Season 2: Episode 50: Reseller Gratitude

This week we chat about gratitude and all the things we have to be thankful for as resellers! Clara Virginia Albornoz (Co-Founder and Co-CEO of List Perfectly), Kimberly Rose (Seller), and Danna Crawford (Seller) come together to discuss positivity and shed light on all that we have to be grateful for in the reseller world.

List Perfectly is the ecommerce resource for selling across multiple e-commerce platforms including eBayPoshmarkEtsyMercariKidizenGrailedDepopTradesyFacebook MarketplaceInstagram, and Shopify.

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Hello, everybody. Hi Clara.


Hi, Kimberly. How are you?


I am doing great. How are you today?


What a beautiful topic. It, uh, I wanted, you know, it’s a nice topic, Kimberly, because, you know, I know there could be people. I struggled one year. I can’t wait to say that I struggled one year to be grateful for, because I lost my mom on December 4th. So I can’t wait to talk about, you know, this topic, gratitude. And I know this is very close to you too, right?


Oh, absolutely. You know, I just, I try to look at everything like, as if it could always be worse because it can, it can always be worse. And you have to always keep that in mind and be thankful for every little thing because sometimes those little things aren’t little. They make up such a huge part of your life, and you just have to be conscious of that. And when you start feeling yourself going to that, that place where, you know, you aren’t thankful for, for those things, you have to, you just, you have to reset, hit your reset button and remember what really is important.


Exactly. Now we’re gonna be talking specifically about gratitude. I wanna talk about gratitude with online sales. There she is. Danna, welcome, welcome.


Thank you.


Welcome. Let’s all, welcome Danna and Kim. And I’m Clara, your amazing eCommerce ambassador. Woo. And we’re gonna talk about gratitude. Kim, what are you thankful for?


How many hours do you have? <laugh>? Tomorrow is actually my one-year anniversary of leaving that kind of job.




So tomorrow is, yeah, it’ll be one year tomorrow that I had my very last day at the yucky place. So…


You said no more.


Absolutely. That’s one of the many things I’m thankful for. I, I mean, there’s so much that we, and I say we, me, I take for granted. Yeah. Because, you know, I mean, I, I, you know, should be sitting here thankful just to be warm. It’s 28 degrees outside here right now, and there are people out there that don’t have a warm place to even go spend a day. Right. You know, so little things like that. It’s, um, yeah. You know, just to be thankful for having heat. The fact that you know, I have so many great, great friends and family, and, um, I work for such an amazing company now. I feel appreciated, loved, and nurtured. It’s been many years since I’ve felt that way in a place. I don’t know that I’ve ever felt that way. So that’s a huge thing to be thankful for. Oh, my health, you know, there’s so much that could be wrong with me. That’s not, and I have to, you know, you have to be thankful for that every single minute of the day, you know, and if your silly little things like, oh, I have allergies. Well, boohoo, so what? You, you, you still have both your arms. You just put things into perspective. That’s all you need to do. And you can, it’s easy to be thankful for, you know, even the small things. So…


I’ve been sick around the holidays and I had no money for medicine, you name it. Okay. Kidney failure by 21, I have arthritis, you know, which is bad luck. My genes, you know, are just really bad luck. Okay. So there are many things okay. That I wanna talk about just in case you don’t think we’re living on a cloud of gratitude and we’re being oblivious, okay? To the challenges and what we’re going after. A pandemic we can still find. Okay. If we dig deep, okay. Something to be grateful for. And all it takes is just one little thing to be grateful because it’s contagious. Even that one thing that I can tell you is to start being grateful even for that $10 sale. I want to, I dare you to celebrate that $10 sale as if it was a hundred dollars sale. Why? Because that $10 sale is gonna wake up, okay? Your store, and it’s gonna have more sales. But if, you know, if you take time to respond, okay, or to ship a $10 sale, ship it later, you know, that’s what I can say. Start being grateful for the small things. And, uh, that’s, that’s my big take, you know if you’re having big challenges. And Danna,, what would you say are you most grateful for this year?


