Episode Two: The List Perfectly Story Show Notes


In episode two we talk with Clara Albornoz and Amanda Morse, the founders of List Perfectly. We’ll learn about the journey, the launch and growth of List Perfectly, and future plans. We’ll also have Seller Shoutouts, List Perfectly Tips, and Seller Questions.

The Seller Community Podcast from List Perfectly is the #1 resource for the seller community across all platforms and hub for information on growing your business with List Perfectly. Find out more at thesellercommunitypodcast.com/podcast, leave a message or ask a question at https://anchor.fm/sellercommunitypodcast, or email us at podcast@thesellercommunitypodcast.com.


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Hey, Liz it’s episode two. What do you think? How’s it going so far?


So far? I am so excited. I know it’s only episode two, but at this point we’ve had some great guests on our show. Last week, we got to hear from Alex, the chief marketing officer of List Perfectly. This week, we got to interview Clara and Amanda, co-founders of List Perfectly. I have learned so much more about the seller community just by doing this podcast. It’s been great. What do you think?


I think it’s going great so far. It’s been, it’s a lot of fun, you know, it’s great to work with you and just great to learn more about the List Perfectly story, and then just, you know, for me reconnect with the seller community, and I’m learning a lot about List Perfectly. We’ll talk about that too, but you’ve been a great help there as usual, but yeah, it’s a lot of fun and happy to be able to do this.


Thanks. I love helping sellers. That’s why I absolutely love this podcast. I love the idea of this podcast. Sellers connecting sellers, seller community. I think that that’s why I’m having such a great time with it.


So, let’s get started with this episode.


I’m Liz…


And I’m Doug, welcome to the Seller Community Podcast from List Perfectly. If this is your first time listening, then thanks for coming, The Seller Community Podcast is produced by List Perfectly each week for your enjoyment. Show notes will be found at thesellercommunitypodcast.com/podcast.


This week we’re telling the List Perfectly story with Clara and Amanda and we’ll learn about their backgrounds, how List Perfectly came to be and how this perfectly ties into the bigger seller community.


And we’ll have Seller Shout Outs. You’ll get some weekly List Perfectly Tips. We’ll answer some Seller Questions…


Let’s get started with our featured guests, Clara and Amanda, the founders of List Perfectly.

The List Perfectly Story With Clara and Amanda


Today we are so humbled to be able to have the List Perfectly executive team with us to tell us more about their lives, their journey, and List Perfectly. Clara is the chief operations officer and co-founder of Liz perfectly. She was born in Argentina, graduated university and was a practicing lawyer. Clara immigrated to the United States and worked her way into corporate America. Clara successfully climbed the ranks of the banking industry as a mortgage loan officer, senior account executive and assistant branch manager of some of the top banks in America. When she left her career in the banking industry, she and her business partner, Amanda, dove deep into their reselling adventure.


Amanda’s the chief executive officer and co-founder of List Perfectly. Amanda grew up in Rhode Island, graduated from the University of Michigan and served in the Marine Corps Reserve and worked at Hertz for eight years, working her way up through the ranks and into tech. She realized she had a love of reselling and building her own business and founded Studio 216 and her love of vintage fashion led to building the Clothing Vault rapidly, growing beyond a six-figure company.


Necessity to grow their businesses is what led Amanda and Clara to build List Perfectly from the ground up. Welcome Amanda and Clara.

Clara and Amanda:

Hi, thank you for having us. Hi, thanks.


I am so excited today. I think we just need to just dive right in. Is that okay?


Let’s do it. I’m so excited to be here.


So let’s go back to before List Perfectly and the Clothing Vault, take us on your reseller journey. How did it start? What did you sell?


Oh my goodness. I should stop them based on, I have a very interesting story. When I was nine years old, unfortunately my dad died by the age of 11. My mom had three jobs and it wasn’t enough in Argentina. We were going with very deep inflation and we’re coming under siege. So I decided to start selling candies in the breaks of the school and the school, let me do it. So I was only eleven years old when I would buy those big bags of candy and then I would sell it individually and I would make at least 200% of my money back. And I still remember buying my first pair of Adidas by myself.


