Join Clara Albornoz, Trish Glenn, and Crystal Maus as they dive into eBay’s latest update on pre-owned clothing categories and how they impact sellers. If you resell fashion, vintage, or second-hand apparel, this is a MUST-LISTEN!
Learn about what’s changing with eBay’s pre-owned clothing categories, how these updates affect your listings & search visibility and best practices for optimizing your listings!
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eBay new conditions for pre-loved clothing
Guide to Updating eBay Conditions Using List Perfectly
eBay’s NEW Pre-Owned Clothing Categories – What Sellers NEED to Know!
Clara: My name is Clara. I am the co-founder of List Perfectly. Today, we’re going to be talking about eBay changes. Yes, our strongest partner. We love you, eBay. So, I’m joined today by amazing pro sellers and power users. Crystal Maus. Thank you for joining us. Crystal. Welcome. Welcome.
Crystal: Thank you, Clara. I’m happy to be here. This is going to be a fun conversation. I think.
Clara: Absolutely. Can you please briefly introduce and share with the community who you are, what you sell, and what you did last year with eBay?
Crystal: I am Crystal Maus. My store is The Finery. I sell clothing, new and used, probably about 50/50 these days. Clothing, shoes, and accessories on many platforms, thanks to List Perfectly. I can easily. But my main platforms are eBay and Poshmark. That’s where I list everything out to. Yeah. And what was your question about eBay, Clara?
Clara: Yes. And what did you do last year with eBay?
Crystal: Oh, I got to go to eBay, to the mothership, talk about my relationship with List Perfectly, so I got to. Do a whole interview-style thing during seller week with Amanda and talk about how I use the program, how I use List Perfectly, and what the future holds for it, too. The new tools you guys had out. And then I was treated to a whole week of meeting other sellers, talking to all kinds of eBay employees, the different teams they brought in and talked to the sellers, had a bunch of questions for us. Mostly, they asked questions and listened, which I found refreshing.
They wanted to know what our experience was like. So it was just incredible. An amazing week. I was pinching myself the whole time.
Clara: So that was on the front, Crystal, but eBay requested us, okay, we need a case study to see how List Perfectly is performing, and there comes Crystal. So, in the back, literally, they run your store numbers backwards and forwards. And that’s why they feature you in so many things, because you are an example, a great example to follow when it comes to processes, profitability, listing practices, etcetera. And in addition to our amazing Crystal Maus, our Power user of LP. We have our amazing Trish, Director of Events, that it’s always in, and she has an amazing surprise for you guys.
I’m so excited because she’s going to make these changes very easy. So Trish, please share with us, introduce yourself, and share with us what you’re going to be sharing with our amazing audience.
Trish: Sure. My name is Trish Glenn. I’m the Director of Events and Education here at LP. And I am a used clothing seller like Crystal. So, for me, this is also something that’s going to affect me a lot. Crystal, how many listings do you have?
Crystal: Ooh, I am hovering right under 15,000 listings right now.
Trish: And I’m hovering right over 11,000. And so when you tell a used clothing seller that they are changing the used clothing categories, you die on the inside a little, you have a slight little tissue a little panic, and let me just say, I’d like to say that I love eBay, I make the most money off of eBay, I have been with eBay from the very beginning eBay’s my girl, I love her but, there’s a big but, they are not the best in my opinion, At giving out the info before it happens.
I’m very glad that we even had a week with this information so that we knew something that we had to do. There’s not a lot of proactive in eBay. Everything’s reactionary. And I am very pleased to be able to see that List Perfectly has decided. Really Clara and Amanda decided that they were going to try to be as proactive as they could because of this issue, I would just to say off the bat that you can only be as proactive as you’re allowed to be with information that eBay gives you, right?
So this is a new thing for everybody. And we’re all scrambling just to try to get ready and the magic date. So everybody knows is February 4th. So that’s when the state will, this will happen. So we’ll get into it.
Crystal: It’s a few short days from now.
Trish: So eBay is introducing new conditions for preloved clothing, just so everybody knows how this is going to work. My why eBay is making the change, is from eBay itself. They think that this will help build trust and help increase visibility to optimize your listings, and they hope it will reduce returns.
And they’re hoping, I know from inside Scoop, that they’re hoping this will help with INADs. INADs is an item not as described, okay? So that’s one of the big things that everybody’s worried about. And so they’re hoping that this will reduce that. Right now, these are the conditions. These are the things that are going to be affected, but speaking with the tech people, Amanda told us today that it’s really over 500 categories and subcategories that are affected by this change.
