This week Trish Glenn joins Clara and Doug to chat all about reseller events! We dive into everything you need to know about reseller events including Flip Con, eBay Open, PoshFest, BOSS Reseller Remix, and more!
List Perfectly is the ecommerce resource for selling across multiple e-commerce platforms including eBay, Poshmark, Etsy, Mercari, Kidizen, Grailed, Depop, Tradesy, Facebook Marketplace, Instagram, and Shopify.
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eBay Open
BOSS Reseller Remix
Hi, Doug. Hi Trish.
Hola ladies.
You know what a topic today. What a topic today. Wow, the good, the bad, and the ugly. Should you be attending a reseller event…Reseller Remix at that time Trish, you attended just as an attendee, or did you speak last year?
I spoke, yes.
Okay. So you are a speaker and an attendee. Okay. But also that was the first time we took a chance on sponsoring BOSS Reseller Remix in the belief that Katy and Vikki could make it happen. We wanna share with you the feedback. Okay. Because what was in 2021 is very different from what’s gonna be in 2022. Wouldn’t you agree guys?
Oh, totally. Yeah.
Totally. It’s gonna be bigger and better from what I think is happening.
It’s just insane. We’re gonna be talking about why we think with Trish and Doug, that is gonna be bigger and better, you know, hopefully, you know, like for example, there was an issue with the food truck. Okay. I gotta address it. You know, it was tough for me. I love tacos. I kid you not, there was, I have to wait like 40 minutes to get my taco. Okay. So I begged this year okay as a condition of List Perfectly to be a sponsor, to get two food taco truck tacos, and we did it,, I got my voice heard!
Tacos for everyone.
And you, Clara, you warned us this was gonna be controversial. So you’re getting controversial right out of the gate.
Oh, right off the bat. Okay. So I started with the food. Okay. But I also wanna say what was amazing. Okay. We did a con now let’s go. Let’s be fair. Let’s go with the pro. I have to say, I don’t know what you guys think, but mind-blowing the food for the final party that we sponsored. That was just insane. The meat was wow. That was just incredible.
The food was good. The food was very good I thought.
And I went outside to congratulate the grill person that was in charge because they were really working so hard. I went to see how they were working on it. So that was very humbling. This was at the Blind Center of Nevada. So that was just to be helping at the same time to be the first ones to do every reset event in person. Okay. Nobody was doing anything in person. So that was just, I think that that was mind-blowing. Right?
It was, it was great. But that’s one of the things that I think is interesting about this year is that yeah. After the pandemic and Vikki and Katy and Theresa did that event, it was like the first one, the only one really all year. And now this year we’ve had Flip Con, there have been lots of local events. There are different eBay events around and we’re going to PoshFest. And then BOSS, I mean this year has just been chock full of reseller events.
We’re gonna elaborate on exactly what Trish just said. Okay. So we’re gonna give you a roadmap. Okay of where the List Perfectly team and also Listing Party, Listing Party! Okay. Woo. Just say woo. Just saying Listing Party! <Laugh> The big announcement of the Listing Party will come okay on the BOSS Reseller Remix to be done in October. All these, we have The Seller Community Podcastsponsored by List Perfectly season two, episode 37, BOSS Reseller Remix 2022 with Katy, Vikki, Theresa everybody that’s organizing this incredible event. Okay. Sharing with us. What’s coming? Why is BOSS Reseller Remix is gonna be very different from BOSS Reseller Remix 2021? So if you attended 2021, and you’re thinking of skipping 2022, because you already did 2021. I highly…yeah right. What do you think? What would you say to those people? Hey, I’m on a budget. Trish. Okay. Like anybody, right? We all know there is inflation. There is a recession. We get it. Okay. I’m on a budget. Trish. I’m concerned about the hotel expenses. I do have the money, but you know, 2022 has been and is showing to be a challenging year. Right? What would you say to people that are on the fence? Okay. Because they already attendedReseller Remix 2021.
I think that the ability to go to these things is absolutely essential for your business. And I think that you get so much out of it. And if you went last year, I bet that that energy and that information carried you for a whole year. And to me going again, it is not the same event. It’s different, different speakers, different things. They’re bringing in new things you’re gonna get, and there’s gonna be a lot of new people there. People we didn’t meet last year, you’re gonna get re-energized, and your business is gonna move forward. And the money is something you’re investing in yourself and in your business. I think it’s absolutely well spent.
What a great concept. Okay. Some people can see it as an expense, but I love the word that you just used, an investment that I’m always very careful to also emphasize with our community. Investing yourself, as you know List Perfectly, doesn’t have a free plan because we make our software work consistently. So, you know, investing and that’s something that we always say is a time saver educating yourself, surrounding yourself with peers, that I will understand exactly where you’re coming from. And then having the ability this year, 2022 is coming with everything. I mean, Flip Con was wow, but now we are having so many other events that we’re gonna be attending that will give you the roadmap right away. Number one thing you need to know about Remix. Okay. It’s gonna be, you can’t attend personally knowing you’re gonna be attended. You can attend virtually. So after it’s not gonna be concurrent, okay. It’s not gonna be like a live stream, all right concurrently with the event. So upon finishing the in-person event, you will be emailed certain credentials. So you can access the videos and sessions that you’re interested in. That was confirmed to me by Vikki herself, one of the organizers of BOSS Reseller Remix, there is still time for you to get that ticket. Can’t attend in person, get the one to go at least in virtually. A very great investment I would say.
Agreed. Completely. An investment.
The virtual is a great option to have, you know, nothing beats face to face, but virtual is a great option to have, you’ll see the presentations, you’ll get some of, you know, what attendees will get. And then, you know, there’s always, you’ll get motivation from that and learn new seller names, learn new influencer names, make new contacts. So that’s a great option to have.
Why don’t we get started? Okay. With, since we’re talking about events. First, okay, let’s go in chronological order. Okay. Because we’re talking about BOSS Reseller Remix, but I wanna give the good, the bad, and the ugly about Flip Con. So all right, people. So audience, have you heard of Flip Con? Did you hear about Flip Con? We sponsored this event. Okay. 2023 now says dates to be announced soon. Okay. They don’t have much now because they just cleaned the website because they’re getting ready for 2023, but okay. This event was sponsored by List Perfectly by Josh Varnell okay and Caleb Phoenix Resale. This event is the one that we attended with Trish, Doug, and Theresa Cox.
Yeah, the team.
So I would say I’m gonna start now right away with a con okay? For the Flip Con event. Okay. I think my coming from Phoenix, was terrifying. Okay. With everything that’s going on in the country with airplanes and schedules. It was terrifying. You know, we flew the four hours that was from Phoenix to North Carolina. We landed in Charlotte. That was something that was very concerning to me. Okay. With having chronic pain guys. Okay. I have deformative arthritis having chronic pain. That was a challenge for me. I couldn’t believe it. Okay. The pro to that, is I couldn’t believe well done Josh because the hotel was so close to the airport that it was just ridiculous. And this hotel was, I have to say not only location, but I’m gonna talk about, you know, feedback about this hotel very soon. You know, because we also have feedback about the hotel very important when you’re doing this event to choose the venue and what hotels are you gonna recommend resellers to stay in? What did you think that you know about the location when you arrived? What was your feedback on that location?
Well, the location wise was awesome. I mean, I’ve done a ton of events, but I’ve flown in and you drive and it could take forever. Flew in, waited for the hotel shuttle, and got over to the hotel. It was like 10 minutes. But what I really liked is that everything was there. I mean, you could walk up to your room to take a break or everything was just right there. Even something like eBay Open is so spread out. It’s a lot of walking. This was very, very compact and concise. Just a couple of rooms to go to very packed into one day. And I thought the location was great.