For me, I actually started a vegetarian food business in Los Angeles before being a reseller and that didn’t work out. But the process of reselling my equipment from that business led me to the reseller world because I actually sold the equipment for more than I paid for it. And I was like, wait a second. There’s really something to this, so I, you know, that, that really got me going


From there. you built studio 216 and you grew and expanded that. Can you tell us a little more about that?


I was lucky because right when I sold my equipment, I was looking for, you know, knowledge and experience. I had never resold before. This is back in 2003. And, luckily where I lived, there was a reseller and he had actually posted a want ad for some help. So I joined him. I learned all about vintage clothing. I had no idea that vintage clothing selling online was even a thing. And, through that experience, I thought, wow, this is, this is really remarkable. I mean, you can find these treasures out there and resolve them.


So you grew the Clothing Vault. At that time, what platform or platforms were you selling on?


2009, of course I wanted to get some organization on the business. So I wanted a new name. The Clothing Vault came. I wanted to do a trademark. I wanted to get the domains and everything. So everything started with, we wanted to send more traffic to eBay. So first we did like a little landing page, which was pretty much promoting our eBay shop in that we were like, wow, this is working, you know? And then I was saying, okay, hold on a second. I’m going to do some Pinterest, okay. And at that time, you know, Pinterest was like Instagram right now. So, it was like, wow, it’s working. And I start seeing my sales increasing. And at the time everybody was doing free shipping and I was like, no, I’m not going to do free shipping. I’m going to charge face value of the shipping. Right. But we’re not going to do that. And we started to see sales, didn’t decrease. So then of course at that time, you know, we already having, I’m already have some challenges with my arthritis. She decides, hey, why don’t we go multichannel? And then we realized manual crosslisting was the worst thing that could happen to someone that has arthritis. Horrible.


It was just terrible. You know, between the time it took to create the listings, to photograph all the items and then add more channels. But, you know, we just said, we know that there’s a way to do this. And in fact, back in those days we created Microsoft Word templates. That was actually early List Perfectly.


600 templates. We have templates for everything. So that’s when she said we shouldn’t build something for templating. And of course her and I, we start feeding off each other. Well, if we’re going to do something for templates, why don’t we do just something? What about that product description box? And that’s how everything started. You know, what, if we can copy that description box and then I show her, “hey, look, this is another channel insider.” I started Instagram very early for the clothing as well. So that started to promote all of my shops. And then we added Etsy with the early version of list clothing. Then we started to add, the website that now has a checkout, you know, and that was amazing. That was a beautiful website that Amanda built for me and I could manage it myself completely with no technology. I took it down that website 20 times. She would bring it 15 minutes. I love it. It was an incredible experience, the most beautiful thing.


So if you, if you really look at a timeline, I would say around 2010 is if you think about the earliest inception of List Perfectly, it was probably 2010 when we were full on with our templates and they were pretty advanced. They were not just your average Word templates. Like one day I’ll share, they were full of forms that, that, you know, with a click of a button, you would erase all the information. And only the key information that the text that you would always repeat would show. They were very advanced, but you know, it got to a point where we thought we have so many, 600 templates. We should be putting these on a server at this point. And, now we have all these channels. We really need to connect all the channels together. And to combine the templates and the multichannel selling really required a custom solution. And this is something that we conceived of as early as 2011, 2012…


And even earlier, because we spent a year trying to hire developers before Amanda, said, “okay, I’m done. You know, I’m gonna teach myself coding.” Okay. And it was a year of people telling us “no you’ll never make it.” And it was just very, very, very, it’s very hard two women in technology to create a minimal viable product that is innovative technology is like, there is a lot of resistance. So we realize that we have to do it ourselves. And let me tell you Liz and Doug. That was incredible. Now you go and put all your money, invest all your money on a historian that doesn’t have coding experience. And then she’s going to build a multi-million dollar company.


Let me think back to 2010. And you know, as I’m listening to you, I’m trying to think of where I was in 2010 with reselling, you know, I’m pretty sure there were no apps for any of the marketplaces. Nobody took their pictures with their phones. So what we take for granted today to just pick up our phone and take some pictures and upload it, that just wasn’t even a thing. Like there was an entire process.


Selling, even though the technology has improved and the process might be different, selling online is the same. It’s always going to be the same. You know, at the end of the day, you want to create listings that buyers love, that attract attention that people find, and then convert to buyers that is never going to change.


So at the height of the clothing vault, how many listings would you say that you had?

