Join Patrick and Doug AGAIN to discuss more of everything you should NOT be doing with List Perfectly! They share MORE dos, MORE don’ts, MORE tips, MORE tricks and MORE more on the latest List Perfectly features and maybe some hacks you weren’t aware of!
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Don’t Do This with List Perfectly 2.0 Part 2!
Doug: What is up Patrick? Welcome back to I guess it’s your show technically the Patrick Show I’m just a guest.
The Patrick and Doug Show Patrick Show Don’t do this with List Perfectly 2 0 Part 2 Again we’re back.
Patrick: Glad to be back We’ve got a lot of stuff going on And looking forward to talking things with you.
Doug: We’re going to be covering a bunch of stuff. We didn’t get through everything the first time; stuff’s been added since we did this.
Patrick: The new help center was a long time coming new full new everything List Perfectly. I mean anybody who’s been a long-time member of List Perfectly things look a lot different than they did even just six months ago that goes from the new catalog and how that looks all the way through to our help documentation everybody will probably notice that little chat bubble down at the bottom. So really just ramping things up improving processes improving things for the customer experience.
This search is so good for finding issues you can see those trending topics and then you get into breaking down all things List Perfectly different troubleshooting steps there could be very specific kinds of extension questions and things like that or just all of your how to’s can be found here really putting things in place for that user that likes to get their own answers Or likes to search and figure out things maybe expose themselves to things that they’re not using.
This is our one-stop center for all things support and customer success. So you’ve got your news section You can search right into these help documentation articles right from the help bubble and then you’ll also notice where you can get into messages and finally the task.
If you’re in the middle of crosslisting you’re on List Perfectly working and you’re just looking something up, you see something you’re not really sure you’re like what is the pro description builder? If you see something you just pop this open search pro description builder, and it will pull up all the information about that. So it really is a nice little tool That’s always with you.
That messages section is really how you can get in touch with us now nothing’s really changed in the sense that it’s just packaged differently the goal here is still let’s ask a few questions. Let’s help each other out. We want to understand what’s going on to without having be asked a million questions. So we’ll ask a few things. We’ll get to some information And then you can always reach out to us at the end reach out to our support team kind of 24 seven honestly and get help that way.
The old system served us well for a really long time, but I would definitely encourage everyone to really explore this Don’t ignore that little support bubble down there if you see a little red notification pop up on there click on it read it, we’re really trying to make sure that we’re not pushing any kind of updates or announcements that aren’t important. We’re not trying to distract you. So the ones that do come through, Definitely If you can take a moment read it, We’re pushing the new features through here and stuff it’s just going to continue to improve and get better if you’ve interacted with it in the last couple of days it might look a little bit different in the coming weeks as we fine tune it for all of our users.
Doug: Yeah, and it’s I mean I think it’s a little more of a like you said fine-tuned very robust search. The stuff comes up right away handling all of our support now through there and it makes it so that you can search for answers yourself too if that’s the kind of thing you’re looking for.
So that’s if in your List Perfectly catalog here you got that little button little widget little smiley face. You click and it opens it all and gets you right in there You’ve got all the features in there. Patrick said to see if you that red dot you’ll see messages in there and you can communicate back and forth And It’s almost like you’ll see that running chat of your messages to another support option and to go with our don’t do this theme like Patrick said don’t use this get used to it. This is where your notifications are going to be And we’re going to be doing a lot more through this List Perfectly support including A lot of referral stuff as well.
Patrick: I definitely get familiar with It it’s here to stay and Doug said it’s going to get ramped up for referral stuff like this Help Center studies show that people will help themselves if they have the tools to do it some people everybody’s different people like to just reach out some people have things that they can’t find stuff like that but overall we’re trying to armor people with the right tools so that they can help themselves I mean the entire point of List Perfectly is at its core productivity tool.
There’s less waiting less back and forth and it’s less for internally on the team too so you know when we’re not doing that then it opens up the doors for other things to get done.
Doug: So we’re a platform and we work with a bunch of other platforms And the perception sometimes is that there’s a problem with List Perfectly when it’s actually something that’s going on in the marketplace. So we’re connecting you to all these different marketplaces but if these guys make a change or these guys make an update. A lot of times we have to adjust to that Sometimes we don’t know until you let us know. Sometimes we know and we’re working on it.
