where I’ve never been before, it helps to visualize it and to be able to see, oh, when I pull up, here’s where the parking lot is. Here’s what it looks like when I walk inside, here’s where it’s going to be. The layout is. And so, uh, we think that that’ll be a great thing to offer you guys is to kind of give you an idea of where we’re actually going to be, what it’s going to look like. So it can help people prepare.
We’ve already done one what to do video. Once you arrive at the airport, how to order an Uber. When you get to the airport, we have a video that shows you how to do that. And that’s something that can be challenging at Las Vegas airport. It’s pretty big. So we did a video and we do have that, that shows you how to order an Uber, where to go exactly walks you through it, where it shows you where to go. And then what to do when you get to your Lyft and Uber. And then you can go from there, figure out where your, where your destination is, but we showed you how to do that on a video. And for some people that have anxiety, I’ve never been to a big city, maybe never used Uber or Lyft because there are some cities that don’t have it. Um, it does walk you through it. And I, for me, those types of visuals help.
Yeah. You know, and earlier I was talking about, in my past work, in, in planning events, I was talking about creating an experience. And I talked about this specifically with the reseller remix that we really want to create an experience for everyone that’s coming. And we are dedicated beyond just the content itself. We were dedicated to creating that experience for the people that come in, how we interact with you and every single person that we’ve asked to participate to be up on stage. You know, we’ve, we’ve chosen them specifically for how we know them to be when they interact with people. When they talk to people that they don’t know, and we’ve made it very explicit to them of what we’re expecting and how we are talking to all of you guys out there. And so what I’m talking about is it’s going to be about, you know, you’re getting lots of one-on-one time with all of us. You get feeling important, you feel heard, like you’re not going to come and be invisible. You’re going to be there and we’re going to talk to you and we’re going to interact with you. And we’re going to care about what you have to say, and we’re going to want to make sure that you’re having a great experience. And just to jump on top of that as well. One thing we didn’t mention is our amazing emcee that we have, um, who’s going to be emceeing this event and that’s Dom Hollins, Dominique Hollins, anyone who has been to eBay Open, um, should know who she is because her energy level is off the freaking charts, talking about charisma and somebody who draws you in and makes you just want to, like, you just get so excited to be around somebody you want to be in her aura. You want, yeah, you do. You want to hang out with her. You want to do big things with her. You it’s just she’s, she’s like the ultimate height person, because she knows how to inspire people and how to get people hyped. And she’s not with eBay anymore. And, uh,their loss. Yeah, exactly. And so she has her own company now and she has agreed to be the emcee for our event. And we’re super excited because we know she is going to set the tone for this event and it’s going to be so much fun. And, um, I just don’t want anyone to miss out because seriously, you’re going to have an amazing time.
She is definitely going to take it to the next level. I mean, she is top notch and we were so excited when we were able to get her and she was able to do it when we had to postpone. And like anybody that knows Dom Hollins will be, I mean, yeah, everybody is going to be happy that she’s there. And if you don’t know, you’ll know where by the end of the conference.
eBay Open, I’m telling you back in 2019, she was the only eBay person who had a line of people waiting to talk to her, like getting to talk to her. You had to pretty much wait in line because people were like, take a ticket at the deli counter, right?
Yeah. She’s awesome. We were on the same team.
Doug had the number two line.
Right. Sorry. Sorry. Yeah. Doug’s hair had the number two line.