Speaker 3:

3,000, almost 4,000, but we were selling so fast. We were, the challenge was to keep the inventory up. We were just selling so fast that it was, it was very difficult. 30 packages a day Liz. I was on track to do half a million dollars when I had to let go of the Clothing Vault and put all my chickens in List Perfectly. And that was hard. Let me tell you that was really hard.


You’ve got the clothing vault at the height. You’re doing 30 packages a day. Amanda’s learning and building a program for you. At what point did the business say, let’s move away from the Clothing Vault and focus more on List Perfectly. That’s gotta be a hard one.


It was so hard because we couldn’t see eye to eye. Amanda is “let go of the Clothing Vault.” So what I did is you to have to choose your battles carefully, you know, and I will say, you know what? I’m going to listen to my partner. I’m going to let go of the Clothing Vault. I’m going to dedicate myself fully to List Perfectly. And I started to accrue that debt myself, because you’ve got to, technology is very expensive.


And at what point did you decide to open it up to other resellers?


Who better to try it with our wholesellers? Because they’re also selling, right? So we give them access to the platform we’re doing good or whatever. So it’s working. And then some of the sudden, of course, I changed their business model. They don’t need the software anymore, but we got all the information we needed and I’m like, okay, Amanda turn it off. And I’m like, uh…


This was in 2015. Imagine we actually had our first customer in 2015. What we realized, what we learned from, that experience was that in order to really make this successful, we saw Poshmark as an up and coming marketplace. And we always knew we have to integrate with Poshmark for this to really take off. But there wasn’t a way, there is no, if you, if you understand anything about technology, you understand that you typically need a connection to the marketplace, which didn’t exist. I had to invent it.


Well. And you know, you look at it. And what people have to understand is that isn’t even your background, right? Amanda, you’re self-taught and Clara had that confidence. She knew that you had that in you. And how did you offer this to the community?


You know, what we saw in the community back then was a lot of not sharing. It’s not the community that it is today. Everyone was, you know, “Hey, I’m not going to give away my secrets because it might…” And I always thought differently. I always thought there’s, the internet is big enough for all of us. And there’s plenty of supply out there. There’s plenty of opportunity. We genuinely thought this would change people’s lives. And that’s honestly, at the point that we knew that we had to, we had to bring this to people.


Coming from a country that is in development or Third World. I’ve never seen a penny. Okay. Have you seen all kinds of organizations helping the Third World? And I never got anything. I don’t, I didn’t get one antibiotic. I had already had kidney failure by the age of 15. So I knew very early that myself and my work and my hands will get me out of this situation of this operation and poverty. So for me, commerce is the equalizer. It’s the access to a dignified job. It’s your option. And for me, that has to be shared. We were never ready with Amanda, with the overwhelming support of the community. I knew you guys would support us, but so overwhelming and such a high demand that was that feeds you and keeps you, it becomes, I don’t know if it is addiction, but it becomes such a good habit. You don’t know, it’s not a job.


You went to eBay Open 2019. What was your expectation with that?


Okay. We were counting pennies, so that’s a reason, I couldn’t afford a ticket to get into eBay Open. So I was on the front door. Okay. If passing, you know, little flyers eBay let me do so. So we were expecting 300 signups. I was like, Hmm, one day I’m going to get 300 customers. And then you can make them very happy. What about 500? That’s even better. 1,500 over night, that was…


It was so touching because, just prior to that, we had the lucky fortune of meeting Theresa Cox. She’s based in Phoenix. So I went to a Meetup group and this was, and I honestly, I didn’t even think about going to eBay Open at that time, but meeting Teresa, getting to know that the local group here, it just seemed like everyone was so excited to go. I said, this is where the community’s going. So we’re going to be there. You know, it was, it was a fortunate chain of events that led us to the community and the determination. Yeah, absolutely. Our determination. Yeah. 100%.


Because let me tell you, Liz, I was so nervous passing little flyers out of List Perfectly, and I’m on the front door of eBay. Sheriff’s are passing by eBay security is passing by and I’m like, Oh my God, of course I have, you know, I’m a seller, you know? So I’m like, I know I’m walking on eggshells and I love that eBay somehow supported us. They were very kind, Amanda was inside with them. And the fun part turned out to be that was outside because I could see everybody coming in and out. It was so entertaining. We had so much fun at eBay Open.


