On this episode of The Seller Community Podcast hosted by Clara, a proud Argentinian minority, featuring special guest Beccahustles, a young and successful reseller from the Philippines who has built her reselling career in the U.S. Becca’s journey exemplifies how tools like List Perfectly can transform a reselling business and create a source of referral-based passive income, all while working remotely. This conversation encourages moms and aspiring virtual assistants, especially those from the Philippines and other underrepresented communities, to explore rewarding remote work opportunities.
The Seller Community Podcast from List Perfectly is the e-commerce resource for the seller community across all platforms and a hub for information on growing your business. Find out more at thesellercommunitypodcast.com, leave a message, or ask a question at anchor.fm/sellercommunitypodcast, or email us at podcast@listperfectly.com.
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From Sales to Referrals: How Beccahustles Thrives with List Perfectly!
Clara: I am so excited. This is Clara, the co-founder of List Perfectly, and this is a special session today because we’re going to be talking about this incredible reseller success and what makes it the most important thing is that Becca, like myself, we’re both immigrants and we have very challenging childhoods.
We came from strong poverty and we came to the land of opportunity American where Proud and honored to be here. So just to give you an idea, I came here to the U. S. 22 years ago from Argentina with two suitcases, 1, 500 and a credit card with a limit of 3, 000. Now that’s my story. But you’re not here to hear mine.
I want to introduce you to Becca because Becca is from the Philippines. And she, like myself, she also came from a country that is let’s admit it, Becca. Becca is, Philippines is doing amazing compared to the Argentina. Welcome, Becca. Would you like to introduce yourself, please? And hi, everybody.
Becca: Yes. So hi, everyone. I’m Becca. And also known as Becca Hustles. And thank you, Clara, for having me here. I am so excited to, I’m so excited. Ooh, virtual heart. To share my journey and also some reselling tips with you guys. And yes, my reselling journey. Started way back in 2017. I just moved here from the Philippines and just married and I don’t have a work visa that time, so I don’t have any ways to make money and I have, let’s say a mortgage in the Philippines, Clara, the house, and then also my family’s over there and us Filipinos.
In our culture, once you started earning money, you gotta give some to your family. Yeah. Yes, and I am so stressed out how to, make money. So I talked to my mother in law that time and I told her all of my worries like, oh, how am I going to make money?
Clara: Sorry, by the way, Danna Crawford, Power Saving Mom, it’s a mother in law.
Becca: Yeah, and little did I know my mother in law is the eBay Hall of Famer, Danna Crawford, aka the Powerselling Mom. And she told me, you can sell anything on eBay. And I was like, what’s eBay? Cause I’m from the Philippines. I’ve never. Heard about eBay. So there she is, and she gave me a one on one seminar, how to create listings, how to create your eBay store from creating your titles, descriptions, taking pictures, everything that I need to do as a, let’s say, effective reseller.
And when I am ready to buy or sell something. The first thing that I sold is my husband’s used snowboard boots. And I was like, yes! Yes, I heard that, Clara. We should go on a trip sometime, girl. Yes, Colorado, here we come. Woo, yes. And by that time, I was like, wow, you can sell used items in America?
Clara: Thought so, too. I thought it was, Amanda was selling the broken You’re going to go to jail! And then she was selling items with holes, and I was like, that’s illegal! And she’s no, Clara! As long as you describe it, and I was like Clara. But no, I felt, you know how in our countries, you go to jail for that.
Becca: Yes. And as in the Philippines, we don’t have that shipping system, like USPS, UPS here in America, it’s pretty advanced. And I was like, Ooh, we can make banks just using used items. So by that time, I don’t have a car. I don’t drive. And we have, let’s say half a mile thrift store and I walk there and it’s Chance I get.
Sourcing! I sourced and after, let’s say, a few months, we found our niche, which is exporting goods. Cause we’re snowboarders and we started collecting snowboard items.
Clara: That’s a nice niche, Becca. Oh, that’s a very nice. I make good money on because there is a lot of, did you see a lot of rich people?
They use the, there’s no gear one season guys. I kid you not. Did you notice? And then they donated and you’re like, Grabbing a Burton, Topshop, Double Flash, with a whatever, with and even…
Becca: you’re my sister, girl. I made the same face. I feel like I’m in a war when I go to thrift store, I’m telling you.