What are any tips? So we talked about getting into Vegas. What are some good tips about Vegas for those that have never been…
You won’t need a car unless you’re driving in. If you’re driving, great. You’re not going to need a car. If you’re flying in, don’t bother renting a car. You’re going to want to use Uber and Lyft for everything. So if you haven’t already please download that on your phone. That is a phone app, attach a debt, attach a credit card to it, or a debit card. A you’re going to use that to get, uh, places A to B, the venue, the Nevada Blind Center is only two and a half miles away from, uh, the Fremont street area where all of the hotels are that we are suggesting you stay at, of course you can stay anywhere. It’s going to be about six miles from the main strip area. Uh, and then there’s going to be some congestion and traffic if you’re going planning on staying that way. So I do suggest staying in the Fremont area, just for ease each way is probably going to cost you about six to $8 transportation. So once you know people, you’re probably going to be sharing Uber rides back and forth in the morning. And in the evening, if you stay somewhere on Fremont, don’t think you need to like Uber back and forth between those hotels. You absolutely don’t. They’re all walkable, very easily walkable. Like, I mean a few steps. I’m not talking, walking on the strip between hotels. Those are a mile apart. These are like a block apart, a real block apart. You need some cash. You can drink anywhere, but cocktails, if you’re gambling, if you’re sitting at a, at a slot machine or you’re sitting at a table, cocktails are free. You just tip your server. You can pretty much drink anywhere. There are, uh, open container, no open container laws in Vegas. Um, if that’s your thing, you just have to put it in a plastic cup. All the casinos have plastic cups. You have to pour it in before you leave the room. Uh, you can’t carry glassware out onto the street. Stay hydrated. That’s my biggest tip for you in Vegas. Um, you know, it’s not going to be super hot in October, so it’s probably not quite as pertinent as it was if you came to E-bay opens in October. But if you are not from the desert, you are at a higher elevation in Las Vegas than you are in some other parts of the country. And that may not seem like a big deal to you, but it is an adjustment to your body, depending on where you’re from. Uh, you do need to stay hydrated, drink a lot of water. We’re going to provide a lot of beverages, but please drink a lot of water.
Not just coffee, not just booze, not just soda. Please stay hydrated and drink a lot of water because it will hit you. Dehydration hits you hard. And if it does, it can make you really, really sick. And I know it sounds like I’m being over the top, but we’ve all been there. Those of us that live in the desert. If you, if you’ve been dehydrated, it’s really bad. It, uh, it can make you very, very sick. So please drink a lot of water.
Well, especially if you are out having drinks at night and all of our party opportunities, I’m telling you, if you do not take into account drinking water, the hangovers are going to be real rough.
Yeah. And I would say too, Vegas, I’ve been to Vegas a bunch of times. I love Vegas and it’s not all about partying. You’ll be busy, but you can just walk around and people watch and just watch what’s going on. The best place.
The people watching is fantastic.
Especially on Fremont.
Best place. Yes. Especially on Fremont, but literally Vegas is the best place to people watch.
Well, and Fremont, you’ve got people watching, you’ve got three, three stages with live music every night, like seven nights a week. Uh, you’ve got the Slotzilla, um, zip line. You can take up there. I mean, there’s, yes. There’s definitely a lot of things to do. You don’t have to be drinking to have fun. It’s all going to be, you know, Vicki and I were just there the other night and we were just drinking water and, uh, maybe a soda too. And it’s just fun. It’s just a fun time.
Yeah. I’m not a big drinker. Those of you that know me know that I I’m a super lightweight, I don’t, I’m not a big drinker at all. There’s plenty of things to do. If you’re not a drinker, you don’t have to be a partier to party in Vegas. Uh, because this question is bound to come up. I will say that those of you that are 420 friendly, it is, it is legal in Vegas. There is going to be a lot of it around, not at the event itself, uh, not on the premises of the event itself, but it is, it is everywhere. It’s, um, you know, the places to purchase are, are legal and they’re everywhere. So that is, that is available and it is around. So you’re going to smell it everywhere. That’s for sure.
Be prepared for the smell.
It’s a number. 420 is a number.
Yes. It’s a number. Good number.
So everybody’s wondering right now, we don’t know what’s going on with COVID. The pandemic, things may be shutting back down, mask requirements, Vegas just added internal mask requirements. So people will be concerned about that. So what, uh, what do you have to say about COVID concerns?
So we don’t anticipate Vegas shutting down any facilities here over the next couple of months. So we’re not especially worried about that, but Nevada does currently have an indoor massive mandate, which of course we will adhere to, as we’re required to, along with any other guidelines, you know, right now, as we’re recording this it’s August, we can’t say what the guidelines will be in October, but we will follow those. Uh, but as long as facilities are open and operational, where they continue with any necessary precautions, um, that we need to, but like I said, we don’t anticipate that there’ll be any issues as far as closing facilities, just because of the nature of Vegas. I do know that currently any events that have over 250 attendees do require a written COVID plan submitted and approved, including things like, you know, proper sanitation stations and stuff like that. And, uh, the venue will be taking care of that because they are a venue specifically for events that involve large groups of people. So that is going to, for anyone who is concerned, those things are going to be addressed. Ultimately, you know, we feel a COVID it’s most likely not going anywhere anytime soon. So we encourage everyone to assess their own comfort levels. When deciding if they’re going to attend an event like this, I know for, uh, for Vikki and me, we chose to get vaccinated to at least mitigate some of our risk. And it’s up to everyone to kind of decide for themselves how they choose to move forward. Um, but yes, it is something that we are paying attention to, and that we will be taking any precautions that we need to, um, to take.