So after eBay Open, that exceeded your expectation. I remember I came home and I looked into it and there was such a buzz in the eBay community about, well, I met these people from List Perfectly at eBay Open. I went to their site and there was a waitlist. Can you tell us about that and what the motivation was behind a waitlist?


Desperation. So at that time, we, of course, our system was not ready for 1500, very determined and pro sellers, because that’s what List Perfectly our limited concept, you know, brought the more advanced sellers. So we were not ready. So we were crashing every hour, every two hours. So we’re like, “Oh my God,.” Still, I have to put, I have to close a group of List Perfectly. Okay. I have to ask questions. Then we put a waiting list. Okay. And then we would delay the onboarding as the server was, when the tech team was trying at that time was Amanda literally, and another developer, the tech team. So that was it.


When, when we got the 1500 overnight, they all came with closets and, you know, stores of 1,000, 2,000 listings. And they were literally like crosslisting all of their inventory all at once, one thing that we realized is, okay, we need to make sure whoever is on the site, you know, gets through their inventory and has a good experience because if we keep onboarding people, and this pattern that everybody is so excited to crosslist everything all at once, we need to make sure and meter it and make sure that like let’s put some stop lights on the, on the server. We always want to make sure that everybody has a good experience. And, uh, we’re always working every single day towards making it better and improving


People definitely saw the benefit in what List Perfectly had to offer. Clearly. This past year has not been easy for anybody. I want to just kind of touch on 2020, it was just an odd year. How did that affect List Perfectly? Did it slow you down? Did it speed you up? Did it drive you?


Drive us, drive us because we’re taking advantage of this quarantine to hyperfocus in our community. So we’re, so what would you say connected are so connected with our community there is no time for, for feeling homesick There is no time for feeling claustrophobic.


What really touched me is seeing all the stories of people picking up reselling because they lost their job. And so, you know, from that standpoint, I feel that it’s our mission to make resellers’ lives profitable. Part of reselling is, you know, you make mistakes, you learn and that’s okay. But if you have software to help you to shave time off of your daily tasks, don’t spend time doing mundane tasks, you know, get out there, source whatever you need to do to make it successful. And you know, a piece of technology can make a world of difference from being a slave to your business, to a thriving business.


I was surprised to see how many eBayers started selling on Poshmark. That was incredible for me as a former eBayer myself. Okay. Full-time. I listed on Poshmark, you know, that I was surprised to see, you know, so many, so many, eBayers selling on so many different platforms. Like you said, trying,.


You’re always pivoting. You’re always adjusting, but where do you see overall things going this year in e-commerce?


It’s no secret that e-commerce is exploding in growth. Just a few short years ago as online sellers, you know, we were told that you can’t make money as online sellers. It was a crazy idea to a lot of people with brick and mortar stores that online sales would be where they are today. But honestly, Clara and I always saw it from day one, since we got into online sales, we always knew there was incredible room for growth, but the pandemic just accelerated that. And so what we’re going to see now is even more online sales. A lot of the barriers in the past were trust issues, right? You know, am I really going to get the product as described, is my money just going to go into a black hole? Well, a lot of those problems have been solved by things that marketplaces have done. So we’re going to see a lot of improvements and efficiencies being made in the online sales space. And as far as List Perfectly is concerned, we have a lot of surprises coming. We’re going all in, in making sellers lives more efficient, more, profitable. And so we have some secret projects that we are working on, but we’re not ready to divulge yet, but…


We could have never done it without you Liz. I call you guys our angel investors because all of you guys put your money on us. Okay. You were patient, you helped us. If it went down, you guided us with the product. We are List Perfectly thanks. And we’re thankful to our community.


As sellers we also recognize is that it’s a glass half empty half full sometimes. And you know, always staying positive makes better profits. When we stay in a positive mindset, in a solution oriented mindset, our business, the Clothing Vault thrived. When we felt kind of sad or, you know, taken down, our business went down, it very much is a positive mindset.


It’s interesting because I think the positivity really shows. And for me, it’s the positivity, the authenticity, the fact that you do pivot, you get out in front of issues right away. And what I really love too, is obviously List Perfectly is a product, but you really work and foster a wider seller community than just one platform. It’s all the platforms. And what really grabbed was just the opportunity to be a part of this, to work with something that is probably, I think the only thing out there that works across all of the seller communities, I think that’s an amazing opportunity. I think that’s a big part of it.