I go straight to the sporting goods, I’m like, I’m grabbing everything. Yeah. No one touch it,
Clara: yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. Nice, Becca. You studied. Let’s talk about a little, the, so you came to the U. S. and then you have the mentorship of Danna Crawford eBay Hall of Fame people and Director of Community of List Perfectly.
Perfectly full time also seller with a Powerselling Mom. All right. I just showed that, but let’s talk about your journey with List Perfectly. So of course I know Nana introduced you to List Perfectly, but yeah. So let’s talk about your journey with List Perfectly. When, how has it been working with List Perfectly and what is your favorite feature with List Perfectly?
Becca: Yes, sure. First when let’s say after a couple of years reselling, I took a break and then 2023, we moved here in Florida with our family. Love you, mommy. So proud. We move here to Florida with my little girl and, as a mom, I want to be with her and what’s on my mind, I’m like, I’m going to start Selling again because I want to be with her and yeah.
Mommy’s story as well really inspired me because she also works from home and before it’s really, she’s the OG of stay at home mom, oh yeah! Yes! And by that time she have the Powerselling Mom consignments and she’s pulled up this list perfectly on her laptop working away and I asked her, what are you doing?
What could I help you? And she’s oh here’s what I use to Management Inventory, Create My Listing, Crosslist. And I was like, Oh, what’s List Perfectly? And it’s just You know, history repeated itself, and she just told me and taught me how to list, and let’s say how to create your listings.
And then, I found out that List Perfectly have a referral program! Oh! Yes! And I looked into it. And I’m telling you everyone, List Perfectly has the best blueprint for referral programs because they will give you passive income every month, not just one, give you one big chunk of money and say, bye. No, List Perfectly will give you 20 percent monthly and you have resources.
Lifetime. Yes, and I was really motivated because of that and I was like, Oh, okay, I’m gonna, I’m gonna, sign up with List Perfectly, hustle as much as I can. After one year, I became a above standard on eBay. Also a Poshmark ambassador. All things List Perfectly. So much sharing tool, hands down.
And I became a co owner of the Powerselling Mom consignment. Yay!
Clara: That is just epic to be a partner with Danna Crawford. Yes. No, but you earned it. And I, from, I was like, who is Becca Hustles again? I was like, right back, and again, I want to show you guys that you can start from nothing, and literally, just, you don’t have, don’t worry, you don’t have Danna Crawford. All right. To mentor you, you don’t have an Amanda Morse like I did. Come over to Listing Party. Let us assist in mastermind. All right? Yes, there is mastermind goal setting, sip and list. There is I have a strategy sessions, you name it. So they’re, please, you need to, mastermind sessions are good, Becca, because, we have the fortune to tap into the resources, knowledge, influence of Amanda. And that was like, literally guys, that’s like literally 80 percent of the trip. The rest is just like you say hustling, that’s it.
Becca: Yes, and as a reseller, sometimes you feel alone and the community, List Perfectly, it just keeps me going. Sometimes, I’m like, okay, maybe I’ll just take a break. And I see the List Perfectly group. People are sharing all the positivity. I’m like, all right, let’s just hustle again. Yes, and absolutely, after also one year, after joining my referral program, I am projected to pay the mortgage in the Philippines with my passive income.
Clara: Oh my goodness, that makes me so happy. So happy. Congratulations. That’s our top referral members, Becca, are making 30, 000 a month. What? What’s the goal? That’s my goal.
Becca: That’s my goal, Clara.
Clara: So Dream Big. We are in the land of opportunity, alright? And now, to those of you, okay, you might be thinking, I know you’re thinking, okay, I know Eh, what is it, Becky, on Poshmark?
No, okay? I know they’re thinking of, because I know they’re thinking, who could be?
So Becca, let’s talk about the feature that made, now that you’re a partner with Danna, because Danna is doing full time with List Perfectly. So you’re in charge of executing a lot, the vision of a Powerselling Mom from Danna. So what would you say has been the feature that you like the most that help you take your business to the next level?
Becca: Yes the first favorite feature I want, I love is the Express Lister because it makes my listing so easier and faster and also this Express Lister Has integrated with AI and AI, and it just gonna make, let’s say some tedious task as a business owner, more. More easier. You don’t have to do some repetitive tasks and AI express lister will read the first six photos of my listings and it created my title, like the brand, the size, the color, and also the descriptions. Everything. And if you, let’s say have a damage on your item, AI reads it. Can you believe it?