Alright, thank you.
We are going to have lots of opportunities for prizes. List Perfectly is giving three laptops. I know that we’re going to have at least a couple of ring lights. Uh, there’s going to be WorthPoint hasn’t told us what their big prizes are yet, but they are going to be coming up with some big prize. So we’re going to have, uh, we don’t have all of them figured out yet, but we’re going to have a lot of stuff we’re going to be doing giveaways throughout eBay is going to be giving away some very large gift cards. And, uh, so yeah, there’s going to be a lot of opportunities to win cool stuff. And not only for people who were at the event, but also people who are at home who couldn’t come, we’ll be doing some giveaways during our live Katy and Vikki show, which we’ll be closing out the event before the big party.
Are there any surprises planned?
New Speaker:
Well, so for the most part, everybody who’s going to be coming to the event as far as presenters go, they’re all on the website. There are a few people from eBay that haven’t been added yet, and we do maybe have one or two other people being added. Um, but as far as surprises go, we do have something this Friday that we will be announcing on Friday. Um, you know, this episode’s coming out on Wednesday. So on Friday in two days, if you listen to it the same day, we will be announcing on our Instagram, uh, something exciting. So pay attention to that. If you’re not following us on Instagram, you should be, @bossreselleremix, uh, so pay attention. And you should be following that anyway, because, uh, not to toot my own horn guys, but I feel like I’m kind of killing it on the stories and you guys so that I can feel better about all the time and effort I’m putting into it. Come on guys.
It is a beautiful Instagram account. It is an amazing Instagram account.
I have to say, it is a pretty darn good Instagram account.
If you’re not coming, follow it, get all the FOMO in the world, wish you would’ve come, plan for next year.
Speaker 3:
We talked to our friend Rachel last night and she says, “you guys are killing it.” She’s like, “I don’t know what’s happening, but it’s like all of a sudden I’m feeling like maybe I should start doing my etsy store again, like it’s making you want to do reseller stuff!”
There you go.
And she’s not even a reseller, she’s in marketing.
Well, and that’s the thing too, especially if you’re going and if you’re speaking and even if you’re not going, help spread the word, because it’s helping the seller community. So help spread the word about this event. And then also, you know, eBay is going to be there and they are going to be taking notes and seeing, and so, you know, they see stuff like this. It’s going to make them bring back events too. But literally this is the biggest seller event this year, but the biggest seller event for like the last two years. Right?
So let me just add one thing, because I think that one of the things that I am really looking forward to this event is just the intimacy of it. 300 people. And for me, you know, I love eBay Open. I love getting together and, and, you know, catching up with stranger friends, meeting stranger friends that become your real life friends and all that other good stuff. But to be honest, with eBay Open, I’m pulled in a hundred different directions. I am. So looking forward to not having that, I mean, I’m sure there’ll be things that come up, but it’s three days, 300 people. I expect to have a conversation with every single person that’s there. I don’t care if you know who I am. I don’t care if I know who you are. I just want to get to know the community and the people like I want to learn from everybody. I don’t care if you’re on the stage or in the seats. Everybody has a story. Everybody has a tip or a trick. Everybody has something that they do that I would, that they could tell me. And I’m like, oh, I could tweak that and make this a little better. Like we all have information to share. And so that’s what, that’s something that I’m really looking forward to.
And it’s not one platform specific, it’s across the whole community, across all the platforms, so much value. So if you’re looking to expand, that’s another great reason to, you’re going to learn so much more about all the different platforms and you know, how you can grow your business. Outside of BOSS Reseller Remix, plug yourselves, where can you all be found?
Okay, I am in the BOSS Business for Online Selling Success Facebook group. I’m there all day long. I am @numbersgeek on Instagram and that’s about it.
It can be found across all platforms as LVpinkpeacock. And I can be found in the BOSS Facebook group. I am Vikki Eagan, and I can be found as one half of the Katy and Vikki show on YouTube.
And I as well on YouTube. And, uh, you know, at Katy zilverberg on Instagram, as well as my store Instagram, which is aboutiqueforhim. And of course I’m running the BOSS Reseller Remix Instagram. So that’s probably, that’s the one I’m putting all my time into to the detriment of the other two. Um, but, uh, so you should definitely be following BOSS Reseller Remix, if you, if you want to connect with me. Um, and then of course in the BOSS Facebook group, and you can all, my emails out there somewhere when you can email and then I won’t answer for forever.
