Join us for the official launch of the Pro Plus Plan, coming out of beta on January 2nd, 2025! Learn about its game-changing features, including automatic listing creation in seconds with up to 6 images, auto-delist functionality, and powerful Poshmark tools like sharing, managing followers, sending offers, and more. We’ll also showcase the new SKU auto-generation system, printable SKU labels, and advanced tools designed to streamline your reselling business like never before.

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Pro Plus Plan Launch Walkthrough

Clara: Hi everybody. Hi, this is Clara. I’m the co founder of List Perfectly. And today I’m joined by my amazing and loyal Patrick, Director of Innovations, to bring to you a topic that is much Waited for a year and something. We’ve been testing a plan that has auto delist, creates listings automatically for you has customizable columns has for example, a button by which you, communicate with your market places.

Then the Connection Wizard, we have and Issue Finder, things to facilitate. Let’s talk about the Pro Plus Plan official launch. How are you, Patrick?

Patrick: I’m doing really good. I’m doing really good. Like you said, it’s been a long time coming. Thanks for having me on here today. And yeah, I’m excited to talk about Pro Plus, the official release. You could subscribe to it starting on January 2nd, 2025. We’re getting closer, and it’s been a lot of fun, and it’s been really interesting to see the development of this plan, the new features, the features that were built and developed, and also scattered across other plans. So yeah, it’s been really a good year.

Clara: What a year. With List Perfectly, everything we do is around your needs, and if we can’t, don’t have it, and we can, or it’s not working. We will fix it. We work endlessly with our dedicated tech team and customer care. We are not going to a generic company. This is real team personally hired by Patrick. That’s been with us for years. Okay. These are the customer care team as all the other teams that we have on List Perfectly.

They are the ones literally taking care of you every day. So my utmost respect to the amazing branch of List Perfectly because we don’t have a sales team, no advertising. So our customer care team and tech team endlessly rotate about our customer service needs.

On the pricing page of List Perfectly, what we have all right is that now we have added to the Simple Business and Pro that we are not gonna change pricing. Simple stays $29, Business $49, and Pro $69. We’re still adding features to all of the plans, Simple, Business, Pro, and Pro Plus, but now we added our amazing Pro Plus. This Pro Plus plan has been under development for more than a year. It’s very crucial that we understand that we are committed to no increasing prices, but Pro Plus comes with three tiers.

We have a side-by-side chart for Simple, Business, Pro, and Pro Plus, right? We still have no add ons, and you will never pay extra fees. All right. So you will not pay extra for crosslisting, importing, accessing extra marketplaces, autodelete, or anything else. Okay. You don’t have to pay extra. There are no add-ons, etc. So we remain loyal to the commitment we promised you from day one. Okay. In 2019, when we launched, but here is the part that becomes interesting. So, if you look here, this is the end where at Pro Plus, okay, showing us that we have Sizely, draft listings, et cetera. But now let’s see what Simple, Business, and Pro don’t have. They don’t have increased listing assistant and background removals because now listing increased Listing assistant is a thousand in Pro Plus tier one $99. All right, and then background removal is 3000 background removals. Autodelist is unlimited. All marketplaces. I want to clarify that all marketplaces, no extra fees.

Poshmark tools, again, everything included it’s not in beta. All right. We are lacking some features that we’re going to be releasing, but we certainly have followers, offers, we send offers and sharing and it’s an incredible tool. We tested and counter-tested. No posh jail. And of course, you know that we’d been the sponsors of Poshfest 2024 this year in Nashville, Tennessee. So I just want to bring that up.

We offer subaccounts, which we’ll discuss. So it’s an account and a subaccount, and we’ll tell you why that is to protect your business privacy. Maybe whoever is working with you is a virtual assistant that you hire remotely, and you don’t want to give them access to your credit card information.

 We have an SKU generator. Yes, this is good. We create the inventory system for you. And then, on top of that, you can click print and print a label, and you can stick it on the item, whether it’s a hanger, a bin, or a shelf. You can even create customized SKUs—bin, shelf, rack, et cetera. All right.