Oh, thank you, Doug. Thank you for bringing that up because I felt like prior to us, you have to go to these paid groups or something to get those amazing tips. I know you, Liz, you’ve been collaborating with other Facebook groups, always helping the community, but you know what I’m talking about with multiple channels, nobody was getting free advice. And what we have is specialists, lawyers don’t have it. Bankers and finances. Don’t have it. Trust me. That’s why I love ecommerce for me. I don’t even miss one day of being a lawyer.


Really quality work takes time. You’re a hundred percent invested in every way. You know, whether it be, we put our money where our beliefs are. I gotta give major kudos to Clara because she really believes so much in the community that she’s fostering everyone to buy from each other, buy from the community. And she’s taken the lead on that. Our seller sourced, mystery boxes, are just that–we buy from you. We buy from the sellers because we believe in community. We believe in fostering that we believe in policy positivity. And we believe that if we’re going to be the leaders in this space, we need to take action and do it.


So for those that don’t know, List Perfectly does mystery boxes that you can enter to win on their Instagram page, “drop your closets, drop your stores. I’m going to buy your stuff.” So not only is she giving to the community in a box, she’s like, well, wait a minute. Instead of me going out and buying, let’s just buy from the community, get it. And then I’ll package it up to put in these prizes. So it’s like a double win for the community.


Thank you, Liz, I’m buying, asking price, you know, I’m not bargaining. I’m buying, asking price and I’m buying. I have a good eye, so I know what I’m buying. Some sellers thought that I was buying for reselling. And it was like, no, I’m not going to be selling anymore. And they’re like, oh, you just bought my best, my best product now. Well, it’s going to be no worries. You’re going to get a feature. I’m going to keep the organic SEO and we’re going to keep these to a seller that is in need for products in sourcing. So the idea was originally to support Small Business Saturdays. I wanted to activate some, so people were saying, I don’t get any sales for them. And it was like, November, December, what happened? You know, eBay turned on the faucet or Poshmark. I don’t know. I’m not selling any. And I say, wait, all you need is one little purchase and you know how it is. And that trickles, you know, the algorithm of, of platforms. So let me go on through that. I started to shop initially for me, right. That was like, okay, for me, let’s see what I need in the house. And then started like, wait a second. Let’s and that’s literally I was shopping. I saw the bright light. And then I wanted to shop for myself and we’re going to feature the things that we’re using with Amanda. And we’re going to promote the shots. We’re going to modal there, the clothing that we bought from you guys, this is not done. Okay. So we’re going to go even farther to promote your shops. So this is very important for us.


It is. It’s very important, especially in this era where, you know, main street is fast fading, right? Um, it’s going away and we’re, we’re seeing more, um, aggregation of big businesses. The community needs this now more than ever…


Tell us the story about how you met at that party.


You know, I’m, I’m a nerd and I go everywhere with my laptop. I’m a reseller. It’s not like you can get sales on your phones back then. That wasn’t the thing. So I would go everywhere with my laptop and I went to a party with Clara and you go ahead and finish the story…