All three of you are in the List Perfectly Facebook group.
Of course. Yes. Very active in that group as well.
Yes, Well, we’re going to go ahead and wrap it up. I hope that everybody enjoyed all of this great information about the BOSS Reseller Remix. Thank you, Katy Vikki, and Theresa of the BOSS Reseller Facebook group and the BOSS Reseller Remix, uh, an event you will not want to miss, as we said, the biggest, most fabulous event for resellers in the last two years.
So in the universe, basically not just in Vegas,.
The universe…unless there are alien sellers.
We might not know Doug.
All right. We’ve got some news this week. What do we have Liz?
So first something that’s come about in the past week is the Etsy star seller program that is rolling out. So Etsy will be rewarding shops that consistently offer excellent customer service in the areas we know are important to buyers, responding to messages, quickly shipping and five-star ratings. And they will be noted with a seller star.
Yeah, Liz. So this is like a recognition program. We’ve talked about it, you know, with some of the other platforms that are doing it, it’s a way to recognize sellers, get them some traffic. It helps the site too. But so, what’s the seller’s reaction been to this?
There’s a lot that goes into it. So you can check your shop manager dashboard to see where you’re at right now. As far as metrics, it will start rolling out in September. Sellers have weighed in, like I said, most are against it. In our show notes, we’ll put a link to an analyst’s review of the star seller program. They cover a lot, like if I were to go through this and break it down, this would be a whole other podcast. Sellers are just kind of calling it a flood system. My personal opinion is Etsy’s got a little bit of work to do on these metrics. Hopefully they’ll listen to sellers and sellers’ concerns about this. And me personally, I’m not a big Etsy seller. So, I don’t feel as though I have as much skin in the game as most Etsy sellers.
It’s just kind of whatever a lot of sellers are like whatever. And now that they know.
I mean, is it too much? Is that what it is? Is it too convoluted or what is the issue with it?
Well, there’s a lot. So here’s just one. So one of it is like getting back communicating with your buyers, right? So you have to respond to your customers and you have to respond to them timely. Here’s the thing, a lot of communication from buyers is, “Oh my gosh, I love your site. Oh my gosh, thanks for shipping on time.” That requires no response. And that’s kind of, one of the things that, you know, has been brought up. Shipping times, some customer custom orders, you know, there’s, there’s some things with that.
So yeah, a couple of things there off the top of my head, is obviously it’s good to get back to your buyers and timely responses are important, but yeah. It’s like you said, you don’t have to respond to everything. That’s the reason a lot of Etsy sellers don’t sell on eBay because they custom made stuff. It takes a while. You can’t ship it right away. I don’t know if standardized is the right word, but they’re trying to try to maybe make Etsy what it’s not. I think. And that’s probably what the sellers are thinking. It’s like, there’s a reason we shop here or reason we sell here and people can buy it. But I think a lot of stuff on Etsy that handmade stuff is like, you buy it, then they make it. That takes a certain amount of time. You can’t ship it quickly.
Yeah. I mean, and like I said, I’m not, I don’t sell on Etsy. So I have a really hard time weighing in on this, but I saw this and I thought it was very well-written from this seller. Basically at the end, they say, “My conclusion is the entire system needs to be canceled, not fixed, improved, or tweaked, but canceled.” And there are 850 responses to this. And this is on community.etsy.com. Again, we’ll put it in the show notes. We have a conversation started in the List Perfectly group, if you want to join in and weigh in there.
This is an opportunity for Etsy. So it’s like, you can, you should be able to admit that you’re wrong. Or maybe we didn’t think this out. It’s like, “Hey, we’ve seen the seller feedback. We’re going to pull this back and rework it and then come back with it.” Or you get seller feedback as you’re setting it up so you know what you’re doing. That’s what you do is get that feedback. Like, “Hey, we’re going to launch this program. What would you guys want to see? What wouldn’t you want to see?” It’s like, get that feedback early on, identify some, you know, super users, super sellers that can give you that feedback or listen to the community. That’s why they have this community. Let’s hope that they, you know, see this feedback and listen.