Clara: It’s not easy, guys. Becca’s, yes, please support Becca. I’m going to present real quick. Okay. I’m going to show her I’m going to share entire screen. For a second, it’s going to look funny, but here we are. As you can see, she has a small Instagram account. So for those of you thinking that List Perfectly is for big sellers, okay, look at this.
She started small. All right. Look, she has here her link tree in which she shares, okay, affiliates with Helpsy, with Poshmark, with Mercari, her blog posts. She sells on eBay, Poshmark, Mercari, etc. Okay. They also use Hostinger or Website Builder in there as well in Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok as well.
And then they have other partner and affiliate income, reseller must haves baby, and she’s a Powerselling Mom. So baby, toddler, best products.
You have it as a Powerselling Mom. Don’t forget to check this out from Becca. And like I said, here is her eBay store, right? Okay, so I just wanted to show these 109 items.
You don’t need to be humongous, all right, for this. So here is her closet, 171 items, Posh Ambassador, and then we have her amazing beautiful YouTube channel with 119 Oh, I’m going to subscribe right now. There. Becca Hustles two incredible demos of List Perfectly. You need to subscribe to Becca because she’s doing very, as you can see here is one of the demos she’s doing about eBay pricing and research.
Yes. We connect directly with eBay research tool.
Becca: That is the newest, yes, that is the newest feature. And I think when I tried this amazing tool, I think this is the future, Clara.
Clara: Yeah.
Becca: Yes. This tool is called the Merge tool. And basically Merge tool. It takes the information from the live listings on eBay and it will take the information and photos on your current draft listing. And when you just click the Merge, Yes, when you click the Merge, it will just merge all together.
Clara: This is called the Perfection feature, but I love it when I think, but I love it when I think with you, I’m like, Becca, why don’t you try Express Lister with the Merge feature?
Would you like to show us, Becca? There is they do consignment, but Powerselling Mom if you need to do, if you are a buyer and you need to sell high price item and trust them to someone that will take care of your items like yourself here, Powerselling Mom is the place that you want to go PowerSellingMom. com in the, one of the cameras they have for consignment. And to then, okay, ease I’ll tell you, okay guys, okay, so we are gonna. Make sure that on the at List Perfectly extension, we go to settings, choose eBay. If you’re going to eBay, you must do this. Okay. And then make sure that from settings, all right, you’re going to go select eBay tab and then enable sell similar on eBay.
What these only you want to do it for eBay. And then you just cross post. Normally you’re going to cross post. Like normally you go and then. You want to make sure you have an Aviator jacket open, an Aviator listing, listing on eBay. So you want to show us, I’m going to add these and here is Becca.
Yes, there is Becca showing us her listing. Yes. We have the eBay listing open that she chose, that she likes all the, let’s show the item specifics, Becca. Can you scroll down a little?
Becca: Yes. So this is the item specifics over here and this is the one listing that I found that have the most item specifics. And then if you find the right listing for your camera or your item, you see this tab over here that sell says. Sell Now. So what we’re gonna do, we’re gonna do a Sell Now and just make sure that your tab on List Perfectly is open and your Sell Now tab is open as well.
Clara: That’s right.
Becca: Yes. And I think, yeah, you’re, my extension doesn’t show on your screen, but what we’re going to do is we’re going to click List Perfectly Extension.
So all we have to do is we just have to keep the eBay screen open and also the listing.
Clara: Yeah, this is something with sell similar. I just want to say you selected the listing from eBay. Now we go to sell similar. Now it opens this window. Thank you for bearing with the technical difficulties.
Becca: And what we’re going to do is we’re going to click Merge. And then, we’re gonna put Canon.
Clara: And this is a feature guys that I recommend you for electronics, media, expensive items. I’m not telling you to go and list like this every single thing, tennis shoes any trading cards. Okay. I highly recommend you. So show that. See, you don’t have to put format black, manual, scroll down, SLR, Canon A1, built in meter, Japan, 1970s. You have, you can skip doing all the tedious job. And the reason we don’t import that from eBay is because other marketplaces don’t share.
These are very unique values to eBay. Just make sure after you finish using the merge feature, Make sure you unclick from the extension, LP extension, the copy to open tab on eBay.
Becca: Yes.