So even though eBay has put it out in a very easy order for us to see. It’s really much more complicated than that, and I just want everyone to realize that it’s 515 or something she said in a meeting this morning. It’s a crazy amount of things that are going to change all in one day.
So, the three new preowned conditions. So, previously, when listing on eBay, there was only one. It was new or preowned, right? There were a few other new categories, which we’ll discuss in a second, but preowned is now going as of February 4th. You can now pick from three things. You can do preowned excellent, pre-owned good, or pre-owned fair.
Now, there are other platforms that already do this, so some of you guys may already have this down, that this is something you’re already doing for Mercari, and I believe Depop, and maybe one of the other, Grailed or something, one of the other high-end ones, already do this, so you may already be in that idea of grading your items.
But on eBay, we never had to do this before. So this is just what eBay’s saying that these things are going to do, right? So when you’re doing it, you can look at this chart. I’ll make sure that this gets in the chat, so if anybody doesn’t have this link. But this is a This was right from eBay’s website, and so that you can decide what you think eBay is saying it should be graded as, okay?
And I just would like to point out that eBay is changing one other category, but in name only. So the existing New with Defects, That condition is also going to be renamed with new with imperfections. It shouldn’t be a defect. It’s an imperfection. That defect leads to the item not being described because then it has a defect. And I really want to get you guys to realize that some of these things are a little bit more intricate than maybe I even thought as somebody who sells this stuff all the time.
So, how is eBay handling this? Anything in the preloved category is automatically going to be moved into the middle grade of good on February 4th, okay?
So everything you have right now is going to be dumped into the middle grade of good on February 4th. Now, eBay then expects you to go in and to make sure that’s where it should be. And so to do that, you can go into your eBay, you can go into your active listings, and your seller hub. You can do them one at a time.
You can also use some bulk tools. The problem is. It’s not exactly an easy thing to figure out, so I am under the impression that eBay has not made this very easy on us, in my opinion, but we’re gonna stop sharing. So let’s talk about that. And then, we will talk about what we have come to show you guys.
So Clara, when you pointed out to me about renaming that condition field from new owned with New to new with imperfections. I really thought, Oh, that’s stupid. Who cares? And you, that was your face.
Clara: Yeah. So it’s, you gotta put yourself in the buyer’s shoes. Okay? So it’s very easy to fall into the perception, Hey, I have everything, right?
All right, everything is perfect, but I got this item, and it has an imperfect, an imperfection defect; it’s defective, right? Yeah. Sometimes, if it is not blue, sunrise blue. Okay. And it’s sunset blue. That’s not an imperfection, a defect. Okay. So it’s just it’s how they perceive defect or imperfection.
It’s definitely a trigger; it’s going in the direction of preventing. All right. People are sending items not as described. And also what it does is that it’s to make the buyer understand that you’re buying prelaw of items. All right. So there are going to be imperfections gone are the days. What if you are a clothing seller of vintage and I’m a pro, right?
I’ve been doing this. Oh, by the way, Trish, I can prove that eBay took the risk grading that we were doing on clothing from the Clothing Vault back. I was just finding that to show you guys, they took the grading that we have from the Clothing Vault. So it’s just a matter of really being accurate about what you described and then reducing that perception of defects.
And now it’s just an imperfection that gone are the days that because you have a tear or a tiny spot or a pool that you can say, Hey, I’m going to give you give me a 50 percent discount because this is has a defect.
Trish: And I think that. We have learned over a long time that we need to spell everything out for a buyer, right?
And so we need to say, here is that little spot. I have been known to put a dime next to it so you can figure out how big that spot is or a can of Coke. Cause we all know how big that is. Using the things to be able to really be accurate in your descriptions.
Again, I just want to say for anybody in the audience who doesn’t know an INAD is an item not as described, and that is one of the metrics that eBay grades us on the eBay system, unfortunately, has a few drawbacks, and one of them is the INAD system used to be that people would say We would have what we call false INADs, right?
A false INAD because eBay would give you free shipping and free return shipping if it was an INAD. And there is a certain amount of eBay people, in my opinion, who have been on the platform for a very long time, who just automatically say it’s an item not as described when it isn’t when it doesn’t fit when it’s wrong, not what I wanted.
Listen. I don’t buy from anybody who doesn’t have a return policy. I know that there are a lot of sellers who don’t feel this way, but I feel like if I’m going to buy a piece of clothing, I can’t touch it. I can’t smell it. I want to make sure that it’s what I want. And so for me, having a good return policy is also going to help you with your INAD problem.