So here it is, you know, I invited people to come. I made a barbecue at my house, you know, finally she comes, you know, and I see her coming with a laptop and I’m like, Ooh, that’s interesting. As a former banker, when you see a laptop, you know, I was in, for example, open houses, running credit. It’s almost like that caught my attention immediately coming. Because at that time I was in banking. Right. So she told me, she said reseller. I’m like, literally I’m like, Ooh, poor thing. She’s not making money. Okay. That was the belief. Okay of the financial industry about the resellers, and ecommerce, right. Poor thing, she’s not making money. Okay. I’ll make sure I’ll take care of her. So any time, any time, you know, I would see socially, I would be like, Hey, Amanda here’s a beer. Or, or let me come, let me get you this or whatever. Right. So then she comes in, opens the laptop, you know? And she’s like, she’s, she’s social, you know, like we’re having something to drink and eating. And then after that, she goes to a little corner, opens the laptop. Okay. And I see her working and she’s happy. And I see her smiling and smiling I’m like, Oh wait, I gotta be part of this. Right. And then I’m like, may I ask, you know, what did you get good news or something? You’re like, let me show you, you know, you know, eBay, this is what I do. And look at the, I just got a nice sale, $200 sale. I’m like, Oh, congratulations. And I was like $200? I’d have to work an hour. Okay. So it was like, I will see. Interesting. And then she shows me it’s a best at Ralph Lauren, vest downhill skier. You know, those vintage ones, right? You know that at that time it has a hole in the chest girl. Then I will say my next thing coming from the banking industry, it’s like, okay, this might not be in compliance with eBay when I was, I didn’t say anything. Right. You might ask her, “hey, are you sure this is in compliance?” You know, I, I didn’t know how to speak. You know, eCommerce was a whole different industry for me right there. I came very regulated. Right, right. She’s like, “no, this is fine. And look, I’m showing people the hole, and I’m also describing this.” And he was beautiful because she was even describing with a coin. She was getting the measurements of the, if it was a tear. Very detailed, and I was like this is legit. So I will say, ask her, could you please tell me if you ever get feedback for this person? Could you please share with me one day and so on, then next time we’re socially meeting again. She shows me, “hey, you asked me for this’ ‘ and the guy’s like “thank you so much. I’ve been looking for this vest for the last 30 years, you made my life and the whole family.” I’m like, okay, that’s it. I got to be part of it. I fell in love with ecommerce right then and there I realized he was banking. She just came from Europe, from traveling all over with the mom, all over Europe. I was like, Oh no. Once you hear that, you can’t unhear it. So I couldn’t picture myself going back to banking and working 12 hours a day again. And I was like, I gotta test this freedom little. And I was like, Hey, can I do that entry for you? The rest is history.


And that’s how you build a half a million dollar company off of used vintage clothing. Amanda and Clara. Do you have anything else you would like to share with our listeners today?


Yes. I would like to share with our listeners. Okay. That, as someone that is self-made okay. I was when I started this industry, many people and even my family questioned. Okay. You’re a lawyer for goodness sake. What are you going to be doing reselling? Right. Reselling has been the best decision I’ve made in my life. It’s an incredible journey. Might not be the destination, but go ahead, embark on this journey. It’ll make your dreams come true. Might not be the destination and who cares, but what an incredible journey and the community’s there. Come and join us and get to know this community, come and try reselling. It’s life changing.


Yeah. And for me, I would just say, just please stay positive, no matter what it will, it will get you through tough times if you have them. And for the good times, you’ll, you’ll enjoy them that much more.


Where can our listeners find List Perfectly?


Oh, great question. The first place that I will recommend to come and join us, is in our Facebook, our List Perfectly Facebook group. The reason I ask you to come and join us there is because we’re always there with Amanda and we’re gathering and receiving your feedback. It is an incredible tool to communicate with you in lifetime and understand your concerns, your suggestions, or issues. So that’s the number one. We’ll also be on Instagram or YouTube on our website, of course, at thesellercommunitypodcast.com and I’m so excited now we have our podcast. We are also gonna have a special part for our podcast and our blog.


So, and of course, Liz perfectly.com.


Thanks for joining us. It was a lot of fun.


Thank you. It was a pleasure and I can’t wait to come back.


Thank you, Doug and Liz. I really enjoyed being here and I can’t wait to be back and give those announcements.


Thank you. Today we’ve shared Amanda and Clara, the co-founders CEO, COO of List Perfectly. Thank you so much for taking time out of your busy day and we appreciate you.

Clara and Amanda:

Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you.

Seller Shout Outs


For this week’s Seller Shoutouts. I actually have more than one seller. In recognition of Black History Month, List Perfectly is recognizing black owned e-commerce sellers. If you go to List Perfectly on Instagram, you’re going to find a list of hundreds of black owned e-commerce sellers. Please go visit the thread, and tag your favorite black owned e-commerce seller. A couple that stick out to me that have been recognized so far is cutecaseresell, Brittany, lavish finds, which was featured on the List Perfectly super seller session a couple of weeks ago, posh .days with Ray that’s Rae at QCconsigns swagslayerfashion, aresellerspassion and Pink Diva Studio. And like I said, there are hundreds more. Please go to Instagram, give your shout out and keep the thread going.

List Perfectly Tips


All right. We’ve got a couple of List Perfectly tips this week, but Liz, let me ask you this… sellers can regularly find List Perfectly tips where?