I wanna elaborate on what you said for our audience that was not there. Okay. So are you saying that, that you really like the idea because you have a lot of experience with events? A lot. Okay. So small, medium, large. Okay. You’ve been speaking, you’ve been attending. You’ve been a crew member. You’ve been, you’ve been everywhere, right? So are you saying that the decision of Josh and Caleb to choose a hotel that was nearby to the airport, but at the same time that hotel had the venue that we are attending and presenting and having food and having, you know, the convenience? So you really liked that selection of Josh and Caleb?
Yeah. I like that. I liked having everything, you know, just everything in one location. I like having it, I think it’s a good idea. If something is in a hotel to try and stay in the hotel, that way you don’t have to, you know, have to worry about Ubering or, you know, taxis or things like that. When you do these things in a hotel, one of the cons for the organizers is, a lot of times, that you have limitations on what you can do with food and snacks and things like that. But location wise to have all of it there, I think it really facilitates people networking and spending more time together. Yeah. Cause they’re not having to go far. They don’t have to go to another hotel. They don’t have to go to another spot or venue.
That’s a great question because Trish, do you remember when we attended the 2019 PoshFest?
I do.
I remember being very fit. Okay. So…
You were very fit
<Laugh> Well, we had to walk so much. We did. No. Wait, that wasn’t…
Yeah, we were…
That was in, it was 2020, I think 2020 was one that we have to jump from one event to one, I think it was that we have to because in 2019, they did their own hotel and they have also the convenience of the 2002 event. Remember we crossed the street hotel, we crossed the street. Yeah. And then we have the venue you went over…
To them, I think it was a conf like a conference center. No, not a conference center. Like an expo hall.
Yes. Yes. In front of a hotel. Yeah. A very nice hotel choice. I have to say that was a good one. It wasn’t in the hotel per se. Okay. But it was literally across the street and that was very convenient. Right.
You could walk over. Yeah. That was very convenient. It was,
Yes. The only complaint that they had is that sometimes when you have them, here goes the ugly. Okay. Careful. Then, an ugly is that when you are in these downtown locations, a bottle of water is gonna cost you $11. <Laugh> that’s true.
I would just like to touch on what Doug said. And I do think that having us all in the hotel, we met a lot of people outside of the, like times of the event, you know, we would just be in the elevator and you would see somebody, I met somebody’s parents cuz they got locked out of their room and I helped them get their keys back. So like you met other people because almost everybody in the hotel was for that one event. So that really did foster a lot of networking that maybe wouldn’t have happened. Otherwise.
Absolutely. There was one that they made us jump and you have to walk and it was a lot of walking going from different for, to attending different sessions, if you please. Yeah. But that was a challenge, you know, and, and it’s not convenient at all. What would you say about Flip Con you know, that event, what did this event do for you? Personally, how did it change your life? Did it do something for you?
Well, personally it totally changed my life, but not my reselling life. <Laugh>
Can you elaborate for our audience, please?
Sure. I now work for List Perfectly because I went to Flip Con cuz without that I wouldn’t have received this opportunity, but if we’re talking about the reselling community, I do think that what Flip Con did for me was opened my eyes to a different section of people than I usually hang out with. Because when you go to a Remix, I know a lot of those people either through Facebook or through eBay Open or through Katy and Vikki or through Theresa or through Casey Parris, you know, these are kind of like the people who are all in the same groups that I have been in traditionally and at Flip Con I didn’t know anybody. It was great. I mean, I walked around, I’m like, Hey, I’m Trish, Hey, I’m Trish. Do you know what I mean? Like, I didn’t know one person, I was so excited the whole time to meet all these people.
You’re great. You’re, I love your energy. And we did this before. This is not the first time that you helped us.
No, no, no, no. I went to PoshFest. In the past, I’ve helped at eBay Open. So no this isn’t, but it just, it just kinda worked out this time, but…
You have been helping us for so long. And I wanna say thank you for three years of, well, thank you, dedication, you know, it was only a three-year interview.
You did it!
You did it!
Three years. <Laugh> I think that by exposing yourself outside of your network, I learned things at Flip Con that I didn’t know because most of the people I have been associating with are like the people I always have been. So Flip Con was on the east coast. I’m on the east coast. It was great to see a lot of people who lived where I lived, and who had the same kind of sourcing difficulties. I do, you know, cuz when I go to Vegas or anywhere else, I’m like, I don’t, you know, I don’t know these places, this isn’t where I live. So it was great. I really enjoyed it.
That was incredible. Do you know? As I said, you know, you went with a mentality as always, you know, as a reseller because you got already, you fear it. You, have you been correct if I’m wrong, you have been successfully able to delegate your reselling business with a relative I believe?
So, I…
Don’t wanna go private, you know?
No, no, no. It’s not private.
I leave it for you. I know who it is, but I…
My daughter works for me full-time. I have a friend of mine who works for me part-time and my husband, even though he has a job and I don’t pay him, works for me part-time.
I see…
I pay him in love, affection, and food.
That’s the gift that gives all year long.
I’m a very good cook. He eats very well.
I love it, I love it. Oh, that’s too much. That’s too much fun. You know, it really depends. As Trish said, you know, network, you know, she came up with the idea of just helping us as always. I wasn’t even expecting, you know, this, but it’s been quite a long time. They’ve been talking about it and it was just perfect timing. Thank you for believing in us, you know, for so many years and…
Well, it’s been fun. It’s been great. I really…
Thank you for helping us so many years, <laugh> so many years we made it happen, you know? And you know, the same with Doug, you know, Doug started, you know, just doing the, remember the podcast, Doug humble beginnings, you know, and, and, and just with the podcast and little by little, we started, you know, adding more responsibilities with the blog and then, you know, we made it official eventually coming part of the team List Perfectly. Thank you again, both for believing in LP for believing and Listing Party! And what is Listing Party? What is it? What is it Listing Party? You know, what, what is it? I wonder, you know that’s incredible. So I’m gonna do a little, let’s see if Amanda lets me do a teaser. You know, <laugh> all right.
You’ll have to ask her.
Oh no, no, no. I’m gonna do a little tease, just a very little tease of Listing Party. Okay. This is gonna be announced at BOSS Reseller Remix. Okay. I was just testing. Of course, I have to test it in Spanish, and English. I’m saying 15 years of experience. I speak Spanish, Portuguese, and a lot of English so I just wanted to show real quick. Okay. This is something that we’re showing we’re working and that was Listing Party that we’ll tell you the first network, sorry, Dougie, the first network for resellers to interact with each other, to find a vetted, fully vetted VA. Okay. Whether you want them to work in person or virtually. Okay. Vetted by List Perfectly. We’re gonna have resources for you regarding, you know, anything that is related to data that could be related to help you to take your business to the next level, to optimize your listings, to save time, and have fun doing eCommerce because this is so rewarding. And how do I know this? Because I built all these companies, all these companies, multimillionaire companies, I built it with my own money as a reseller with my reselling business, The Clothing Vault. So I kid you not when reselling an eCommerce is so, so, so rewarding and big enough for all of us, right?
Absolutely. I do not think people understand there is room for everybody in this boat and the ocean will rise. It is not, I mean, really there’s so much stuff that we can all be reselling.
You know, with Listing Party that’s so exciting because yeah, that’s just the beginning and that’s gonna be amazing. So wait and see ladies and gentlemen, but that’s all I’m gonna say, but it’s gonna be amazing. Wait and see, I’m trying, Clara always has me working on my teasing abilities. So I’m teasing a little bit, but you know, one of the things too is, that I have my stack of reminder cards of people that I met at Flip Con. I knew a lot of sellers there and met some new ones. One of my favorites was, I don’t know how old he was. Tucker. He was the little guy.
Wasn’t he twelve?
Oh, I loved Tucker.
He started selling golf balls and now he sells everything. And, his dad walks along with him, but Tucker really runs the show.
Oh totally. And Tucker was the one talking, not his dad.