Yeah. Moving on Doug. List Perfectly news. Sellers have spoken and it was List Perfectly listened. They haven’t done a whole lot of releases in the last year for simple plan users, but they heard and said, you know what? Okay, let’s add something to the simple plan. So simple plan users now have access to seller notes for no additional charge. So what this is, this is an added feature in your List Perfectly catalog. These notes stay in your List Perfectly catalog. This is a great place to, if you have an assistant or a virtual assistant, this is a great place to communicate with each other about the item that’s being listed. You can also use this for inventory management since there isn’t a custom sku. Note for the simple plan users, you can use keywords for categories. I know some sellers will put like men’s clothing as one word because the seller notes are searchable in List Perfectly in your catalog. The top left search bar is search everything, and that will search your seller notes.
The thing with seller notes is it does not go into any of your listings when you crosslist, it stays on-site in List Perfectly for you to track stuff. So again, categories, if you wanted to categorize your items, men’s clothing, women’s clothing, kid’s shoes, all one word. So that it’s easy to find. If you have more than one store, um, and you are running two off of one account, you can name, put the name of each shop in that. So it’s a very, very beneficial field that was given to simple plan users. And I don’t think List Perfectly, okay. We all know List Perfectly does not stop adding stuff.
Yes, they’re always doing something.
So yeah. So that’s a win for simple plan users.
And that’s a cool feature. It’s going to be more valuable than you think. Especially once you start using it. Again, like Liz says, you can put anything in there, but let’s say for a por ejemplo, I’ve got my store and I want to see quickly see all of my men’s clothing. If I put men’s clothing in the notes, I can search over there and that’ll come up with all my listings and just kind of, I think it kind of adds to the capability, even with the simple plan of using List Perfectly as an inventory management tool and everybody’s got their own little system. And then when I started on List Perfectly, I really moved over. Cause I used to keep this Rube Goldberg giant spreadsheet and all the stuff in there, more information than I probably needed. But the cool thing about List Perfectly is you’ve got all your listings in there and you know, there’s extra stuff you can fill out, but it’s there. You can search it. It’s on your phone. You can search it on there. I really switched over to using List Perfectly for inventory management and keeping track of my stuff. I mean, I have like a hundred listings, but still, I guess you could track them in your head or Liz could track them in her head. A hundred listings?! She’s laughing, she’s laughing and pointing. She’s like,” Oh I remember when I had a hundred listings!”
You know what though, Doug, I’m going to say something. And I think, and I don’t want anybody to think anything other than this, I am not a huge seller. I’ve actually dipped because I think I said, you know, last podcast or the podcast before I said it somewhere, you know, pretty much July, I almost took the entire month of July off from listing. I made sales the entire time. They weren’t great, but they were sales. I’m under 900 listings right now, Doug.
What??! Unbelievable.
I know! I know. It’s like the lowest amount of inventory I’ve had listed in a long time. So I don’t want people to think that I’m like, I have 10,000 listings. I have maybe 800 listings, which is probably about 1800 items because I do multi quantity. Right. Not a lot, but whatever it’s mixed. So yeah. So let’s just throw that out there. Liz is not some big, huge seller with a warehouse and employees and tens of thousands of listings.
Well, Liz is a pretty big seller, but I thought she was going to say something like, “Well, Doug, even though you have a hundred listings, you think of yourself as a business.”
But Doug, even with a hundred listings. The great thing is you are still a business owner. You are an entrepreneur. You’re a hustler!
Oh, thank you. That’s right!
But there’s more news.
But wait, there’s more List Perfectly news!
But wait, there’s more! So for those that have 1500 or more items stored in your List Perfectly catalog, you can now de-list mark sold show copied status features so much faster. They’ve added a customization to your extension, to where if you go to it, you can just go to the top right-hand side of your browser, click on List Perfectly, and there is a box for large closets, click on that. If you have 1500 items or more, and you’re going to see a difference in how fast these features.
So that’s Liz. Do you have more than 1500 items? You just said. I don’t remember.
No. I have more. I have about 3000 items that are there. Well because I come across multi quantity items and I like to keep my sold items for the sales, analytics data and whatnot. So I definitely have a larger catalog.
And this is based on feedback from sellers, right? List Perfectly listens. They add these features. They want that feedback. They want you to give that feedback via the site, via the contact options via the group. Liz and I both use List Perfectly. Liz has been using it a lot longer. We’re not just cheerleaders. And if we were, again, I would be the goth punk rock cheerleader. I would still go for like Eliza Dushku in ‘Bring it On.’ I will bring it with some attitude, but no, I am a List Perfectly cheerleader. It’s like, I wouldn’t, you know, I wouldn’t espouse it so much if it wasn’t such a great tool, but again, this is listening to the community.