Then we have issue finder. That’s an amazing feature. Click and then List Perfectly goes, checks marketplaces and checks List Perfectly catalog and says, Hey, Clara, this listing for some reason is not connected with this marketplace. Click here to fix it. Done.

And then we have a pick list. A pick list is you know when, we want to sometimes print an image. Or maybe we don’t print, we just save it as PDF and you put it on your tablet. And then you just go with the pick list so you can see the items and, the location, etc. to retrieve it from your inventory storage facility or room or garage. Like in my case, when I was a seller, so pretty much that’s a glance to this plan.

We have all the Pro Plus features, one sub account, so that is one main account, and that one sub account. 1000 listing assistant generation. 1000 barcode scans. 3000 background removals available.

Let List Perfectly create the listings automatically for you. And this is not your average AI. This is created for our niche of e commerce.

Pro Plus plan tier two is 149, but now you get four sub accounts. One account and four sub account. 2, 500 listing assistant generations. That means 2, 500 listings a month.

Patrick: It resets on the first of every month.

Clara: It resets every first of the month. So regardless of your billing cycle, just make sure you put a calendar reminder.

Tier three, 5, 000 listings a month. Wow. So yes, we do have those customers. That’s why we have to build tier two and tier three because we have a lot of big customers. So you ask and we deliver. So then we have on top of that 2, 500 barcodes, the barcodes, you can do it with the gun. You can put this gun to the camera, let’s say, and there are rates of barcode. You can do it with LP mobile. You can do it desktop. You can do it with a tablet, with an iPad. So I want to keep that in mind. 7, 500 background removers.

 Patrick, can we start with issue finder? Would you let me, could you show that one guys, please audience stay there because I want to show you this issue finder under, this is the money finder should be called this feature.

Patrick: Just like a real brief introduction and some of the back history into issue finder and why it got going is that any longterm user of List Perfectly knows how important your main catalog is here, which we’re showing here and how important it is to keep those connections between active marketplace listings and your catalog.

That’s really how you manage your inventory. So issue finder comes in, basically is your assistant to making sure that things are kept nice and clean and neat. So if we hop over to the issues tab with the List Perfectly extension installed, you actually have the option here to run issue finder.

So let me just go ahead and refresh that for a second. So what we’re looking at here is the issues tab. This is once your issue finder has completed its latest scan, it will present you with listings that could be problematic.

So if I were to select to filter issues, you can see all the different scenarios that basically we’re checking for. So this first one, for example, is empty IDs, meaning that the status is selected in your catalog, but there’s no ID saved. So let’s just go ahead and talk about a few things here. When we talk about statuses, we’re actually talking about this platform column right here.

So imagine you had eBay selected, but there was no ID from the active listing back in your catalog. We would be alerting you of that. And then we have these different scenarios that we’re looking for. So some of the most impactful ones for sure is probably one of my most favorite ones that goes with other features is the sold status selected, but an active listing is found.

So let’s just go ahead and filter on this and let’s take a look at it. So here we can see that we’ve got a listing here in our catalog. It’s got a sold status But based on the latest scan of issue finder, we have detected an active listing.

We’ve detected that there’s a sold status, but an active eBay listing is still available on the marketplace. So at that point, issue finders letting you know, and then you can either see what happened here. Should this listing not have a sold status or is it still truly active or did it sell and it should be taken down off of active listings on the marketplaces.

So again, we’ve got these different scenarios here. And this is really just your tool for checks and balances to keep things, basically in good shape in your catalog so that you can leverage all of the features that are not only part of Pro Plus, but other plans as well, but part of Pro Plus we’re talking about, sales detection,auto delist, these features that are so dependent on your catalog that that’s where this issue finder really comes in and helps out.

Clara: Awesome. All right. So Patrick is issue finder going to be on ProPlus only, or will everyone have access to that?

Patrick: Yeah, right now issue finder will be for Pro Plus.

Clara: Ooh. So do you think that how we talk about maybe extending to other plans or we don’t know yet?