And he knows what he is talking about. He knows what he wants to do. Um, the Flip N’ Thrift guys were cool. So, but so many sellers that I knew so many new ones, and I just always love them. It’s always revitalizing. I love the stories. It’s like, what do you do? What do you sell? And just so, so many interesting things and all the sourcing. And for me it’s always, always the personal stories and the connection. And I just love, you know, meeting new sellers, meeting new people, and just talking and learning
Every event. Okay. Will have its challenges. One of the things is that Flip Con didn’t, you know, everything was happening so fast because he was packing one day. Okay. So here we go. We have no table. I’m like, I have no problem. Clara. I’m a hustler. Okay. I will open my suitcase where I brought the List Perfectly and Listing Party swag. Okay. And just start giving it to people from there. Right. But Trish is like, no, no, hold on. She has her connections. Okay. Smooth operator. And she goes and makes it happen. So we didn’t bother Josh and Caleb because you can see they’re, they’re really busy. They’re trying to be there. This is a freaking event. 300 people, 300 people attended. Okay. So you have to feed them. We were loud and we were, okay, that was ugly. Okay. We got a little reprimanded by the hotel team because we were a little too loud. And they wanted us to go to the bar section instead of being in the concierge, in the lobby section.
Clara, you’re making it sound like the three of us were loud. It was like 75 people. It was the whole thing. I don’t want people to think that you…
No, no, no, the whole convention. Okay. And the people, you know, and people trying to check in and you could hear people trying to check-in. It was just no, no, no. So they moved us. Okay. So that was insane. So Trish smooth operator gets us, this is the day okay of the convention that happened the prior day. So the day of the convention, you were able to get us thanks to the team of the hotel and your incredible relationship. Like I always say, treat everybody with respect from janitor, to yeah. We say yes, but there are so many people that don’t understand the value of this.
Another thing I’m gonna go with the ugly. Okay. Let’s see what you think. Okay. I ordered breakfast in my room. Oh no, don’t do it. Don’t do it. Beautiful. The person was adorable, but it was frozen. I think it was like, it was, it was, it was cold. You know, so good was so good. Okay. When you go downstairs to get breakfast on the buffet, do you call that? Or what, what would you call that? Yeah, that’s what it was. Yeah. Buffet. The buffet, is open buffet. That was delicious. Okay. And then I commented because there was a Brazilian, I speak Portuguese, and then there was a beautiful Equatorian. Okay. So immediately we started talking, blah, blah, blah. Right. So I speak both languages, Portuguese and Spanish. Right. So, and then I, I just commented, you know, Hey, you know, just with respect, because I don’t want anybody to get, you know, written up or anything like that. And I commented and they were so kind, they removed that from my, from my bill, even those details. That was impressive to me. That was really, really impressive.
I thought that I thought the place was good.
Yeah. And I did like the night of the party, it was a very Southern, Southern-oriented dinner that I, love, I love fried chicken, but I rarely eat it. But I had some fried chicken. There were some collard greens, and some beans.
Black-eyed peas,
Very good. Black-eyed peas.
Yeah. They were good. Yeah. I have the ugly to say that, to that. When you are the CEO of a company, you don’t have time to eat because people are always asking. Hi, you know, so literally, you know, I didn’t have a chance, but I know I literally, I have the two bites and then after we finish, I have to order food. Okay. For dinner, you don’t get, you know, so when you are the CEO of a company, you know, because, so you’re pulling so many different directions and Amanda did not attend. It was just myself. Okay. Yeah. And I presented along with Doug, not with Amanda, List Perfectly. So you don’t have time to eat, you know, the same happened to me at BOSS Reseller Remix, you know, and the little I got and I went to say, thank you Reseller 2021, BOSS Reseller Remix to the grill people. And then I was literally eating back there. Cause if I go the, into the party room, people, let’s dance or cheer, you know, and they wanna talk, thank you so much, I love List Perfectly. And how can you eat when they’re telling you so excited about, you know, for me, it’s all about, you know, the audience. So that was a challenging thing. I could tell you, let me know. I’m so jealous. Okay. I wish I could have had that chicken.
It was good. But you know, you say that you don’t get to eat. Word, got out that you were the CEO. It was like at my, I mean, my wife’s wedding <laugh> I didn’t get to eat. She, you know, still introduces me as her first husband, our wedding song was U2’s, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For. Which is great. No, it’s a, yeah, you were very popular, but so I have a few notes. Okay. A couple of bullet points. So when List Perfectly does an event, we always bring lots of merch that we give away. And we’ve always presented nicely. It’s always nicely folded. I can’t fold things. So other people do it. But when I came up to the table at Flip Con, it looked like how you would be at a rock concert and you’d see everything hung and laid out. And it was like, here are the different options. Here are the t-shirts hanging up. Here are all the different options you have. So it was great to see you mentioned Clara Theresa’s appearance in Parade magazine, but there was another interesting appearance that week. Do you want me to go? Or do you wanna talk about it?
I would like actually for you to do the intro and actually, you would be surprised to know Trish was a witness to this. Trish was in the back as this was happening. So I was, once you give me the green light I’ll share with the audience. Okay.
Ladies and gentlemen. So Friday of Flip Con Clara did an interview with a local NBC affiliate on TV.
<Laugh> that was incredible. What, so I am there, you know, I need the support, you know, guys, I, it’s not easy to go on camera, you know, with the news reporter and the, you know, I’m like Theresa, Trish, please be there. Please be there. <Laugh> and the title, as you can tell, this is North Carolina, local NBC. Alright. And that someone’s trash is another person’s treasure–software allows resellers to market items on multiple platforms. Okay. So you’re gonna see how many times. Okay. Incredible. Thank you, Jane Monreal. Okay. She’s amazing. This was an incredible segment to say that I was nervous was an understatement. You know, unfortunately, I couldn’t go to the studios because my flight was leaving and I had the luck, okay, to have Theresa and Trish helping. Literally, I finished this recording.
Jane Monreal WCNC Charlotte:
Ecommerce is here to stay. That is good news for Eells, who can sell their goods without the overhead of a brick-and-mortar store. And now there’s another tool to market your items and save you from asking where’s the money. 10 years ago, Clara Albornoz found some success as an online seller of vintage clothing.
Then I was diagnosed with deformative arthritis that started in my hands.
Jane Monreal WCNC Charlotte:
She says the pain affected most of her upper body, a challenge considering most of her rewards are done on a computer at necessity. She and her business partner created software that would reduce most of that manual entry.
Why should I learn to list on all these different platforms and manage manually? When I can have one centralized platform, List Perfectly.
Jane Monreal WCNC Charlotte:
The co-founder of List Perfectly says you can crosslist to almost a dozen channels with the click of one button, including eBay, Etsy, Poshmark, and Facebook Marketplace.
You can delist, relist, mark sold, and many things that you could be done manually on these platforms. It changed my life.
Jane Monreal WCNC Charlotte:
Bulk posting to multiple sites allowed Albertos to make $500,000 a year when she was a reseller.
There are companies like eBay that have an eBay seller school and they’re free. So you can start there with free tools. And once you master a marketplace, then you can use List Perfectly to start branching out into other marketplaces. And it’s the same inventory chain with different audiences. The person that buys on eBay rarely will go to Poshmark or Mercari or to Facebook Marketplace.
Jane Monreal WCNC Charlotte:
Gotta start looking around the house for some things to sell for half a million dollars a year. Wow. Well, plans on List Perfectly start at $29 a month for unlimited listings. If you’re interested in learning how to get into reselling, we have some tips from the experts on our website,
All right. I’m back to you.
That was great. That was really great. And I have to say from my perspective, yeah, I videoed it like on the back end. So I videoed the whole thing, but I never saw anything she said to you. So that was really interesting. Yeah, it was great.