This year has been a crazy, crazy year in my life, <laugh>, but I know we all have personal issues, but just, oh, I don’t know, <laugh>. It’s just so much. But I’m, I’m grateful that I’ve had the love and support of my family that, uh, has gotten me through all the crazy things that have been going on in my life. And yeah. Um, this has been a really rough year for me, especially, since I live in Punta Gorda, Florida, where we had the hurricane and…


Oh, yes…


I just moved here in April because I had, uh, what I thought was a decent job in addition to my eBay business, which eBay, I’m so grateful for, because, um, <laugh>, it taught me how to become an entrepreneur and quit three jobs and learn how to support my family on my own. And then over the years, so much has changed, but this year has been a tough year, but it looks like it’s ending with a bang. And I’m so grateful, I’m so grateful for the opportunity that lists perfectly has given me because of tragic things that have been happening in my life this year. And I think that it’s nice to be appreciated and I’m just so grateful for being a part of the List Perfectly family. So I know that all of you, um, were at BOSS, and I, so many people were there, and unfortunately, I didn’t get to attend. Looking forward to meeting you all that have, um, already met Kim and Clara and the LP family. So <laugh>, we’re going on a world tour, so…


I can’t wait to meet you in person as well, Danna. I’m so excited.


So I’m grateful for that. And, you know, there’s more to life than sales and there’s more to life than money. And, you know, there’s, there’s just so much more, you know, because like you said, Kim, there are so many people that I know. I, I just lost the gutters on my house and I lost a few things on my house, but the lady across the street lost her house. There’s so much more to be grateful for that, you know, when we feel down and it’s like, oh, poor me. It’s when you have to take a step back and say, wait a minute. Yeah, I have, I have a roof, I have food, or yeah, I have clothes and, and I have a way to make money online.




Do you know?




I think my lowest point. And I love, you know, we, I love going deeper, okay? You don’t have to go there, but I, I’ll be honest, okay? Okay, guys, I’m going to level with you. Okay? Check this out. You can record me. Okay. The lowest was not the lowest, but it was like, in business, it was like, you gotta be kidding me. It was like, seriously? Okay? So, uh, another company that is offering just a basic crosslisting gets 15 million. And I’m like, seriously? Seriously? Okay. Really, really? So for me at the moment, I didn’t see it. You know, of course, you get the little like, gosh, you know, I, I, I wish I had investors, you know, I could grow faster, I could build faster, I could do so many things faster. Um, you know, I’m, I’m familiar with investors, okay? Don’t forget, I was literally, catered to. So, you know, that was something that, it was like, gosh, should I do it? And then I was like, then I was so grateful that this is the route that least perfectly took. That we have no investors. That I can tweak the direction of my company as needed. I can hire and let go without permission. Um, of course, you know, it’s a corporation. I have to have good faith, bonafide interest in my company, and so forth. But, you know, for me, I’m so grateful that I can make my own decisions. I am, there is no other boss about me. You know, it’s just Amanda, where literally decisions perfectly are taken by Amanda. Do you like it? Yes. Ok.


You know, so I am so grateful, and I have to say the number one thing that I’m grateful for, this is not fake people. You can’t fake it. Thank you. eBay. eBay, 2019, eBay Open 2019, changed my life forever. eBay could have literally, I was giving flyers of List Perfectly on the door, closed by List Perfectly, this is inside a hotel, okay? I think it was, sorry, I’ve been in so many, I think it was the MGM. I can’t remember. We’re there. I kid you not, okay? The police of the hotel are coming by and I’m like, oh, you know, I’m like, I’m with The Clothing Vault t-shirt, right? And a reseller. So I have in the front The Clothing Vault and in the back List Perfectly, right? So I’m like, with my bag, right? <laugh>. So, you know, and then it’s like, comes and ask me, you know, Clara, they tell me, who are you here with? You know, I’m like, okay, I’ve gotta throw any big name of eBay that you know, Theresa Cox. And they’re like, oh, ok. And they left. And I like, oh, ok. I’m still giving the flyers like crazy, right? And I, you not guys, I thought I am crying so you don’t cancel me. Don’t cancel. Please understand, my server was crashing every two hours, right? We thought only 300 of you would be coming. <laugh>. Okay? So you guys start sending pictures of the, they start sending it to each other. I only handled 150, and 200 of those coupons. So then they took pictures and you know how resellers are, and they start sending it to each other, and we get 1500 signups overnight. And, uh, I was down to my last $1,700 of savings and I was up to $200,000 of debt. That was, that’s how we pushed it to the limit. And that’s how much I believed in what we were building. I cannot even explain. And I’m so grateful. Again, thank you eBay, for giving us an opportunity Yes. For, you know, sometimes even because of the mistakes, even with their lister, I’m thankful for the Turbo Lister that we used to call it Turkey Lister because that inspired us to create, remember that Turbo Lister? Do you remember when he could say error 3841 and it would crash all your listings?