Yeah, Exactly. And there was a need for it and they built this and it’s working. It’s working well.
Yeah. That’s cool. That’s good to see. And Liz, you had a big appearance a couple of weeks ago at eBay Open with Jamie Iannone.
I did?
Oh that was so long ago. I forgot!
Liz has another appearance this week. You’re going to be on somebody else’s podcast, Liz.
On August 25th I will be on the consignment chats podcast, talking to the ladies of consignment chats, who I do follow in their community, in their Facebook and on Instagram,
They are friends of the show. Tell them I said what’s up?
I will I’ll tell them Snoop Dougie said “what’s up.”
What’s up.
So yeah, I’m going to talk to them a little bit about my selling journey. So if you’re interested in hearing that tune in
Tune in to the consignment chats podcast on August 25th with Liz O’Kane. Coloradoreworn.
There we go.
There we go. All right. We had some Etsy news. We had List Perfectly news. Anything else, Liz?
That’s all I have for this week, Doug.
All the news that fits.
All the news that fits. You’re right.
Thanks for joining us this week on the seller community podcast from List Perfectly. This week, we talked to Katy Silverberg, Vikki Egan, and Theresa Cox, and learned all about the exciting boss reseller rewind.
Doug! Doug! (laughing)
Remix. Rewind.
So we have BOSS Reseller Remix written out a hundred times. But Doug insists on calling it the boss reseller rewind. I think that’s coming in February where we can talk about, we can rewind and talk about October, but for now it’s just the remix, Doug.
Mixing it up in Vegas. Fabulous Las Vegas, this October.
Oh my gosh. You didn’t break out into the Viva Las Vegas song. I am shocked!
That’s true. (singing Viva Las Vegas) I sound like Cher.
I knew that was coming…
That was a fun interview though. It’s always nice to talk to those ladies and it was cool because we had three guests on. Guests that had been on the show before, but it’s an exciting event. I think I’m going to be there. Liz is going to be there. So it’s going to be awesome.
Yeah, it really will. And you know, just some things to reflect on. I mean, first off this event will likely sell out soon. Look at the list of speakers. Look at the quality of the quality speakers. It’s just like Vikki said, they asked,” Hey, would you like to be a part of this?” And everybody said yes, right away.
And these are experts in the field and it’s not just eBay and it’s not just Etsy sellers and it’s not just, you know, Poshmark sellers. We have a wide variety of knowledge that’s going to be teaching up on stage. This event is going to sell out.
It’s going to sell out. It’s getting a lot of notice. The speaker lineup is great. And as they pointed out, none of these speakers are being paid. A lot of them are flying across the country to come to this. So it’s going to be huge.
It is. I am so excited to go. I am so excited to go! Again, I love that they chose the blind center, you know, they’re keeping the funds local and, and like they said, the Blind Center helps those in need, and employs them and they get funds from their eBay store. So we’re kind of just giving back to the reselling community and keeping the funds local. They could have picked anywhere, but they chose that location and I love it!
Yeah, no, that is cool. And you know, they went over the agenda. It’s likely Tuesday night, I’ll be at a pub, a certain pub.
Likely Tuesday night a lot of people will be at pubs!
You might see me with a Guinness. And the other cool thing is all sessions, all these speakers, but tell us the cool thing, the really, really cool thing about the sessions.
There’s a lot of really cool things about the session. But one thing that really stuck out to me is that they will not overlap. As a guest, you will be able to see all of the sessions and I understand why it happens with eBay and larger conferences. I totally get it. There’s just too much information in a small amount of time. But since this is a smaller event and this venue is a one-stage venue, you will have the opportunity to see each and every one of these sessions.
Yes. That’s big and be sure to come up and see Liz and I in the podcast lounge. We’ll be there covering, I bet we should do some live streaming. We’ll have a lot of fun. It’s going to be awesome.
Yeah. I’m really looking forward to that. I think what’s really cool is we get to meet so much of the, I didn’t realize how much of the community I have not met in person.
Probably thousands.
Right. I mean that are going to this event. Like I, I know all these names, I’ve had conversations with people, but we’ve never met in person. Doug, on the other hand, every time a speaker was announced, it’s like, “I know them. I know them. I know them.”
There’s a handful I don’t know.