Thank you. Thank you. That was us. I was so happy you were there supporting me, you know, of having again, you know I’m as good as my team. You know, that’s something that I always say is very exciting that happened to us in Flip Con in the, I have to say overall, for me, it was an incredible experience as a sponsor. And then as an attendee, I was, I have to say, I really liked that one-day packed structure. I have to say, I was like, what are Josh and Caleb thinking? You know, I was like, that’s gonna be interesting, you know, are they gonna have people going, you know, I have my doubts about it. What did you think, guys?
I liked it. It was a little different than I’m used to. I mean, I mean, I’m used to the three days, you know, four days sometimes more, but I had a tight schedule. It was run well, I think there’s room for longer events, but I think for this, it worked, it worked well because they kept it so on task and the panels were, you know, very, it, it was very run well, so that helped with, you know, compressing everything into one day. It does take away from a little bit of the networking time. So you have to kind of maximize the time that you have but yeah, one day, one day works.
Well, I was gonna say that what you just said is interesting because a lot of resellers showed up days before. Sometimes two days before and stayed a couple of days after. I continued to network, I networked before you guys got there and I networked after you guys left. So, you know, so I think that if you’re gonna go to one of these and it is one day, try to go in the day before and, you know, be there in the morning, so you can hang out and go wherever they are gonna be that night. Cuz they all ended up in the bar area, whether you drink or not, they were all in there having drinks and food and talking and they were very excited to meet people. And then the same with after the event, some people left right away, but a lot of people stayed for a day or two.
Yeah, no, absolutely. And if you’re on a budget okay. Because I understand restaurant food, you know, and, and all that stuff okay. Adds up. Okay. So if you’re on a budget, okay. Certainly, you know, just, you know, overnight work, you know, great, you know, two nights, okay. Or one night you know, as long as you can arrive, you know, same day, you know, and then Hey, a lot of coffee to make it, you know, through the conference and then attend, you know, the closing party. So that’s important, you know, that you have that energy, if you’re gonna be attending this one-day event, you know, I think that if you’re spending the most expensive expense, okay. I would say, wouldn’t you say it’s transportation?
Well on the east coast? So, you know, what’s interesting is that BOSS, I would say 80% of those people flew in. Yeah. And I think at Flip Con 80% of those people drove.
Oh, okay.
Very because the east coast is just much different than where you guys live, you know, we can get, it’s much more condensed, you know, in Massachusetts I could get to six states in a day, if not more. Um, so I think that there was a lot of driving. Um, so I’m not sure on the east coast if that’s as true as it is on the west coast.
Great observation, thank you for giving us that great perspective. You know, that makes a lot of sense, you know, so you, our audience can have an idea of the events, you know, and, and, and, and you know what to expect, but that’s, we’re happy. Thank you Flip Con. Now we have an event coming that team List Perfectly is gonna be attending. I am so happy. We’re gonna have a presence on the west coast, on the east coast, and even in Texas. Okay. So this is, I’m so excited without much further ado your eBay Open 2022 it’s here.
No, that’s, it’s exciting. It’s great to be back. It’s great. They’re doing some in-person stuff. You know, I’ve heard rumors back and forth that maybe next, hopefully, next year Vegas will be back. Everybody loves that, but they are doing, you know, we talked about the virtual portion too. They have a virtual portion for all three days. And then on Friday, as Clara said, they have an in-person event at the same time in Los Angeles, Austin, Texas, and New York City, all sold out. And then List Perfectly team members will be in Los Angeles and in Austin and Clara, where will you be?
I’m gonna be with you in Los Angeles.
That’s right.
And Trish. Where will you be?
So there are a certain amount of sellers who are having their own events. They’re from their meetup events. So I know Diane and I are having one in Boston. Michael Swoop is having one in Ohio. I know there’s one in Colorado and I think there are a few more around the country. So you can always go to eBay. I think it’s eBay.seller is that right Doug?
I was so close. You could go there and there’s a list of them, the ones that are having these watch parties, quote-unquote, along around the country. So if you guys are near one, you should see if you’re near one, this would be a great opportunity to meet people in your local area. And this will be your first foray into these reseller events and you’ll get a taste of what you would get if you wanted to move up and go to a bigger event.
Yes, definitely. Definitely. yeah, you can tend to eBay open virtually that registration is still open. And so what’s gonna happen on Friday is they will have some networking in person’s face-to-face opportunities. Different eBay employees will be there obviously different sellers, but they will also be watching the keynote closing address altogether. So that’ll be part of the virtual option as well.
Oh really? I was like, wait, wait, wait, wait. I was back to virtual Doug. Ah, I didn’t know that that would be part also. I was like, what is he talking about that? Awesome. Because I think that’s great. I’m glad that eBay’s gonna be doing that. Oh, by the way, you know, we’re gonna be I’m gonna be also, okay, very close. I’m gonna be staying very close. So we’re planning something fun with Theresa for a group of resellers. So we’re gonna be doing something you know, after the event on Friday and possibly Thursday night as well. So I can’t wait to see you there. Okay. Community eBay announcement registration is live for eBay Open 2022. This could be a virtual at this event. You can also attend virtually. So Doug, give us the spiel, please. Okay. Your experience, Doug is a former eBay employee, and you attended so many events. Okay. So with your experience, you know, is there a time that resellers should be held to attend these in-person events that you could be like, this could be mostly geared for these other segments of resellers?
Well, yeah, if you can, I always encourage the, you know, the face-to-face onsite, if it’s as accessible to you. And it’s just, it’s a chance to meet eBay employees, a chance to meet eBay executives. And the interesting thing is, that I was on the seller engagement team. So this is what I did, but a lot of eBay employees don’t get to do these things. And it’s a privilege for them to get to go to these events. And they really like to talk to sellers because a lot of eBay employees don’t really get the chance to engage with sellers. And my team, we got to do it all the time. It’s a great opportunity to get inspired. It’s a great opportunity to connect with eBay employees. If you have questions they want, they do wanna hear your feedback. They do wanna connect.
They always have like little exclusive teasers that they’ll give. They always have nice swag, great meals, great snacks, and things like that. But yeah, it’s your chance to talk directly with eBay employees that want your feedback and meet some of the employees from different teams, not necessarily just the events people or the community team, they’ll really mix up who they bring to these events. So if you want to talk to somebody, maybe you have a managed payments question. I don’t know. Yeah. Maybe there’s an item specifics question. I don’t know. You have a chance to get potential direct access to somebody on those teams and you’ll find they, they will answer your questions and they want your feedback. So I think that’s the big part of it is just the opportunity to get that face to face eBay time.
And what, what would you say based on your experience, what has been the biggest? Let’s say the biggest concern. Okay. That the audience attendees okay. Have, okay. With these in-person events?
The biggest concern with the events themselves. I think it’s so, you know, with eBay Open a lot of sellers didn’t like the, that it was based in Vegas and they, so I did three eBay Opens and the big feedback was we want eBay to travel. Like it used to, and eBay has started to do that again. And I do know that in 2020, they had planned to do twice as many eBay seller events, but obviously everything shut down in 2020 <laugh>. So they were trying, they’re still trying to get back out there. They’re doing a lot more you know, virtual stuff in person stuff, they did the retail revivals. They did eBay on sites and they’re doing some more of those. Yeah. But of all the, the one thing I will say is, and obviously eBay always has a special spot in my heart, but yeah. Of all the marketplaces, they are the most accessible and the most involved in the seller community.
Nice. Nice. Yeah. Now how much is it, do we know how much is the ticket for eBay open?
So here’s the deal. It’s $20. But what happens is $20. So it’s free for the virtual, but $20 for the in person event, even though they’re sold out. But what they do is you get a $20 eBay gift card when you arrive. And they, I think you get some swag, but the reason they do that is because they want to make sure people that register show up.
Ah, that’s nice. I like it, that’s exciting.
You get your money back.
So this year Trish, you have been a speaker at eBay Open, right?