Clara: And there you have it listed. In this case, don’t list it because you already have it. Okay. We don’t want it. We’re just doing these for for just to, to show you these guys. Okay. But this was really good. Thank you, Becca, for showing us one of your favorite features. That’s great. Really excited, Becca. I really appreciate that.
Becca: Thank you for your support, Clara. I made it to technicals.
Clara: We did it. Now what would be your practical tips to our audience on using the Merge feature? Do you agree with me for like electronics or what’s your tips, please?
Becca: Yes. I think my number one tip is focus on your photos and also your measurements and just let the merge do the rest. That’s how List Perfectly wants you to thrive in this reselling world.
Just focus on the important things and let, the AI and the merge just do the rest. And also, my another tip is, as a reseller myself, I’m the type of person that do one thing at a time. Cause I lose focus if I do a lot of things at once. So I started this idea that I started, let’s say I started batching my photos and measurements.
And then I just pull up, let’s say the Merge and the eBay and the Draft. And it’s just let’s say in just one click, you will have all the specifics, especially on eBay, specifics is really important.
Clara: Okay, but again, if it is just something basic, okay guys. Yes, no, but yes, I don’t want to enter the serial number, battery size compatibility, et cetera, et cetera. If these feature is not a time saver because also can I, if this comes almost like the concept of can I cross post manually? Yes. Will you make data entry errors? Certainly. Can you do all these data entry of item specifics manually?
And oh, and by the way, one error on those and you lost the case. Reduce items not at describes and buyer remorse, merch feature. When eBay or any other marketplace sees that you took care of item details, they’re really gonna back you up when it comes To buy a remorse or items not as described, or these arrive with the package broken, or you ship it broken, or you ship some bricks, whatever it is, a complaint.
Becca: Yes. That’s right. And especially, let’s say resellers that have high end items, let’s say a camera or a watch. This merge feature will help you create your listings in no time. Imagine like you’re having like a virtual assistant just filling out your item specific. That’s it. That’s it. Oh, I love you, Becca.
Clara: There you go. Yes, it’s having a virtual assistant doing the item specifics. We should do the mic drop. Yeah, there. Okay, hold on, there.
So that’s amazing, Becca. Makes me very happy. Let’s go on to let’s go on to the, as a Filipino minority, In the U. S. How can you inspire others, whether you are in Argentina, Philippines India, U. S., I’m sorry, Canada, Mexico, what would you say, in order to motivate everybody that is not in the U. S. and they don’t have maybe the opportunity like we do, okay, to open a reselling business, what would you say would be their choice?
Becca: I’m from the Philippines, and I’m from, let’s say, a simple family, I’m a simple girl, and I have big dreams, so all I can say is believe in yourself, because nothing is impossible. Only you can make it happen. Or create your future yourself. And as a girl from the Philippines, I have a big dreams and yeah, everyone telling me, Oh, you, you can’t, you cannot go there.
You can just don’t listen to those, let’s say people or naysayers. Yeah. Naysayers that’s just gonna, let’s say, give you a different perspective of what your dream is. Because you are destined to be great. You are destined to be successful and no one can take that away from you. And in my, let’s say, in my heart and in my soul, I also got here with, let’s say, a few bucks on my card, on my immigrant card from the Philippines.
And, All I want is to, let’s say, have a, let’s say a good future for my family from the Philippines and also the family that I’m having here. And I think the love that you have for your family, that’s what keeps you going every day. That’s what you, and I think, yeah, just believe in yourself.
Don’t let anyone tell you nothing. Just what’s that song? Anybody tell me nothing. Tell me nothing. Won’t tell you nothing.
Clara: I love it. And keep hustling. Yep. And to those of you that maybe you can’t afford right now, or maybe you are not in the mood to be an entrepreneur, you can be a virtual assistant.
You can come to the List Perfectly community in my Facebook. Group. All right. 11, 000 people in my Facebook group. I kid you not. Okay. And then you can come also to my listing, Listing Party platform. I highly recommend you people. So we have, okay, I’m going to show right now. Let me see. That’s our Facebook.
But from our page, you can see our, you will be able to find our Facebook group as well. All right. Yeah, that’s right there. So I want to join us, our Facebook group. All right. We have, you can be a virtual assistant.
To Americans, to anybody selling in the rest of the world. We have a lot of Canadians and UK and Australian customers. But just a reminder, List Perfectly can be used only with American, US marketplaces. Yes. Definitely. Thank you. Yes. Give us a thumbs up. Okay. So I just want to give you that hope.