Yes. Yes. It’s right. Yeah. Don’t complain about the prices at Goodwill or the prices at the thrift store, because that’s helping a lot of people.


Exactly. Maybe you take your road trip. I get it. Yes. California. I’ll be honest, Danna, have you ever thrifted on the Goodwills of California? I have not. Oh, okay. So get ready for finding a, with a stain, armpit stain here. Okay. Yellow in the collar, a hole, like a torpedo hole on the chest. Okay. And they want $200. Wow. Yes, I did. You are not. Okay. So that’s how I ended up coming here. Again, you’re not a tree move out. This is, why do you think I wanna be here in Arizona, Phoenix, 120 degrees four months of the year? No, but it’s what I am, I’m not gonna go and buy myself… 20 million and so forth, you know? And then, you know, I have a different perspective on investments. So I really wanna hyper-focus on my company and the fact that I’m here in Arizona and I was able to outgrow my reselling business and also, um, you know, our software company. Um, yes. Could I go to many other places? Yes. But I have to be grateful where I am in the gratitude. Even. It’s hard guys to be grateful, you know when there are 120 degrees day and night sourcing. So that’s what we did, guys. You got us. I was sourcing triple this. Amanda couldn’t do it. You know, Amanda’s not built for that, you know, plus, you know, she gets very red fast. I can go, you know, so I am in a flea market, you know, with triple digits. I come from the jungle. So I, that’s why we teamed up. Okay? So, uh, you know, and, and, and, and, and that’s a matter of, you gotta do what you gotta do. And if you gotta source in summer and, literally there is nobody here in the thrift stores in August, you had it for yourself because there are so many outlets.


So everything is dry, and clean without flaws. So that’s why we could take it, and I didn’t even touch hard goods because there is a retirement community. So now that I’m realizing, you told me about the dolls I pass by <laugh>, the creepy doll. Creepy dolls, how creepy dolls make more money. It was creepy. How do you give appreciation to your customers? And, uh, I’ll get started. Okay, <laugh>, you know, I could reply. Will this fit me if I have a penny for every question that I get and I have measurements, I have pictures, I have everything? Will this fit me? You know, like, okay, Clara, inhale, exhale and be grateful that you got a question and this person is creating, okay, it’s a watcher of your listing, and that’s a tell me more or sell me more question. That was my way. I could answer those questions very well, that sometimes were annoying, annoying without mocking. It was easy to go to the mocking side. I’m like, oh, you gotta be kidding me, right? <laugh>, go to that mindset. And I would be like, no, I’m a professional seller. I will treat this person that is telling me, will fit me with the utmost respect. And ask them, okay, what current size are you using right now? What brands? Okay, what is the current size you like on your jacket? Do you wear vintage? Do you wear modern, uh, clothing? La la la, la. And then I would build a relationship and it’s just, of course, it wouldn’t be my priority over people that were making a good offer and I have to shape and whatever it is. So that would be the way I share my, uh, gratitude. How was yours, Danna?