I was a speaker at eBay Open online last year. Yeah. And I spoke on the small community stage at eBay Open 2019.
Oh, wow. Incredible. I forgot about that one. Yes. We were doing so many things. So how was that experience for you to be a speaker virtually and in person? How was that experience for you?
Well, in person, it was just the small stage inside the big hall. So that wasn’t, there was really not a lot of pressure. And I was on the, at the time there was this thing called the seller community seller diversity. Oh my Lord. What was it called? Oh yeah…so it was on the seller diversity team. I don’t remember if it had a specific name. I’m sorry. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And so I spoke about that and it was, it was heartwarming to me personally. Wow. But there weren’t many people there, so it was not very low pressure. eBay Open on the other hand was a little bit of pressure last year. I gotta be honest. It was great. It was recorded before. So it was fun. It was, you know, exciting to do. We, it was interesting. It was very, they were very kind. Yeah. I was very thankful to do it. Yeah.
I remember that eBay Open event last year. Okay. There were some challenges, but remember that everybody was at home. So sometimes yes, the ugly, there were some tech issues. Okay. Yeah. But people, this is we’re in the pandemic. We’re even List Perfectly, we didn’t know how to manage. Okay. The high volume. Okay. Of demand for anything that is software and virtual. So I do know, I have confirmation, I do know that if a super prepared this year you know, and glitches are part of, it’s part of doing these huge events. So mishaps will happen. So it’s just patience. Okay. you know, sometimes if you, my biggest advice, like what I did last year to get in, and the error that I observe of people that couldn’t get in on the virtual was that they were not patient enough.
Once you tried to log in and it was very busy, just let it take five minutes to get you in. Don’t refresh. Just let it be there. Don’t turn off your device. Okay. Make sure that if you go to another tab, okay. That tab doesn’t go dormant. Okay. And wake it up and then slowly you will get in with patients. Okay. Just understand the servers are overwhelmed and it’s just hard, you know, because then you have like, it’s hard to manage, no matter how much of a billion trillion dollar company you are, how do you manage? Okay. 100. I don’t know, a million people coming at the same time trying to log in. Yeah. That’s the challenge. Okay. So that’s the ugly, the good thing is that you gotta be patient. Okay. And if you don’t hit refresh, okay. Now more than five minutes, now you have an issue now log off and log back in. Okay. That means that that didn’t work. Okay. So that would be my biggest advice for virtual eBay Open and then when it comes to eBay Open in-person, the bigger thing I have to agree with Doug is the networking. Attend the events. Absolutely. But if you can attend the event for one year and at the same time, you know, network with the other one, you know, so one, one hand is doing one thing and the other one is doing another one. So that’s my biggest advice on that.
To go back to, to what you asked Trish is, so I spoke, I had panels at eBay Open 2018, and 2019. A social media panel and then a panel with a bunch of sellers who use social media to spread their business. It was such a great experience. And the best part of that for me is just, again, always meeting sellers, talking to sellers and helping ’em out, but kind of what we do here is just kind of helping them learn different ways to grow their businesses.
Yeah, absolutely. No incredible. That’s I would say eBay Open has the biggest, that’s it biggest audience at the end of the day, that’s it. Period. So if you are not attending an event of a marketplace that at the end of a Whatnot could be, you know, wow. They got, what is it, what they called? I can’t remember. They got like 250 million of investment. It just like they got so much money. Okay. I don’t even think eBay got so much money when they started. Okay. So there is, yeah, not so much fun, but at the end of it, eBay has the biggest audience. I love what Whatnot is doing. I love what Mercari is doing. I love what Facebook Marketplace, well disagree with some things, but I’m, I think we’re getting now, you know, they’re getting it, you know, I’m, I’m digging it, I’m digging it go Facebook Marketplace.
But you know, I love all this, but at the end of it, eBay has the biggest audience. So they, by having the biggest audience, the good is that they have the most data. So when they get these speakers and these presentations, they already educated these speakers with the data that comes from the biggest marketplace. Yeah. So if you are not listening to this, okay, you’re really missing out. Yes. Get FOMO because you should be listening to these events as much as I love reselling events, when it comes to marketplaces events, this is the one I would be attending.
eBay does a lot of events, but eBay helps sellers do their own events. So you can go to, and you can find local eCommerce, eBay events in your area, meetups, and other sellers that live close to you. And so many sellers don’t realize that that network is available. That could be something in their own neighborhood. And then if there’s not something you can start up something, eBay will help you start up your own up and support you.
You definitely should. It is an invaluable thing to have people in your area. Yeah. That, you know, do what you do. Some people don’t like to go to these things because they don’t wanna go alone. They’re afraid to travel alone. They’re afraid to go somewhere alone because they don’t know other people. But if you are in one of these groups, somebody in that group’s gonna wanna go with you. Diane. And I went to the eBay Open in 2018 together. I didn’t really know her. We had, I’d only met her twice, but we both had an interest in this. And I was like, yeah, I’ll go. Of course, I’ll go anywhere. So I’m not really a good <laugh>. Don’t ask me to go, cuz I’m going. But I mean, she and I got on a plane and we went to 2018 and now, you know, we’re inseparable really. So, you know, I mean, you’ll meet friends, you will meet people who do what you do. You’ll meet people who think the way you think. And it is invaluable because what we do is pretty solitary. Most of us are at home by ourselves.
I used to be a former nicotine smoker for 20 years. Unfortunately, I have a benign tumor from the stupid idea of smoking that I thought it would make me pretty much faster, and smarter. And no, it does not. Okay. So I am very careful when it comes to I’m not in a, what they say. I am not in a segment of the population that I’m high risk. I am not okay. I am very lucky that that tumor is the most benign thing that you could have. Okay. On a lung still, a stupid idea of me for, for smoking. Okay. Stupid idea. What’ve I ever done? So back to COVID. Okay. So if you are a high-risk person, number one is to consult your doctor. If you’re a high-risk person, you gotta be careful. Okay. I am not the way I did not get COVID okay on these events. It’s because I get a shot usually within two months before the event. I’m still under 49, under 50. So it’s very difficult for me to qualify for getting these shots. Okay. Because they, when I give it to me every six months, sometimes I gotta see if I can go to another state, you know, and get the shot or, or do something because we, I, at least for me, it wears off like around five months. Okay. So I did not get COVID because I got my shots. Okay. And, and I was perfect. I did have a little, I could say, I’ll be honest. I did have a little, it was like shivering. That was it. You know, but you know, I was four hours on an airplane, you know? And, and then, you know, it’s been, you know, now airplanes everybody’s without masks.
So it really depends because you, I have to imagine and people wanna hug me as a CEO of a company. I have to hug, you know, a lot of hugging, a lot of touching people, you know, and you can, every time I hug somebody, you know, go and, and, and do the hand sanitizer. So I exposed myself out there and nothing happened. But again, you know, I, I don’t wanna get controversial with the pro or con vaccines, but for me, the vaccine works. Okay. I have the Pfizer vaccine, I got the first shot. I have the boosters. Okay. And I do it as soon as my doctor allows me to do it. And that’s how I’ve been doing it, not to get exposed about it.
And I would just add that. I think it’s here to stay. Unfortunately, it’s gonna be with us for a while. And so you just have to decide what comes, what kind of comfortability you have with the idea that you might get it? I did catch it. I’ve had it twice. Not that that matters, but you know. And I mean, I’m fully vaccinated, but I have had it twice. I got it once before the vaccine was available. And then the second time, since I was vaccinated, it was very little, it was, you know, but I just kind of decided that, you know, it’s gonna be here with us for a long time, and we’re just gonna have to decide if you wanna take the risk. And if the risk isn’t a, it isn’t worth it for you. I would totally understand
That. You know, I was like, okay, the director of the legal affairs of eBay wasn’t wearing a mask, I’m not wearing, you know, and you know, I’m a lawyer, you know, I used to be a lawyer. So of course I wanted a picture with her. I like, ah, I don’t care. You know, I’m taking a picture. I will do both. That was the first time that I removed my mask. And then after that, I was like, okay, I’m done. You know? So that was, you know, something very important for those of you if you don’t remove the back of the mask…
Well, I mean, and that’s the thing. You could get it anywhere. You could get it when you’re out at one of these events, you could get it at the grocery store. So you just have to decide. And if you feel comfortable wearing a mask, no, one’s gonna think anything of it, wear your mask, do a fist bump, or just say, I’m sorry, I’m not, you know, COVID afraid or whatever you wanna say.