Okay. That we, in the US, there is a lot of demand right now for virtual assistants. So your job would be, for example, at least perfectly have sub accounts in the, you can become just a listing. Maybe you can just maybe you somehow, you can do cross posting or you can do, building listings you can do, wait, et cetera.
Becca: Yes. Did I tell you Clara? I’m also a virtual assistant and List Perfectly before. Yes, and I’m telling you everyone, all of my clients, they see me on the Listing Party website, and I create a profile over there and they will contact you. And yeah, you can share or.
You can offer different kinds of services like Clara said earlier, and there’s a thing that let’s say sellers just take pictures of their items, the front, the back, the tags, and everything, and as a virtual assistant, you can use the the bulk editing tools on this perfectly, so easy, and then your client’s gonna be like, How did you do that so quick?
Clara: More listings, more money, and that will get you more jobs. Because we talk, we sellers talk.
Becca: Yes, so I, I am so grateful to have this opportunity as a reseller and a stay at, because being a stay at home mom gives me flexibility and also financial empowerment.
And it just, when you’re with your, when I’m with my daughter, I feel that everything. Everything is possible, and let’s say for the people all around the world, that’s stay at home mom, or let’s say an immigrant, or let’s say people who are looking to be a virtual assistant or a reseller from home, reselling and virtual assistant is the future right now.
The e commerce industry are projected to be billions of dollars and you should hop in right now while it’s still hot. And being with your family is the best thing ever. Yes, for me. I am so grateful that, my mentor or my mentor in law, Danna Crawford, introduced me to reselling.
And she is my, she’s my, Mother in law, best mother in law. I love her so much. And she’s like the angel because I, without her, I will never know about eBay.
I will never know about List Perfectly. She’s really a, taught me about everything. And all I did is let’s say execute and listen to her. And for everyone that’s also wants to, let’s say, learn how you gonna get there fast is you have to find mentor and List Perfectly. Have that. And listing parties Masterminds.
We have Customer 411. These people created this amazing community. For us to learn, to grow. And all we have to do is to listen, don’t complain and execute it. And I’m telling you, everyone, after one year of reselling, the first year of reselling, it could be, let’s say, you’re going to find your niche, you’re going to find the items that you want to sell.
But after that. All your sales is just going to skyrocket. I’m telling you everyone. And right now we, let’s say we, my mother in law have a consignment boutique, and right now we just have a client just drop off their marbles from Arkansas yesterday. We just manifested abundance because we, let’s say we prayed for it.
And there’s something. Mommy just made blogs and post it everywhere. And that’s how the power of internet everyone. So if you’re from anywhere around the world, you can do reselling, virtual assistant, or. If you want to have a home based job, this is the perfect example for you to start, especially if you are interested in affiliate marketing, which List Perfectly has, which is the referral program.
And I’m telling you, everyone, it just changed, it just changed, let’s say the way I earn, because now it’s passive monthly. And I am so excited to do it. And I am. Looking forward to earn, let’s say more and work harder everyone.
Clara: I’m telling you, look, I’m sharing right now your discount code on all channels as well. With List Perfectly, any plan reminder, we still have 10 time for you to, until December 31st for the ProPlus that is at 69. Thank you, Axel. Axel Lopez, saludos, Becca.
Becca: Just for you, I’m telling you, Clara, everyone that, let’s say in earning money. There’s no race. Yeah, there’s no race. There’s no age. All we have to do is to be hungry. Get out there. Don’t be shy. Find your niche, everyone. And keep praying to the Lord God, because the Lord will. Bless you all the time.
Clara: Thank you, Becca. Thank you for this incredible session. Thank you, Becca. Thank you, everybody.
I feel such a connection and I wish you the best and I hope to see you soon in Listing Party.
Becca: Yes, I feel like you’re my soul sister, Clara, because of the hair.
Clara: I’m telling you, we go to the Philippines and we’ll have the hair alike with the humidity.
Becca: That’s right, right now we’re in Florida. And when I’m in Colorado, my hair is it’s controlled right now, but when you go out, you should visit the Philippines and yeah, we will have snowboarding trips. Thank you.
Trish: Thank you for joining us on The Seller Community Podcast from List Perfectly. You can find us at the Seller Community Podcast.com https://thesellercommunitypodcast.com.
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