Patrick: Yeah, I always get flattered whenever people reach out and that it’s clear that it’s not List Perfectly that’s something on the marketplace, we work with All the different platforms Unfortunately there are times when these updates depend on what’s going on. Can cause brief interruptions sometimes we’re way ahead of it and Nobody even notices that there’s ever an issue Other times you could run into something very specific And whenever things like that take place it requires some updates. I would love to say that working with the marketplaces you’re never going to experience any kind of little brief interruptions, but just not really realistic marketplaces are doing their best to make their user experience the best possible. And we’re doing our best the good thing is that those kinds of updates usually are quick It’s pretty rare even something like these marketplaces introducing brand new listing forms. Obviously that’s a big project and everything but typically you’re not just going to wake up one day and the entire thing is brand new.
We’ve seen Etsy over the last few months has been phasing out the old form So it’s more of the smaller things the little details that get changed. I’m not gonna hide behind it and say that never have had an issue or anything like that.
Doug: But yeah, we communicate with the marketplaces a lot. Sometimes they let us know that something’s coming up. Sometimes they don’t know that there’s an issue honestly if we don’t know feel free to let us know contact support. And we’ll get it fixed a lot of times when somebody has an issue whether it’s with the marketplace with List Perfectly It could have something to do with browser extensions your browser update other plugins that you have with your browser that’s why it’s so cool that you can contact support. You can share your screen send a video and we can really look at what’s going on with your device
Patrick: Yeah, I mean List Perfectly is we do have a software component absolutely, but the reality is that you know this isn’t A piece of software that you bought in 1996 that’s shipped with its final update. And that’s how it is The reality is that these updates are always taking place. We’re working with marketplaces that are always making updates and stuff like that, So you know it’s going to happen which is why we take a lot of effort right now to focus on that help support widget over that help center to give users the tools and some people love it. Some people aren’t able to share their screens for security reasons and things like that. But the point is that we want to provide you guys with the tools to be able to provide us with the right information and I cannot begin to tell you how many things we’ve been able to figure out really working with a user shoot us a screen recording and in five minutes you know we’re replicating, and an update is pushed within an hour, so it’s proven to be very helpful. Overall things remain very stable working with all the marketplaces, especially in the grand scheme of things obviously things going wrong with the bigger marketplaces makes it more difficult but overall for what we’re doing with the marketplaces it’s very stable and you know we’re very happy with it
Doug: Okay yeah, we’ve got a known issues section so we definitely are transparent with what’s going on what we’re working on what we’re fixing I don’t want to delay too much because then we might have to do a 3.0 some of the features that have come out recently and let’s start with the big gun.
It’s interesting when I talk to other sellers because there’s some people that hate certain aspects of it, I enjoy listing I think it’s fun this new Listing Assistant and what’s coming soon Express Lister/Listing Assistant. You click Express Lister It gets you to listing assistant It’s actually fun to list with and it’s going to get even better. Let’s talk about that a little bit.
Patrick: Yeah, I know that you guys touched on it last week It’s definitely been one of the really fun features to be a part of from the ground up. And it’s really just getting started So for everybody that doesn’t know List Perfectly offers a listing assistant feature essentially what that is there are multiple components to it. There’s the barcode scan feature that allows you to literally scan a barcode and then it pulls in all this information. The other component is more of the AI side of things with the title that you have put in you can utilize the listing assistant to generate a description and all these other details. So you get the idea here Listing assistant helps you come along and create listings the most recent update that we’ve been working on and put out is available through Express Lister. Listing Assistant now has a title generation component that is AI-based coming right off of your photos so yes all you do is upload your photos a title is generated off of that And this thing’s so freaking good I mean it’s scary impressive and it’s not just clothes It’s literally anything you put in and it’s generating quality really well-built titles for eCommerce for the marketplaces so right now with Listing Assistant. There are two different parts the express lister and then the normal listing form And coming soon that will be a more married-up thing and it won’t be separated. Right this moment as of today you can auto-generate titles and then you would just edit your listing and utilize that generated title to spit out the rest of the description and all that. So again this is creating whole well-built listings off of the photos that you take.
Yeah, So Pro Plus continues to be completely free to opt into if you’re on the Pro Plan level and this goes all the way through the end of 2024. Then you would just opt into Pro Plus and then you can access all of these features the features are great. I can just tell you that this is just the starting point people are really finding a lot of value out of it with Express Lister and the title generation already but I can tell you it is going to be so much better and not that far distant of a future There’s a lot of work already done on it and really to make creating listings so easy and it’s at least for me personally it’s a lot of fun
Doug: So yeah, tell us about the Mickey Mouse polo example you did the other day. And what’s really interesting to me is it picked up so much info off the tag easily
Patrick: Yeah, lots of sellers lots of our sellers you know just because I don’t know what the stat is I think 60 percent of not necessarily our users, but a lot of users are clothing so let’s use that as an example but yeah what Doug’s talking about is all I did was upload this golf polo I told it nothing. I had five uploaded It analyzes the images and gets as much information as possible from them. So with that being said the title that was generated I don’t remember exactly what it was offhand, but it picked up the brand the material the Mickey Mouse logo that was embroidered on the chest off of the tag it was picking up where it was made in the size all of the basically all of the product details and then formatted it into a title that was you know.