Do not think you do the elbow exactly. The elbow, the elbow thing, you know, with your asking, that’s it. Right.
I mean, I do think that in general, reselling people are pretty cool and we don’t really get hung up on this kind of crap.
At the next event, people wait, there is more, don’t leave, stay with us. Okay. We have two more events that are coming and the next one is PoshFest all right, this is gonna happen in Houston, Texas. Only, unlike eBay, PoshFest is made by, okay, it’s gonna be in person as far as I know. And that is gonna be from the 29th to the 30th two days. And this is gonna happen only in Houston, Texas, not in New York or Los Angeles. So here you go. You know this is the event you know, this is the Hotel Royal Sonesta. They, that they’re offering suggesting I already got my room. The List Perfectly team is gonna be there.
This will be my first Posh event.
New Speaker:
Ah, I love it. Doug, what is PoshFest? Poshest is Poshmark’s annual two-day fashion entrepreneurship conference, where the community comes together to connect, learn and enjoy the ultimate posh experience. So there you have it. Okay. This is great, let’s see what the video is about, okay? It’s just…oh, that was in Phoenix! That’s the one that we attended! Trish! Oh My! I’m freaking out! That’s Phoenix! Oh guys this is where the headquarters of List Perfectly is! Wow!
PoshFest Video:
Welcome to PoshFest! This is the biggest and best PoshFest yet. The connections that I’ve made through Poshmark have been so powerful in life-changing. Meeting Hailey has been one of the most important things in my life, in my business. Within my first couple of weeks, I was like, is this thing real? Like, is this a scam? Like, why are these people so nice? If you are nervous about attending one of these events, don’t be, everybody has been so friendly and we all have this one thing in common. That is Poshmark.
All right. So there you have it. Incredible. Poshmark is coming. I’m gonna be there. Doug is gonna be there. The Seller Community Podcast is gonna be there, right? Listing Party is gonna be there. So I highly recommend you, if you can come to the hotel you know, you, you know, we, you can even post on the List Perfectly Facebook group. You can ask, Hey, you know what time, you know, I’m not a posture, you know, but I would love to meet with the team List Perfectly where, and when you can make a post. So you’re more than welcome. Yes, please. Come on over, come on over. I would love to meet you, come and meet us. We can’t wait to meet you all. Okay. And just rest assured, like I said, you know, we’re gonna be vaccinated. Okay. We’re gonna be very careful whether you keep your mask or not, as you prefer. Okay. So this is exciting. This is the first PoshFest event. Trish, what did you think about PoshFest 2019?
Well, it is an interesting thing. I mean, you know, because most of the people that I was friendly with before then were all eBay people. And we, as eBay, people have a pretty relaxed, pretty jean t-shirt kind of, you know, way about going things. And we would go to eBay Open and everyone would have crazy t-shirts on and everyone would have pins. And we would be really out there. And these Posh girls, are totally different animals. God bless them. They are not fooling around. They love fashion. They take it seriously…
They know their brands, they know their things, and they know what everyone’s wearing. It is a different animal. It’s a great animal.
Very poshy.
Very poshy.
If you just understand Poshmark, when it comes to the marketplaces List Perfectly supports. Okay. Postmark is up there with the after eBay. Okay. With one of the biggest audiences. So if you haven’t tried Poshmark yet you should. Okay. We have even in the blog and the podcast okay. That you don’t need to compulsively be sharing or signing up for these bots. Okay. So there is a way that you can be a successful reseller in Poshmark. You can watch Victoria Eagan. Okay. On Katy and Vikki, she’s always talking about her success with Poshmark. You know, without List Perfectly she could have left almost $40,000 in the table by not crosslisting to Poshmark is, yeah, it doesn’t sound like much, but that sounds like a good amount of money for me, for, you know, having maybe a nice, you know, maybe you wanna upgrade where you’re renting, you know, and you wanna get a better warehouse or you wanna get, you know, better invest better, you know, with your reselling business.
I wanted to really say thank you to Trish for that great feedback, you know, of explaining that it’s a very different atmosphere from eBay Open. I could say this structure. I really like this structure. Okay. Of having the tech team of Poshmark. Okay. At that time they announced that they were going to support the video and I jumped out of my chair. Okay. I’ll never forget it. I was like, oh, I wanna, why don’t I have a bigger one, because you wanna have a bigger company right away. Right. And then also support video, which we’re gonna be supporting. Yes. Yes. Let’s go with another event. Okay. Anything else we wanna add about Poshmark before I move to the event of the year?
I’m just looking forward to Poshmark. My first Posh event. I’m excited because when you showed the video, I saw sellers I knew. So I will be okay. <Laugh> Maybe I’ll dress up a little bit. Maybe I’ll get some new heels, a new purse.
You mean a pocketbook?
A boa?
A pocketbook.
Oh, a purse. So, a murse.
A murse. I no, no you didn’t. Ah, yeah. Yeah. When I thought I knew it all…
And I’ll get a diamond manzierre as well.
Oh, lovely. Lovely. That’s lovely. I would just like to say that Posh, while it’s different, is great. It really is. It’s very informative. They do a very good job. It’s a two-day event. They try very hard and their party at the end is spectacular. They really, really do a nice event. So if, if you are a Posh seller and you have never been, it really will open your eyes to everything that posh has to offer.
And if you’re a CEO like myself, okay. Just enjoy. Okay. Hearing how people say that it’s yummy food. Okay. Because you won’t have time to eat. Okay. <Laugh>
I’m gonna, I’m gonna sit you in a corner and block people so you can eat this time.
Oh no. Cause you notice I always have to go like close to a bathroom and then, then Theresa sneaks in food or something and I have to go and, and literally, you know, I turn around and you know, and I go and I go and eat as fast as I can, you know, and then just, you know, go and, and do, you know, rinse your mouth and then go back again and work it again. So yes, enjoy, you know, then delicious food at Posh is so much fun. And then they have the networking sessions. Just make sure that you bring, like, for example, an eBay event like BOSS Reseller Remix. Okay. I have a friend that I love, you know, and she puts on a tutu. Okay. And a t-shirt that’s my party outfit. Okay. So just know that maybe if you were going to say, I don’t know, Supreme or Louis Vuitton, that would be acceptable. Okay. But normally they want you to be very classy or very brandy. Okay. That’s what I noticed. And everybody has beautiful hair too, and purses and shoes and oh yes, there is a cost. Okay. For the Poshfest. Okay. PoshFest. Okay. 2002. The dates are September 29th to the 30th. And what was the price? Trish.
I thought it was $229.
Okay. Let me see if it is sold out now. I can’t, it’s sold out. Sorry. Sold out. Yep. They sold it out.
These all run about $300. That seems to be the going rate for these multi-day events. But the $300 price tag does sound expensive, but you get food with them. You get swag with them. Yes. And the networking and the information you get are absolutely worth more than $300. Absolutely. So when you see the price tag, try not to be like, don’t get sticker shock. Think about it. As I said earlier, as an investment in your business.