Like, two. So Katy and Vikki have also been on other YouTube channels talking about the boss reseller remix, and I’ve watched them all and it comes to like, ‘Hey Doug and Liz from the seller community podcast will be there too.’ And every time before they even stop, everybody goes, “Oh my God! Doug’s going to be there! Oh my God, I met Doug at Open!” And then that’s where the conversation ends.
A package deal!
So I get to like ride your coattails of stardom. Do you have fan days? I don’t know. Maybe you can introduce me to all of your friends. No, it’s going to be a great time. Again, I really love that Theresa is like, “Hey, we’re all in this together.” Like I’m here. If you need a ride, once you sign up and you get your ticket, you’re going to automatically just be a part of the group.
No invitations are needed, right? Like if there’s something going on, you don’t have to be invited. You just join. Because that’s what we’re all there for.
Yeah. And don’t worry about, if you have a question, if you need help, if you need assistance, if you have an issue, just ask and there’ll be that Facebook group again, you’re not going to be able to sit alone in a corner.
No. And I will tell you, Doug, in this Facebook group, there are quite a few people that have never been to a reseller event before. And some people that have never even been to Vegas before.
Yeah. Wow. That’s a double whammy right there.
Right. They’ve never met resellers. They’ve never been to Vegas. They’ve never been to a conference, but they are packing their bags and they’re traveling and they’re so excited.
Fabulous Las Vegas!
I know we’re going have a great time. I’m so excited. And I’m looking forward to October. I hope to see everyone there.
And what’s cool too, Liz is, we’ll talk about this for a minute. And this is, I think this is, I think over the past few years where eBay has really shined in seller vents. So tell us what’s going on there. Remind us.
So as Vikki said eBay came to them and said, what can we do? eBay will be there. eBay is sending representatives.
Yeah. They’re sending several people. And that’s, you know, when I was on the team, eBay started reaching back out to seller events and started sending people and we would be there. We didn’t see Amazon there. We didn’t see any of the other platforms there. I mean, I’m not ragging on these platforms, but eBay really started getting back into the seller outreach and it’s like really sending people there to talk with sellers, answer questions, you know, get that dialogue going, but bring feedback back. And obviously, Liz and I will be there.
Yeah. And what I think is really cool too. And I realized this after we got done with the interview, is every single person that was in this interview. I met via eBay Open.
Yeah. That’s cool.
I met you at eBay Open. I met Theresa at eBay open. I met Katy and Vikki at eBay Open.
That’s where I met all of you as well.
Yeah. I mean, so these seller events definitely create bonds and friendships between sellers that have this common bond and goal of business.
You know, I’ve been thinking about this too. It’s like, obviously we miss eBay Open in person and this is going to be as close to eBay Open as you’re going to get. But it’s taking a lot of the things that work well at eBay Open and kind of, you know, putting them into place seller led stuff, seller led panels, tons of sellers. And just again, I think it’s important to note and remember it’s multi-channel stuff. So you’re going to get a lot of stuff. You’ll get some channel specific, but you’re going to get a lot of stuff that’s going to be applicable across the board. A lot of like business advice. And then if you’re on the fence about going, I mean the networking opportunities are invaluable. I mean that alone is like getting to meet these sellers and you’re going to come back so inspired, so pumped up. That’s part of the whole thing as well.
It really is.
We had that great conversation about the boss reseller rewind.
Remix. (laughing)
We had that conversation about the boss reseller remix, and we had some news, Liz.
Yeah. I’m super excited. Again. I hope to see you all at the boss reseller remix in Vegas in October, go to resellerremix.com, ticket prices, all the venue information, everything is on the site. If you have any questions, reach out, let us know.
All right.
Episode 27 in the books. You can find us at thesellercommunitypodcast.com/podcast. Leave a message or ask a question at anchor.fm/sellercommunitypodcast. Or you can email us@podcastatthesellercommunitypodcast.com. You can also post a question in the List Perfectly Facebook group at facebook.com/groups/listperfectly use the hashtag seller community podcast and mention Liz or Doug.
You can listen to us anywhere. You listen to podcasts. Be sure and subscribe, let your friends know, and we’d love it. If you enjoyed the podcast or have any feedback, leave us a review on apple podcasts. You can also follow us on Instagram at Coloradoreworn, that’s Liz. Snoop.dougie, that’s me, and of course at List Perfectly, which is List Perfectly.
Hey Doug.
Hey, we will…
Liz and Doug:
See you next week.
Not bad, not bad. All right.