Patrick: I can’t answer that right this second, with List Perfectly in general. And I know you know this Clara, but just for everyone else listening, a lot of times features may become available and then as they’re being used and we see maybe there’s more benefit across the other plans. We definitely try to make that happen. Listing assistant is a perfect example of that.

Clara: So Patrick, based on your experience and developing, assisting to develop this tool every day, communicating with tech team, communicating with customers and being just there in the middle, what’s your favorite feature ?

Patrick: Listing assistant is really hard to beat right now for improving people’s workflow taking businesses to the next level, helping people out on creating listings, just reducing typing the description. All of the benefits there, listing assistant is extremely strong. And I know a lot of our users. I’ve been using it. And that was, like I said, that’s a really good example of a feature that did make its way in lower quantities, of course, but it didn’t make its way across all plans.

And it’s just, it’s, that one’s been so impactful. Outside of that though, honestly, one of my, one of the ones that I think is really cool, especially for people that maybe aren’t your, your longtime posh sellers and things like that is the, some of the posh tools. And when we talk about the sharing tools and specifically for me that I really is this sending of offers.

This one’s on the Pro Plus. We’ve got these posh mark sharing tools. But specifically the one that I was talking about that I’m personally most excited about that I really like is this sending offers tab.

And the main reason that I personally really like it is just because, when people are liking your items, if they’re serious potential buyers, it’s a perfect time to, to engage with them. And it’s not always realistic that you’re going to be at your device seeing that and everything’s going to be just a perfect timing thing. So the sending offers have really takes, takes it to this automation level of where if you are utilizing auto send offers. Once you get all of your settings set up here, essentially, what happens is that your closet is monitored, and every 10 minutes, it’s monitored, and anything that gets an auto offer will be sent out.

So the idea of a potential buyer being engaged. Liking your items and then offer being automatically sent out is just, I just think it’s really cool. I’ve personally seen it be very successful. I’ve worked with some users that, they’re, I know that a lot of people, especially the people on the call here have used other services or tools or longtime posh sellers.

But there’s a large amount of people that don’t even realize that, Hey, I, Oh, I didn’t know I needed to be doing this. I didn’t know I needed to be doing sharing or following. So adding these tools in for people is been really beneficial for them just to make that transition from one marketplace to another much easier because they all have their, they’re all a beast in their own way. They all have their little nuances and special things you should do there. And we know Poshmark being the social platform that it is, how important this stuff is. So just having this in one location, one central location with List Perfectly has been very nice.

The full control that you have as well in here with the sending of offers has been really nice.

The analytics page basically whenever we made the transition to the new catalog analytics page, we’re basically in a place of the absolute. basic it’ll ever be. And it’s just going to go up from here. And one of the big pieces to this is updates that are coming to sales detection. The goal here is definitely to make that sales and analytics extremely useful. But the big thing is not be labor intensive. We do not want you having to sit there and hammer away. So a lot of that is going to be part of additional updates to sales detection. So it is in actively in development.

Clara: Patrick, where are we with the variations?

Patrick: Yeah. So it’s something that’s actively being developed. Honestly, it is, I would expect; it’s not something that would necessarily be like in the next couple of weeks by any means, but there’s active development whenever we look across all the different platforms that allow it.

It’s just that whenever List Perfectly does introduce it, it’ll be done in a way that is cohesive across all of the platforms that support it. So it’s not like it’s going to be like, okay, we’re only going to release it for variation support on eBay. It’s going to be done in a way that will allow you to do it. And it’ll come with a variation. It’ll come with honestly more tools through sales protection for quantity management and things like that. So it is something that’s being developed right now.

Clara: Yep. And variations is much tricky than quantity. So that’s the only reason we took a little more time. We want to make sure that we launched this in the right way.

So just simplify your life. Okay. Make sure you use the issue finder, have a healthy catalog.

I wish you many sales. Thank you, Patrick. Thank you, everybody. Love you all. Bye.


Trish: Thank you for joining us on The Seller Community Podcast from List Perfectly. You can find us at the Seller Community

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