Users can find us on Facebook in the List Perfectly group where Theresa Cox gives a weekly tip every Tuesday, regarding List Perfectly.


Those are great tips, and you can ask questions in there and get help. Liz. I know you’ve got a couple of good tips for this week. What do you have for us?


Yeah. So the first one, List Perfectly actually has, what’s called a Self-help Wizard. This is really great. If you log into List Perfectly and click Contact Us, let’s say something’s not cross-listing right. You can go to Technical Support. And it’s going to ask what you’re having a problem with. Let’s say I’m having a problem crosslisting, I can just click the little icon that says Crosslister, Import Issues. So you do this from the device that you’re cross-listing from, List Perfectly actually will alert you if you need to update your browser, if you need to update your extension, if, or if you need to clear your cache, which is something that’s very important. What’s really good about this is they don’t just leave you hanging and say, “hey, you need to update.” It’s going to take you through the steps to actually update your extension, bringing in that self-help portion.


But know that List Perfectly is always there. You can just go through the process and be like, “nope, that didn’t solve my problem. Nope. That didn’t solve my problem.” It’s going to continue on to help you solve your own issues through their Support Wizard. When you get to the end, you can always contact List Perfectly. And they actually have an embedded screen recording, nothing to download, right? They’re not going to ask you to download anything. It’s internal. You can be like, “I’m having a problem.” You can push the record screen button and they can hear you. So I can say, “Hey, List Perfectly, look, this is what I’m having a problem with. I did this, this and that.” And they will be able to watch exactly what’s happening. So for instance, one time I went through all of this. I couldn’t figure it out. And it turned out I had two other extensions running in the background that was conflicting. And they could see that because I submitted a screen recording and they could see my extensions and that solved my problem. It was absolute user error. But what the great thing was is I was able to actually go in and get my problem solved. And the tech team was able to see instantly what my problem was. There was no going back.


So you’ve got the Support Guided Wizard. That’s great. You’ve got the community, which is the Facebook List Perfectly Group, lots of support there from other List Perfectly sellers, and from the List Perfectly team. Can I phone in Liz? If I have a question?


List Perfectly does not have phone support, Help Wizard is the number one way to get your issues resolved the quickest.


Again, like Liz said, they’re going to be able to see what you’re doing. They can hear you. So it’s like you’re sharing your computer with them. They can take a look at that. And then again, that Facebook group is amazing. Just the support on there. So you’ve got those options. You’ve got the 24-7 help wizard, the Facebook group…


And your seller community. You can also, if you do have any questions, remember you can always email the podcast. If you’d like your question answered on air, you can email podcast@thesellercommunitypodcast.com.

 Seller Questions


Now let’s get to some seller questions with Liz, our in-house expert. All right, Liz, we’ve got a couple special questions this week from me. First off, if someone has a List Perfectly question Liz, where would you send them?


The first place I would send sellers is to the List Perfectly website, right on their main menu page. They have a guide to List Perfectly and a getting started guide. Those two right there will lead a lot of sellers through, some really quick answers. However, visit us on the Facebook group. We have a great community of sellers that have been using List Perfectly that are more than happy to jump in and answer any selling questions for you. It doesn’t have to be List Perfectly related. It could be marketplace-related. We have some great conversations on the best way to navigate Poshmark, how to handle shipping on Mercari, the best pictures to put on Depop. So definitely join the group. It extends beyond one marketplace and beyond the usage of List Perfectly.


Obviously, the Facebook group is amazing for questions and things like that. But on the website, like you said, you’ve got the Getting Started resource. You’ve got the Guide to List Perfectly, the Pro Plan Guide on there. This is important too. You can see Current Issues. So if there’s a current issue with, you know, with the software, sometimes you have to update the software. Sometimes you have to update your browser, clear your cache, maybe even restart your browser at some point. What I really like too is we’ve got this Contact Us area. So there’s a link there to Technical Support, Account and Billing questions. You can even Submit a Feature Request here. I know that Teresa Cox, that’s her favorite feature. Info on the referral program. So basically there’s a lot of resources out there for you, if you have questions, but I go straight to Liz. Liz is my go-to for all questions. I wouldn’t say 24-7, but nearly 24-7.


I don’t always have the answers. Let me just throw that right out there. I always say, not everybody has the answers for everything. We only know what we’ve learned.