I mean I’m not going to say that I’m the title expert for every marketplace, but this thing was ready to go. Yeah, I wasn’t having to manipulate anything really So the point being though is that if you let’s say you get off of here and you start playing around with this and using it You know to set it up for success give it as much information as you can do you have to do a picture of the front And then the back and then the tag No you do not have to do that at all But look if you are selling glassware and there’s a stamp on the bottom it’s going to be in your best interest to include it Number one you should be including it for your image anyways But number two for the listing generation that is going to be taken into consideration and will be you know analyzed. So that’s where you’re going to get the best information sign it up for success give it some good images give it like I said if you’re doing clothing maybe include the tag or the care instructions you know obviously it depends on what kind of product you’re talking about but yeah I mean it’s good stuff I mean it’s really all I can say is give it a try and you’ll be impressed.
I’m a golfer and I had some pictures of some old putters I mean they were old. They don’t they’re not worth anything but I just had these pictures I’ll put them and it did an incredible job finding the information and knew exactly what the model was so yeah and it will continue to get better you know in you know that’s what’s really cool and scary is you work with it and you realize how well it does and how good it does and you know that this is just the starting point.
Doug: Yeah, And This is definitely a usage of AI. But is this based off of Google AI or did LP have to code for this to work?
Patrick: Yeah So, it’s a hybrid it depends on what it is the prompts and things like that but definitely we’re not in the business of creating artificial intelligence to do all of this. So it’s definitely leveraging tools that are out there and integrating with List Perfectly. And then obviously there’s some components that we’re building and Coding for our users to be able to integrate seamlessly.
Doug: To me I think it’s super fun to use and it super speeds things up and there’s stuff coming soon gonna get even better don’t be scared of AI it’s creeping into everything we do, and this is just gonna help make everything faster. We were talking the other day about the term game changer that we use so much but sometimes a term is very applicable this is a game changer.
Patrick: Yeah, I mean it’s already having a big impact on users that have found it and use it because We know how different it’s going to be just in the next couple of weeks and how much easier it’s going to be to use. so yeah, it is definitely a game changer when I look back at the life of List Perfectly’s life there have been key big game changers that people use all the time every day I forget crosslisting you know there was a time before. That was game-changing for people doing the photo room integration became a game changer for people’s businesses it became so important for people it when it was introduced that was a game changer. The new catalog the improvements even though there are some people out there still making the adjustment it’s a game changer for sure. And these kinds of features that are coming with the AI and the listing assistant are definitely a game changer push List Perfectly so far out of just being this crosslisting tool being even more robust than a productivity tool that happens to have a crosslisting feature
Doug: Let me slide this question in and I think I know the answer to this so if I’ve already taken pictures and they are in drafts can I still ask Listing Assistant to make my title If so how Or do I need to do it right out of Express Lister?
Patrick: That’s right yeah so right this moment if you went today and tried this you cannot add existing listings and utilize the title generator image analyzer Doug said very soon the integration will be there to make this easier and smoother for this exact reason.
Doug: We test all this stuff internally. We have beta testers, and we test this stuff because you don’t want to roll anything out before it’s ready.
Patrick: Yeah, we try really hard especially if they experience an issue or a bug, I can promise everybody that in the internal testing that takes place, the team does an incredible job with the work that goes in with the beta groups. Really for how many moving pieces there are with List Perfectly and 11 marketplaces, there are so many features that are very much tested and make sure it’s working.
Doug: Yeah, And basically really quick with so with Pro Plus is you go in opt into Pro Plan, and then you can opt into Pro Plus from there. Yeah, so let’s move on to this other great tool you hinted at earlier like the evolution of stuff. So we used to have something like this but this is a much better way to do it So let’s talk about the merge feature.
Patrick: The merge feature is available on all plans This is one of those features that was you know actually made available whenever those updates were taking place But List Perfectly out of the box years and years ago came with a feature called Copy to Open Marketplace tab so many people never used it or so many people really weren’t really sure how to use it and how to really leverage it to be in their favor So Merge is that but built in a way and functions so much better and easier for users to utilize it.