When I buy something online and when I receive it from eBay, Mercari, I just bought a couple of things on Mercari yesterday. Poshmark, there are certain brands that I like that I shop for. And when I receive them, sometimes I just can’t wait to get to the item. And some people put so much stuff in there. Yeah. And I’ve even had people send me candy and it’s like, I can’t eat that. I’m, I’m not, I’m not going to eat that. Yeah. So I think that sometimes people overdo it. And I’m in a hurry to get to my sweater or whatever I’m buying so that I don’t mess with the packaging. I don’t mess with all the pieces of paper that they’ve included. And so I came up with the idea to send an ink pen. So I sent an ink pen with my logo on it. And every single package that I ship, and I do have a business card in there, but I’ll put just a simple business card with me, it only shares my Instagram. Yeah. And my social.


Yeah. Your social media channels.


Yeah. And it’s a business card with that. But so does my ink pen. So my in pen has dot coms and my ink pen only has three dot coms on it. Okay. Excuse me. and then an Instagram. And that’s all I ever put on my ink pen. And they were so cheap. You know, you can find ink pens online and no one is doing that because you know why they’re gonna hold onto an ink pen? They’re gonna keep using that ink pen until it runs outta ink. Yeah. And they may leave it at somebody else. So they may, you know, pass it around. So I think it’s got better odds for, uh, sharing your brand.


That’s a very good idea because, and no offense to anybody that does use the tissue paper and the pretty stuff, but you know, that stuff is either gonna go in the trash or, you know, they’re gonna fold it up and use it later, which is good. But that ink pin is not gonna go in the trash. As you said, they’re gonna use it until it runs out of ink. And then, you know, maybe they’ll use it as a peashooter or something. They can know <laugh>, but you know, they, they can refer, you know, and it, and that’s also something that they’re gonna always be picking up and using and seeing.


That’s right. Thank you.


Store branding.


That’s it. That’s it. And I’ve gotten so many thank yous, even on my feedback, they’ll write, you know, great items, whatever. Thanks for the pen <laugh>. So they’ll be Oh, sweet. Yeah. But to one, one tip though, if you’re shipping clothing, you do have to be a little careful with how you package it. Cause you don’t want it to bleed all over the white dress, you know.


<laugh>. Exactly. I was gonna say, we do need, in the past, I would take plastic bags, but now of course, I love to do the, uh, affordable tissue papers and people are more open-minded to recycle, uh, right. When you ship, uh, clothing.


Yeah. Yes. Absolutely. So that’s, that’s how I do it.


So I think, you know, the best for me when I was literally, I have to say, well, I always have to be very frugal like I said, I have no investors. Um, you know, so in my invoice, I could say thank you for your purchase. You know, I would make them an offer if they wanted to do a combo. And I would also ask them to follow me on my social media channels and also check my website. And I, it was, I don’t know if it is allowed now, but you can only do it on their receipt, not on anything else. Okay. And cannot have the brand of eBay has to be your branded, uh, receipt invoice. So that was my way. And I would give a discount code for their next purchase. So, the discount code could be steeper from whatever offer I was doing, so, and they would always come back and buy more because they, you already got them hooked up. Even if you sell one-of-a-kind, I used to sell vintage clothing. One of the kinds, okay, I am so grateful for vintage clothing. Where else can you go and buy this for $10 and sell it for a thousand, $2,000? This is just mind-blowing. I could buy pallets. Okay. Um, <laugh> like these, uh, concert t-shirts, I would ask, you know, to my providers and my wholesalers, so, uh, for me, you know, you sell them something, you are honest in the listing. Even if it, let’s suppose has some yellowing on the armpit, let’s say that is, or worn out here. Or maybe the tag is yellow. And I’m so grateful for vintage because it allowed me to reduce landfills. I gave jobs to dry cleaners. I gave a lot of money to Goodwill.