So with Poshfest, okay. Just know that we’re gonna be there with Doug. We’re gonna be with the incredible team of List Perfectly. Trish is gonna be coming as well. So I’m very excited because we are gonna be doing something really fun with The Seller Community Podcast. So we can feature this is about featuring our community and not just List Perfectly members. All right. So just know this is very important here to us. We have a lot of work, at List Perfectly have a lot of work to do with Poshmark. Yes. We’re building a sharing tool that will help you to effectively okay. Increase the traffic to your store, and to your closets in a way without breaking terms of service and in a way that I’m pretty sure I’m gonna make so proud. Manish and Tracy. Okay. We’re working really hard on it. Okay. So we’re looking forward to that. No ETA, no teaser on this one because that’s, you know, that we’ve never done. I, I, myself, I never share. So we’re doing this, which is very new for LP. So we’re looking forward to building more effective tools to grow your closet with Poshmark. So how do we have anything else about PoshFest?
No, I think we’re, I think we’re good. Excited.
Are we ready for the event of the year? Okay. Love all the events that we have. Okay. But the event of the year, what do you think it’s people? There we go. BOSS in Las Vegas, Nevada, are you ready to mix it up in Las Vegas? The BOSS Reseller Remix is an innovative gathering of online resellers designed to inspire and motivate attendees, to learn from each other and take their reselling business to the next level, prepare for jam-packed days of networking panel discussions, opportunities to expand your knowledge, and more. This is just so exciting. Look at eBay presenting. You’re gonna have eBay, but this year, last year was just eBay. That was it right, as a marketplace. What is the com one Doug gave me, the presentation this year? How many marketplaces do we have?
I think there are four. Only, this is gonna be the only event you can go to with that many marketplaces.
I think it’s five now.
Is it five now?
Yes. All right. Okay. Let’s see. Okay. So top sponsors yay List Perfectly. So let’s go. Whatnot is gonna be there and present, okay? eBay. Listing Party. Okay. My Reselling Genie. Worthpoint. Haulsale. Grailed. This is insane, but wait, there is more. Now we have bumpboxx. That’s incredible.
No, that’s great. I mean, seriously, this will be the only event that’ll have that many marketplaces.
That’s incredible. Look at that. Ryan and Alli there. There it is. Josh and Hailey. Okay. you know, incredible Hairy Tornado king. Ken Gaetano, the hustlbee. Trish Glenn. Oh, wow. I know. I think I know her Trish. I dunno who that is. Trish. What do you think about this person presenting as a seller community leader?
I heard she was an…, I didn’t. I heard very bad things about her.
I heard incredible, good things. And that’s why I decided I’m so happy to have Trish Glenn a part ofList Perfectly team. And also we’re gonna have Casey Parris, Rockstarflipper, Wade Coggins, and Wades Ventures, incredible people that helped us to go viral overnight. We love Wade. You know, Dani Ackerman, thenichelady, Jessica Oman, you know about the storage warrior. Okay. Jason Deason Man Vs Mystery. All right. Jesse and Austin Yesterday’s Fits. Okay. And then Jack Driesson. And so look at Jack Driesson from Whatnot. Okay. So that’s just incredible. Amanda Morse List Perfectly, so we’re very excited. Myself, of course. So guys, this is the event of the year. It’s an incredible amount of marketplaces.
Not sold out yet. It’s close, but it’s not sold out. So yes, if you think you might be interested. Absolutely.
And you have the virtual okay. Also, there is still time for you to get tickets. And if you are in a situation that you’re on a budget, or maybe you have no babysit seaters or, you know, whatever is going on, you have a relative that you need to take care of. And you can’t afford to travel whether it’s money or, you know, for friends or family, you can always attend virtual. Doug what would you say about the virtual BOSS Reseller Remix?
It’s a great option. And again, it’s, like I said earlier, as I think if you can go in person, but if you can’t, it’s great to have this. Now I’ve actually done it in 2020, they had different options that had to be made available. So I’ve done virtual conferences, all these different things, and they’re really good. Ebay Opens’ really good. It’s just a great option to have. And then if you do go, you also get these, so you get the archived presentations. But you know, if you can’t make it in person or can’t afford it, that isn’t a great option to have. And again, you know, you’ll get the presentations, you’ll learn about the presenters. And then I always think it’s great to consider that the seller community is also not only offline, but online as well. So, for instance, Trish has a presentation. You should follow Trish to learn what she’s talking about. She’ll be talking about social media and TikTok. So you can, you know, take a look at her, follow her, follow her social media, same thing with like, Not My Dad’s CPA or the Yesterday’s Fit guys. It’s like, follow them, follow what they do. Yeah. But learn from those presentations and that virtual option you do have available.
Trish would you mind before, you know, I’m, before I go into the the bad and the ugly of something on BOSS Reseller Remix, what are you doing for eBay Open? You know, and then with Starr Bryson actually.
Oh yeah. So Starr is flying up to our, she’s in Florida and she’s flying up to Boston and she’s gonna be at our meetup. So we are having the watch party as everyone else is. But then after that, we’re gonna have a regular meet-up. So we are gonna be somewhere at a restaurant in our local area from about two o’clock in the afternoon, till about 8:30. You can find all the information on Facebook at our eBay New England Sellers. Okay. That is the name of the Facebook group, eBay New England Sellers. So you can go in and find Starr is coming. We have a few other guests that are showing up unexpectedly, which is gonna be great. And we have a couple of people driving in from other states. So it should be really a great time. And this will give you an idea, a flavor of these things, and it’s $20. And you will get some food with that. You’ll get swag. We have lots of great swag available, so it’ll be fun.
There you go. So this is the eBay New England Sellers. This is the incredible group you should be attending. If you are in New England you know, they meet not only virtually they meet in person, there’s another resource you should be attending and subscribe to their Facebook group.
And, you don’t have to be in New England to join the Facebook group. Anyone’s welcome. So just come in and join. We are good resources for newbies. We love newbies. Diane loves to teach anybody. So, you know, if you’re interested in anything, you feel like you have some questions, please join up.
There you go. New England Sellers MeetUp group. Okay.
Thank you very much.
There you have it. No, you’re so welcome. So now I’m gonna go to the bad and the ugly. So the bad was, there was only one taco truck and the ugly well to get the taco truck was like 45 minutes under the sun, under the sun people. Okay. And I was like, I’m, I don’t care if I have to wait two hours, I’m getting my taco <laugh>
Okay. I am going to disagree with Clara. I think the bad and the ugly is really the money involved that it takes to go to these things.
All right.
Though, I do think on, I think on the surface, it seems like a lot of money, but I think you need to think of it. I know this is like the fifth time I’ve said this today, but as an investment in your business, and I think the money takes a lot of people, a little to get over. They feel like, I don’t know if I really wanna spend that if it’s worth it. And I have to say that my life has completely changed because of reseller events. It has given me friends that I never would’ve had. It has given me selling and buying opportunities that I never would’ve had. And it absolutely gave me this job opportunity that I never would’ve had without reselling events. And I can honestly say some of my best friends in the entire world. Yeah, no joke that I have because I went to these things,
I have to agree. I have to agree with the friends that you do in their reseller community. And it’s like, we find each other, you know, with our own quirkiness. And our awareness is that somehow the universe has put you together. And you just, you know, when we are with family and friends and they think we’re holders or yeah. Practicing law or the first questions, you’re a lawyer and you are in banking, you should, should be an investor. Like, you know, lala, you know, and the whole yeah. The whole list of what you should be, you know? And then all of a sudden you’re in these events and you just fit.
Yeah. No one says to you, is that legal Uhhuh, are you stealing from the poor? I mean, you know, so all of these things that our normal friends ask us, we all get, and it is a great thing. And I do not care. It is an investment in ourselves and not in business. And it’s a business writeoff.
That’s true. And you can go and source, this is Vegas. You can go and source people go sourcing. I, you not. So you can go sourcing, okay, now you have a double write off. Okay. There, okay. Because you’re attending a reselling event and you are sourcing and you can get cherry picky every time we do these events. Okay. You can, you can do sourcing. So I would say, you know, I wouldn’t call it. You know, the money for me is not the bad and the ugly for me, it’s the good, because I’m already, by the time I allocated that money, I know how much I got a sale.