So pretty much every marketplace has something in place to make a listing on their platform easier, So the big one is obviously eBay. Let’s say you have a pair of sneakers, and you know that there’s a product on eBay. The listings are already built It’s live. And you like the way that listing is built It’s got a million item specifics filled out all of that eBay offers a feature called Sell Now I believe is what the exact term is on someone else’s listings. But essentially you hit that sell now And what it does is it pulls All of the details that are possible from that listing and into a new listing. So like when we look at this all of those items specifics are already filled out Someone else already took the time to fill all of those out right there.
So you hit sell now and that new draft is started and where List Perfectly and Merge comes in is that you can simply just select the List Perfectly extension hit Merge and now your details Merge with this draft that started. So we all know that List Perfectly doesn’t support the 1500 item specifics on this listing but List Perfectly supports images my title price things like that. So whenever you merge your List Perfectly listing to this what it does is bring in the important information from your listing and cut out what you are going through and filling out all of those item specifics. As you can see here in the video we click merge we find the listing. And now whenever we finally click the merge button our details start coming over from List Perfectly. So here are our actual images title updates and then some of the other details And then in the item specifics they’re all still filled out with everything that you know some other poor schmuck filled out
Doug: So it’s interesting cause you know all marketplaces this it shines on eBay, and you’ll see a lot of sellers that will do it from their own listings. Like Hustlebee lists from his own eBay listings because they’re set up as he likes them. You know it’s like you should always review when you go through and take a close look at the listing, you’re listing off of this is just a tool I think too that not everybody’s going to use but for certain sellers. It’s just one of these things we’ve improved an old process and you know added this in.
Patrick: Yeah, and again it’s available on all plans. It’s definitely one you know You can leverage depending on what marketplace you’re going to, and it does matter you know what kind of products you’re selling to super one-of-a-kind things like is that really going to fit.
Doug: So here’s another thing that you know we always say connect List Perfectly to your marketplaces list from the catalog you know track your inventory from List Perfectly. And I wouldn’t say it used to be hard, but this next feature makes it easy to connect everything. We really recommend that and it’s gonna allow you to use things like sales notification auto delist all these different tools. So let’s talk about our new friend Connection Wizard.
Patrick: Connection Wizard is built to make it easier to do the connections Right now when we’re talking about connecting shops it is for specific features like sales detection auto delist things like that. Everybody who uses List Perfectly knows that for me to crosslist from List Perfectly to eBay. I just need to be logged into eBay I don’t have to connect anything But for List Perfectly to listen for sales And when you hear a sale I want you to go delist that off of the marketplaces There needs to be a connection made there Connection Wizard makes that a much easier process. It used to be buried into the extension settings so this really just brings it much more to the front in front of the user to select the marketplaces you want to connect And then once you do that it will detect and make sure that you’re logged in and connect those shops for you.
Doug: Yeah, Pulling over the information and just making it so those other functions can function correctly.
A couple of other things I wanted to touch on because there’s new stuff coming with the Posh sharing tool.
Patrick: The Posh sharing tool’s new feature is first off, it’s available on the Pro and Pro Plus right now it gives you the ability to share your listings share other people’s listings. You can share from your closet You can share from the feed we all know how important that is for Poshmark’s success they’re a social platform selling platform the reality is that this just brings that feature into List Perfectly a service you’re already using and paying for.
It really just gives the user control over where you want to make those shares from and then tweak and pull the strings to set it up to figure out how many shares you want to try and accomplish in a day. I can tell you that there’s more features that are being developed for this specific tool that are going to make this much more robust probably the next release in the coming week or so is going to follows and follow back. So getting followers people back that have been following you on Poshmark the introduction of the offers to likers is something that is in the works. We fully understand how important that is to be successful with this kind of tool it is something that’s in the works right now.
Doug: Since Posh is allowing bots in their terms of service is auto d-list auto re-list coming down the pipeline anytime soon I mean if you choose to do that, we do have the list d-list function.
Patrick: Yeah, it is on the more cumbersome side for this more automated relisting process and stuff like that it is 100 percent on the radar and something that is in the pipeline. I just I’m not comfortable right now on this date to say when exactly it’s going to be released but it is something that is In the pipeline. Some other features that are going to really play into that kind of behavior and management of listings.
I was just going to say you know just to add to that like we get that delist relist total common practice and everything. We just at List Perfectly believe that there’s some key pieces that need to be in place to really make that valuable and set all of our users up to be able to be successful doing that and making them practice. So those aren’t quite ready yet.