Oh my God. Goodwill, Arizona. I have to say, I really like Goodwill, Arizona. No, I’m not being paid by Goodwill at all. Okay. I just honestly like them in the, you know, I’m literally, you know, there is a common source here. If you’re not sourcing here, you should Okay? <laugh>. That’s all I’m saying. But that’s my big take of gratitude on that. Uh, Danna, you wanna be thankful? Come on, it’s the holidays. Okay. There is a shortage of qualified, uh, workers nationwide. That’s not a rumor, it’s a reality. All right. So you gotta understand, if before things used to be slow, now they’re gonna be slower. So try to ship the same day. Show gratitude and tell them, hey, I ship someday. Let me know if you have any questions. That’s how I did it. Why? Because you’re shortening the period of remorse, the trade of being grateful and being proactive. You’re shortening the peer that I can be like, you know what? My husband, what did you buy again with me, my <laugh>? I told you; we are sitting on the roof. Right. Come on. If you’re in that situation. It


<laugh>, then you’re going oops already shipped it too late. <laugh>,


That’s what Jeff Bezos did. Uh, he was like a visioner when he implemented, you know, the same thing. Delivery and, and that fast delivery system. It does work. Go try it. Okay. It does. It has helped me. Yes. Even if you sell one-off items, okay. The fact that they got it fast, okay. They will really appreciate it, even if it fits tight. Okay. <laugh>. Yeah.


But it got here so quickly. I don’t care. You know.


Be grateful for your customers and, uh, be grateful for the small things. Now, um, like I said, you know, sometimes it might feel like life is getting, it’s throwing you one after the other. You know, one year I got meningitis here in the USA, not, no, I did not get it in South America. Okay. It was here in the USA. You gotta be kidding me. Yeah. And then my mom dies. Okay. And, and then, you know, but I was so lucky that I had an incredible, incredible experience in an industry that was brutal. Like banking. I had the best managers and by the time I, I let go, you know, I just didn’t like the industry. So I was very, I’m very grateful because on that journey also, that’s what allowed me to have the courage to say, you know what? It’s okay. Um, I don’t like the terms of investors. It’s okay, I’m gonna, I’m gonna build it with my own money. And here we are, you know, whatever you believe in. Okay. Um, reselling or anything, gratitude is something that takes us far, far, far on this., maybe it’s that time of the year that you wanna forgive in an attempt to forgive those that maybe knowingly or unknowingly may have disrespected us or hurt us in that we just forgive. That doesn’t mean you’re gonna go and knock on the door and, you know, have a beer or a barbecue. Okay? But maybe you do it for yourself and you forgive and let go because that’s another way that you can be grateful for your own personal growth.


As odd as it sounds, you know, I’m also grateful for when things aren’t going smoothly because that’s when I, I learn <laugh>, I learn the best and the most. And also those obstacles and stuff that come up that we come up against, it prepares us for the future when we may come up against that again, but we then have the skills to overcome it. So, you know, that’s it, I’m very grateful for the opportunity to learn from my mistakes because I do learn very well <laugh> from those mistakes. Yeah. And they, it does help you in the future with, with, you know, other things. So


That’s very wise. And sometimes it might feel at the moment, you know, like, you’re being handled a tough or you’re being given, uh, a tough hand in the, like Kimberly said, you know, it’s, even if you don’t have the strength at the moment, because literally you are out of air or maybe you’re having a panic attack as I do, and I feel like I have literally, it feels like you’re having a heart attack. It’s incredible. These panic attacks. Okay. They feel like a heart attack. Okay? I am grateful that I have tools like an app that is called Calm. Okay? That helps me with breathing. I have therapists. I have a team. Like today, you know, I was telling Danna, hey, if my blood pressure, if I feel my blood pressure going up, you go, okay, I’ll talk. Please do it. Okay? If not, you know, I’ll go with you. And that’s a thing, you gotta surround yourself with people that support you. Once you do, that’s the easy part. Now you gotta show your gratitude. And that takes saying, I’m sorry when you messed it up because you will, we’re humans, we’re not perfect. We’ll make errors, right?


We aren’t human if we don’t, I’m sorry…


No, I was gonna say, have you heard when, I’m sure all of you as resellers have experienced this when you have something that hasn’t been selling and then you pick it up and you hold it up. Yes.