Okay. Yeah. I know what happened in that quarter. Okay. If I was proactive enough. Okay. And I didn’t train my savings, we all know that summer gets a little slow, especially for me. Okay. Because my bread and butter were winter coats. Okay. So that was my bread winner. It was military, whether they were, and that’s why I was so good with eBay, because I would sell to the Southern hemisphere where it’s winter then. Well, here is Summer. So that was how I saved. Okay. My slow summers. Okay. With selling with Australia, New Zealand, and all those countries that are in the Southern hemisphere. So for me, you know, it’s good because by the time I went there, I already had chronic anxiety. I have to really know how much my inventory is gonna cost me, okay. To go to these events.
And then how much of my time, because now I have to have someone helping me with shipping. I have to have someone helping me with messages because I’m gonna be attending events. And then, you know, you know, the clock is ticking. Don’t let those messages unanswered okay. That will help you with visibility and ranking on marketplaces so that you have to be very strategic. Okay. To plan accordingly with your time, not only with your finances. So for me, that’s good, okay. Because if you do this strategy, you will not only get that energy and the power of networking and the knowledge, but now this has put you in a situation where you are in a corner to learn, to delegate effectively, right. Your corner, you have to do it now. You’re so excited to attend. Now, you’re waiting. You gotta, you gotta start thinking, how am I gonna do so this is how we are, how I did it myself too, you know, it’s not easy to be a reseller and have like serious, okay. Be a reseller and have, okay. A double W2 job, me being a researcher and founding a technology company. So I’m, I just wanna put that out there. You know, if you are smart enough, okay. There is no anxiety because once you land there, like Starr Bryson said, you have a family and friends for life. If you want to.
And then, you know, just a couple quick things based on what we were talking about, the organizers that do these things are not doing it to make a profit. I know this for a fact is they’re not making money off of these things. They are definitely doing this, a lot of it and they have help like sponsors, but a lot of this, they do out of the you know, goodness of their heart. And I know earlier I said that I liked, you know, what I liked about Flip Con was that it was condensed in a hotel, but BOSS is interesting because they are planning other events that are, they, these are spaced out, but they’re planned events and they are encouraging people to, if you stay in a certain area, you basically just have to walk downstairs or you guys can Uber together or, you know, carpool together. But they have multiple night events that aren’t, aren’t mandatory, they’re optional, but they’re planned based around all the different locations. So it’s very well planned. And then, you know, like Trish said, so BOSS is special to me because it was after BOSS that I came on full time with List Perfectly.
Oh my, that is true. Yes. Literally. That was your final interview. I was like, okay. <Laugh> and you didn’t know, of course, I’m not gonna tell you, but I wanted to see how you would conduct yourself in person. And I was so impressed. I forgot. Thank you for reminding me of that, Doug, what an incredible audition. I’m so happy you came on board.
Oh, thank you. I’m…
Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Doug had a three day interview and mine was three years?
No girl. He started doing the podcast with Liz O’Kane. Do you remember for a long time?
And I live closer, but no, that funny thing is, if we were, I was doing the podcast and I went out there to do the podcast for List Perfectly. And obviously, you know, we worked a lot together at the event, but Clara and Amanda called me, I was getting ready to head out to the airport and we talked and then you know, yeah. We talked and I went full time. And thank you for the opportunity as always and believing in me too.
Aw. <Laugh> Aw, thank you guys. That’s so amazing. So I wanna add you know, what do we, why don’t we do why don’t you give to our audience? Some Reseller event hacks. Okay. So we’re gonna share with you some Reseller Remix. Okay. hacks that I wanna share with you. Number one, hack. Okay. Go to the BOSS Business for Online Selling Success group. Okay. You gotta go to this group or write, this is the group where the admins of the BOSS Reseller Remix. Okay. You know, you can see that is you can see Barbara, Katy, Vikki, Liz. Okay. So all the admins. Okay. So here you see, you know, they’re announcing about this event. Okay. So this is something people are posting here in this group a lot. For example, they, they will say, Hey, I am, I need to ride a cab you know, a I’m in the hotel, whatever. Right. And then people are like, oh, I’m in the hotel too. Let’s ride together. Okay. So that’s the number one hack that I would say team up. Okay. Posting their group. There is people that they’re sharing rooms. Okay. They’re like, Hey, I have double beds. Okay. Who wants to share with me? You know, let’s, let’s pony up 50/50, and this is your reseller family. Okay. Don’t you know, once you’re there, I know it’s weird, but you’ll see. You don’t need to know them personally, all the stories I’ve, I’ve heard of resellers. Very few that I think like, literally, I think I know of one only. Okay. But literally from all the events I attended, 99.9 9, 9, 9, 9, 9% the friends that you make there and the people you’re sharing rooms with, and you’re carpooling with it’s for life. All right. So there is gonna be a need for carpooling. This is not like PoshFest. This is not like, well, it’s not like, like a Flip Con so there’s gonna be a need for you to carpool. You know, which hotel are Katy and Vikki recommending do you remember? Well, they have in the website…
The Golden Nugget…
The Golden Nugget. Okay. That’s what they’re recommending. Okay. on the old part of Las Vegas in the old town. Okay. Of Vegas. Okay. So that’s close to the Blind Center, be prepared. There’s gonna be a need to ride. So you’re probably going to want to do the Lyft, share Lyft, or anything like that. Okay. So that’s something that you, you will have to do, but once we’re in the Blind Center, okay. Also make sure if you wanna bring your snacks okay, snacks, because we have the food carts, but there is no McDonald’s around the food center. Okay. The Blind Center. Okay.
I do know that there are more snacks this year being…
So I don’t think, I mean, if you are somebody who eats a lot, like me, maybe bring a couple snacks, but <laugh>, or like Clara, but in general they will offer there’s gonna be something in the morning and then lunch and then something in the afternoon, also for a snack. <Laugh>
I love it.
I like those little trail mix packets, so…
All right. Well, we’ll get ’em for you.
That’s right. You know, the Fremont Street area. That’s, that’s exactly what it is. List Perfectly, thank you. The D Casino Hotel, Golden Nugget Las Vegas, Downtown Grand Circa Resort and Casino, Fremont Hotel Casino, El Cortez Hotel and Casino. So those are some of the options, that you will have. As hacks, that I highly recommend you also, you know, like, don’t forget, this is the desert. Okay. So have water, make sure that you are, once you arrive in Fremont, you know, you, you walk a little, okay. There is a convenience store, you know, and pack, get your, your pack of water. Get it because obviously in the hotel is way, way more expensive. So that, that, that would be the first hack that I would do as soon as you land. Okay. Literally, right. Because that’s the desert. You would be surprised and we’re not gonna be drinking orange juice most probably at the parties. Okay. You’ll see, we’re gonna be dancing a lot. Okay. <laugh> so there are even people coming with last year. Okay. Linda and Mo came in the limousine and they took the party in the limo. So yeah, no, there is. You’ll see, it’s just literally, you don’t wanna miss this one. <laugh> there is everything going on. Limos, no limo.
This year they’re having the last night, the party is going to be a costume party for Halloween. So if you’re gonna come, I mean, it’s not mandatory, but a lot of us will be dressed up like something crazy. And yes. It is only once a year.
Yep. That is so much. All right. So we are ready to call to close this incredible session. Thank you, everybody. Thank you so much. Have a beautiful day, one listing at a time. Make sure you’re crosslisting, and make sure you’re optimizing your listings. Let’s make money and let’s make those reseller events pay for themselves. And thank you again. Bye. Thank you guys. Thank you.
Bye, everybody.
Thanks, Clara. Thanks, Trish, everybody. See you next time.