Doug: The link feature can you remind us of a little bit about the link feature?
Patrick: Yeah, so it has been around for a bit I don’t know exactly when it was released but The link feature is just a super easy way to give you the tools to keep your active listings linked to your catalog. So if you’re using the List Perfectly catalog It’s crucial that your catalog remain in good health. If your catalog says that it has an active listing link to it on Poshmark that needs to be true. Sure but the reality is that things happen on the marketplaces Delisting and relisting There are other bots, and there’s service. The list goes on and on so link was introduced to give users that tool to be able to quickly identify if there’s an issue but also link back So you’ll notice these buttons on your active listings If it says link that means it’s not linked to your catalog So Link really gives you that quick way to link back to your catalog make sure things are you know correct basically.
Doug: We’ve covered a lot Anything else you want to throw in.
Patrick: You know we didn’t talk about Some of the maybe not feature things like a referral program and listing party and some of the non-technical things that are so valuable, So I mean I know that we’re running late on time
Doug: Patrick is teasing for a part three, So you know maybe so but definitely yeah definitely Listing Party referral program. And then I don’t want to put you on the spot Patrick, and I know we are still in negotiations, but Patrick and I have been talking about doing a regular tech talk listing party at
Patrick: Yeah
Doug: Yeah, I mean what can we do you know where they print it and present it to us then we make our final decision It could be a go it could be a no-go.
Patrick: Yeah no.
Doug: Thank you.
Patrick: Yeah, I am looking forward to doing something a little bit more regular I think it’ll allow us to stay you know on top of things and not have to backtrack and everything And that would be inside of Listing Party which again like I don’t want to just brush over because of how huge it really is And I want to spend time you know talking about that at some point.
Doug: So yeah, let’s promise the people this We’re talking about tech talk with Patrick and Doug it won’t be a support thing It’ll be like us literally talking about some of the tech behind things. Cause that’s what Patrick does he’s our Senior Director of Tech Innovations but we’ll also talk about tech in general Maybe we’d probably talk about AI We talk about other things maybe things coming to the platform but in a more techie approach.
Patrick you’ve basically committed to you know we call it don’t do this with List Perfectly, but a Patrick and Doug 3 0 It makes me a little nervous though because in a trilogy usually the second is the best Cause again you introduce the characters you know that’s good stuff. And then in the sequel, people know the characters So you don’t have to establish as much stuff you just have to hit with the story And then in the third you got to wrap it up a bit too So that’s a challenge but what we’re basically telling people is we’re going to do three movies and a TV series.
Patrick: What more could you really want?
Doug: Exactly What more could you want? T-shirts maybe coffee cups dolls Action figures I prefer action figures over dolls
Patrick: I feel better about that but yeah.
Doug: Funko Pops? You could have a Patrick or Doug Funko Pop on your desk.
Patrick: Wow I think that’s when you know you’ve made it can you get custom-made Funko Pops?
Doug: You can have custom-made Funko Pops made So that is a thing that can happen.
Patrick: Better not be.
Doug: Yeah, you want your cut.
Patrick: Yeah, I mean somebody needs to be giving me my kickback I remember when my brother was younger somebody gave him like a custom-made bobblehead of himself.
Doug: Interesting.
Okay So let’s sum it up we covered the List Perfectly Help Center you want to definitely keep an eye out for that cool little widget down in the right and you’ll see messages in there. You can search help You can get help You can search articles You can learn It’s always a good idea to spend time learning stuff.
We talked about Listing Assistant, That’s our amazing game-changing AI integration That’s going to make it fun to list. Even those that don’t like to list are going to enjoy It’s going to make it fun and it’s going to be so fast too. So a lot coming to that.
The merge tool is something that can help you create listings based on other listings that you like on marketplaces. Connection Wizard makes it easy for you to connect all your marketplaces to List Perfectly. We talked about the Posh sharing tool that is gonna have some other updates coming to it as well. Why not just do it all within List Perfectly?
Everybody thank you so much, thank you for listening, and especially thank you Patrick sorry it took you so long to get back on the show we will do the Tech Talk it’s going to be fun it’s going to be cool.
All right thanks everybody Thanks for listening Thank you Patrick This was fun I always enjoy doing this kind of stuff with you and I am looking forward to Tech Talk.
We will see you next time!
Trish: Thank you for joining us on The Seller Community Podcast from List Perfectly. You can find us at the Seller Community
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