And, then itself. I, you so be, be grateful. Ok, I’m grateful I have this now universe make me a sale.


It’s so…


I increase. That would be me. Okay. When I’m insecure, increase prices. Worst case, I can do a sale later. Okay. Yeah. So I could go and be like, okay, you’re gonna sell your amazing <laugh>. There are always 10 of your inventories that not even your mom will buy. Okay?


Why doesn’t that work with my lottery tickets? I do not know.


I am in the List Perfectly Facebook group, which I made such a safe environment for you to ask anything to let your true self out. And that you don’t need to be a winner. Um, you know, or come and share, you know, how much you’ve been selling thanks to this perfectly. No, it’s okay to say, you know, today I didn’t feel like listing. I wish it had this feature. It’s okay. We gotcha. Okay. We gotcha. We understand. And it’s normal. And you know, you know how much I, I miss reselling Kim and Danna, but, uh, the number one thing I could say, I am I many things that I’m grateful, but the number one things I’m so grateful for online resales, you know, and, and, and what industry and, and you know, only in America, okay? You can come <laugh> and then you can resell stuff in your house. Okay? The others want. And they go to garage sales, state sales, flea markets, vintage expos, wholesalers, to drop shippers. It’s just, it’s just friends to friends to church. What about the church? Rummage sales. Wow.

Speaker 4:

Oh, those are the best.




Fill a bag.


<laugh>. Fill a bag, girl.


How much can I get in this bag? Show your gratitude. Go leave great feedback. Cause everybody needs it.


Gotta be grateful. You’re a small business owner. Stop looking. Okay. At the $20 million seller, the $1 million seller, I’ve never been a million-dollar seller. My max was projected to be half a mill, and yet here I built a multimillion-dollar with my own company, with my own money, okay? And I paid a lot of taxes. Okay? Yes. I’m gonna be happy Uncle Sam., Okay? So you gotta be grateful for being a small business owner. And like everybody’s telling you here, we expect you as a buyer if I’m gonna be buying, okay, this pen from you because it’s a preloved okay pen, okay? With maybe just one little much. And I’m doing it because I wanna support a small business owner. Yes. And yes, a handwritten thank you. That’s what makes the difference. Walmart, Target, uh, I don’t know, Pendleton, Filson and all, you know, big brands, okay? That they don’t have the time to be personable. Ask and you shall receive. Tell them, to follow me on Instagram. I don’t know. Watch my look at my other stores on Poshmark, Instagram, I don’t know, Shopify Woocommerce, whatever you are, you know, know, Thrilling, you know anything, okay? Cross-promote yourself. And you will be surprised by showing gratitude to your customers with informing them, Okay? Maybe your mission. I do reselling. I do resell because I don’t know, I wanna send my daughter to college. I do resell because I want my grandkids to go to an Ivy League university. I don’t know. Okay. Whatever it means to you. I do resell because I wanna have a big company with lots of employees that I can make happy. Okay? That’s my reality. This was my, my always my vision. I wanted, I just, it blew my mind that more people were not reselling in the, and I told my friends in banking, my friends in banking didn’t believe me. And now of course they’re like, wow, really? Reselling online, wow I should learn more about ecommerce.


That’s so funny. My dad used to say, I don’t know what does, but I hope it’s legal. But she’s making…


<laugh>. Let’s be grateful. Ok, I think we can all relate to this for resellers united. Let’s be grateful for our s that do not understand what we’re doing. Something illegal. And we’re like, no, it’s legal. Really <laugh>. It’s not really my brother. My brother Danna told me, okay, Clara, you’re not gonna get in trouble for doing that. Right. You know, because I think you’re happy there and you could be messing up this opportunity you have. He’s trying to be, I was like, no. Yes, it’s legal. I’m full disclosure, you know, the fool is. And they’re like, really? You can sell a broken laptop? Yes, yes. Do not sell a broken laptop and fake it. That is working. And uh, he’s like, okay. It made me <laugh>, yeah. 13 years for him to believe me and believe me, after he came and he saw the Zoom meeting, uh, with all of my team and he’s like, wow, your company is big <laugh>.