Liz is always very active on the Facebook group as well. This segues into my next question for you, Liz. So obviously I’m learning List Perfectly and you’ve been helping and you’ve given me some great tips, but one of the coolest tips was you recommended that I import my listings from eBay into List Perfectly.


Earlier this month List Perfectly made what’s called your catalog, which is, which is your listings, right? So your listings in List Perfectly are called your catalog. They’ve made that unlimited for all users on all plans. So whether you’re on the Simple Plan, the Business Plan or the Pro Plan, all of your listings, you can import as many as you want. So that’s the first barrier that some people were like, well, I don’t want to spend the extra $10 a month for more listings. That’s been lifted. Secondly, I know that you were selling on a couple of platforms already. You’re ready to import all of your listings into List Perfectly. The reason that I suggested you go from eBay to List Perfectly is that eBay has the most information a seller could possibly need in a listing. So eBay is the most comprehensive.


When you talk about the longest title, they also, all of their item specifics, they have the shipping, they have, you know, a, a larger item description section. So you’re bringing in the most information when you import from eBay, also eBay has the largest picture file, so that when you import into List Perfectly your pictures aren’t coming in compressed, like they do on some of the other marketplaces. It’s not that it’s a bad thing for other marketplaces. It’s just what it is, right? So you’re retaining that image quality when you import into List Perfectly.


So let me ask you this. So the reverse of that, so let’s say, you know, I hear a lot of Poshmark sellers that are on Poshmark and want to come over to eBay. Talk a minute about how List Perfectly would make a new seller to eBay, make it easier for them to list on eBay.


So actually List Perfectly is a great tool for somebody on Poshmark wanting to break into the eBay platform. It’s just common knowledge, eBay does require more work up front. How List Perfectly helps is so you import your listings into the List Perfectly catalog…please know that is not required. You can go directly from marketplace to marketplace. If you want to go from Poshmark to eBay, know that even with the simple plan, your pictures are getting crossed over, your title is getting crossed over. And your item description that you’ve already typed is getting crossed over with the push of one button with eBay. eBay actually has some AI going on. That’s going to pull in from your title to help you fill in those item specifics. There is actually a section within the List Perfectly catalog listing flow, where you could put a title builder and it will help you build titles for each platform. But yes, it works great for people going from Poshmark to eBay. It kind of eases that burden of not only having to learn a new platform and learn, “hey, I’ve got, I have to put in all of these items specifics,” it helps alleviate the burden of having to copy and paste the pictures, having to copy and paste the title, having to copy and paste all of that information.


Streamlining the process is important, saves you more time and time is money. Anyway, thank you, Liz, for those answers. Then another resource now for you is the podcast. So you can leave a message or ask a question for us, for Liz mostly. I’ll just kind of chime in here and there at anchor.fm/seller community podcast, or email us at podcast@thesellercommunitypodcast.com. And then you can also post in the List Perfectly Facebook group. And I would use the hashtag #sellercommunitypodcast. And you can mention Liz or Doug. Yeah. Hit us up. We’re here to help. And, um, you know, if we can’t help, we’ll point you in the right direction.




Thank you for joining us on the Seller Community Podcast from List Perfectly. This week, we got to talk to the amazing Clara and Amanda, the founders of List Perfectly. We got to hear their story, how they grew from the Clothing Vault. I just want to say thank you so much to them for sharing their story, beyond just what List Perfectly is today. It was so interesting to hear how they started.


Yeah, that was awesome. Just the passion, the experience, and literally the love for the concept of seller community and the seller community. And we had Seller Shout Outs with Liz. You got some List Perfectly tips from Liz. I think we should change the name of that segment to Liz Perfectly. Liz Perfectly tips from Liz. Liz answered some seller questions.


Thank you for joining the Liz show with Doug. You can find us at thesellercommunitypodcast.com/podcast. Leave a message or ask a question at anchor.fm/seller community podcast, or email us at podcast@thesellercommunitypodcast.com.


You can listen to us anywhere you listen to podcasts and be sure and subscribe, tell your friends and they’ll tell two friends and so on and so on. You can also follow us on Instagram @coloradoreworn, @snoop.dougie. And of course, @listperfectly. Find the List Perfectly Facebook group at facebook.com/groups/listperfectly. All right, can we time this Liz? Ready?

Doug and Liz:

See you next week!