Your brother’s so cool.


I love it. I love it. He’s like, ok, ok. Clara. Okay, I believe you. Ok, I get it. And my sister-in-law has been doing eCommerce reselling jewelry, which, oh wow. What an incredible reward to those of you be grateful for jewelry. If and if you’re not doing jewelry, you should what? Gratifying and, um, big returns in that speak about maybe isn’t so, uh, demanding like clothing because the clothing was very heavy on my shoulder, especially when I was, you gotta run with the cart, you know? And, there is a dollar sale and you gotta fight with everybody, you know, things, you know, or you’re going to the bins and you know, you have to put your body, you know, pretty much right. I went to America for Thanksgiving. My favorite, my favorite holidays from everything. You guys cook Turkey so well. <laugh> and then, ok, I’m sorry, what is it called? The purple thing? The burgundy thing that you put on Turkey…


Cranberry sauce?


Yes. Okay. I’m grateful for the canned cranberry sauce. Can over handmade one. I’m grateful for the canned one.


Yes, me too. It has to come out and look like a can on the plate or I don’t want it. And it makes that great noise when you when you finally get it outta the can.


Do you guys have Publix? Do you have Publix stores?


We don’t in Kansas.


Publix is the only cranberry sauce I like, but my kids, I don’t cook. I do not cook. And so, um, my job is to bring the bread cuz they know I can’t, you know, and it, they can pick up the rolls. And this year I get to bring the cranberry sauce from Publix, and the rolls, and they ask me to really go all out and bring some iced tea. So that’s my contribution.


I don’t, I don’t cook either, so don’t feel bad.




If I can’t put it in the microwave…


Danna, what is your most grateful reselling transaction? You’re grateful for it. The one that saved you. I know exactly when. I will never forget that. When I was like, oh my god, please sell anything…


Right? I can remember in the early days, I would just go to the thrift store or to a garage sale and think, please help me find this item that’ll help me pay my electric bill or buy shoes for the kids, or whatever it was that I needed. And I always pulled through. I always pulled through. So I think that if you keep the faith that, you know, you can be led to the right things before you go in that store and find those things. And so I was able to always get the bills paid. So I think that if you keep that, you know, faith, you’ll do well.


That’s amazing.


I’m grateful for that.


That. Aw, that’s amazing. Kim. What, what is the, is there any transaction or a buyer that you’re grateful for that you remember?


It’s not near as profound as, as Danna’s, but it was my first sale, the first, my very first sale when I, you know, just started this journey because it, it, it was, well, everybody’s had their first sale, you know, and it, it gave you hope. It gave you that thrill. But it also, it was like, oh my gosh, I sold something. I can maybe sell something else; you know? But what I sold, you know, it was just something, it was the first thing that I sold was something out of my closet. As you were saying. Wow. You know, clear your clutter. It was just a simple pair of shorts, that’s all. They were just a pair of shorts. But I’ll always, I’ll always be grateful for that, for sale because that is what led me to be able to get away from the job that I was not happy at. And now, you know, I’m here. So…


Aww, that’s beautiful. The one that I have to be grateful for. Look, I deployed an app. I think you know which one I’m gonna say. Okay. Uh, the one that I’m grateful for is, you know, it’s hard, but I had to resell my mom, part of my mom’s jewelry and her shearling coat, uh, in those $1,700 made me $30,000 in 90 days. Yeah. I’m so grateful. I will never forget the lady that bought my, uh, my mom’s yearling jacket. And I remember just sneaking it before shipping it and just, you know, and, and just looking at her jewelry and, and I just let go part of it, you know, and it was, it was challenging, but I’m so grateful for that. I wanna wish you all of you a Happy Thanksgiving. Thank you, Kim. Thank you, Donna, for, uh, everything you do for our community at List Perfectly. And thank you for believing in Amanda and me.


Absolutely. Thank you.


Thank you, everybody.


Thank you.


Thank you, everybody.