I really think eBay is doing this because they think it’s going to decrease it in the end.
Clara: Trust me on this, okay, that this is gonna help, okay, to dispute the items not as described. The fact that we’re switching, okay, from defects to an imperfection is a huge change for me. It’s a good change. Like anything new, it’s going to take a little for eBay to adapt, but this will benefit sellers.
Crystal: I don’t think it really makes a difference. It is merely a matter of phrasing. And I think the perception from the customer is of those categories being phrased differently. I think it’s going to be the same. I think the preloved is going to be where it’s going to be an adjustment. Now, what are your opinions on how you’re going to classify things?
Because the way I do it right now, and I’ve said it before to you, Trish, in Mastermind, we talk about underpromising and over-delivering. And so usually, if I have an item that is in excellent condition, I list it as used, like preowned good, is really what I put it under.
Trish: Do you use it like new?
Crystal: I never list anything like new unless, Say, like, I had a leather jacket that had the tissue paper around the still, so it’s new, right? But that would be like new. I don’t even if something is like new, unless I’m certain it’s never been worn, I don’t list it as of course, that’s how I currently do it.
I think. My strategy going forward is going to be different, though, because of how eBay has phrased it in their preliminary materials. Like new to them is preowned, has been worn, but doesn’t have visible data.
Clara: Signs don’t have minimal signs of wear, so I know that with clothing, the tags, okay, color in product time. Okay. Also, the cuffs. All right. That’s a telltale armpit, right? That’s in here. I see the, like the lint. Okay. Or the peeling. Like new. So what we have is New all stock or dead stock, right? That’s when you have evidence. All right. That is not only never been used, but you have manufacturer tags.
All right. Crisp. And they’re like really crisp. And if it is, even if it is leather is going to be, then we have, like you, that means he’s preloved preowned, but has no signs of where that means no, it could be like new. Okay. Sometimes, it could be like new. All right. And it could have. Maybe a spot. So you might not want to put it like new if he has a spot.
All right. So you might want to do like Crystal but Crystal. I disagree with you. I’ve done these, you know me, for 15 years, effectively be factual because when don’t down, don’t downgrade the risk of the clothing, be factual because then When I’m fighting when you can understand it’s part of our business, if we’re going to sell a preloved clothing is going to be disputing managing customer’s expectation is normal.
If 5, 6 percent return ratio for for example, me a vintage clothing seller, was in very low return ratio. I think that. Being very factual, then understanding that if it is something that has minimum signs of wear, all right, that means tags are not crisp anymore. Or if it is pants, for example, you can see on the pockets, there are maybe some signs of wear, right?
So now you know that item is excellent. Now, if he has, for example, on the cuffs, if you see some phrase on the cuffs now, that’s Good. All right. That has signs of wear. So are you gonna say it has moderate signs of wear, has minimal signs of wear, has normal signs of wear? All right. Or the one that we used to love with Amanda saying, okay, when it’s something that is very flawed. Okay. We always used to say a distressed condition.
Trish: Distressed. Yeah.
Crystal: And I think sometimes how you’d classify vintage items, though, Clara, I’ve, Is different than how you would classify a modern piece. And so I think there’s maybe a little bit more leeway in the vintage category. And I do sell, most of it is modern. I think what you’re saying though, is probably what you’re suggesting is probably more what I’m moving towards with this new classification system in eBay. I think what scares people is. It’s so subjective, what you know what I see in my eyes as good might not be good in Betty’s eyes down the street. And she might get that and be really upset because she doesn’t think it’s good for whatever reason. It’s scary for people.
Clara: That’s why you protect yourself with pictures. This is, I’ll show you how I protected myself, and I’m going to show you with a vintage item. Okay. This is a Schott Persian, Paul cowhide leather Norfolk style belted jacket.
Okay. And I want to show you guys how cute, look how I’m protecting myself already showing that there is look at the signs of where of these, do you see the cuffs? So I’m really protecting myself. Look at how I put because of elbows on jackets. Oh, my goodness. And what do you know? All right.
So if we keep going. I have a flaw. So I think that even though I described these, all right, as very good, look what I said. Okay. It’s very good. I put, I think that, as you said, Crystal elaborates on the description of the condition. So check this out, guys. And English is my fourth language. The exterior is in fantastic shape, only showing somewhere on the interior liner, as shown in the pictures.
Buttons are firm, and seams are tight and authentic. Vintage condition and that word Crystal saved me So many times because then they would open hey, there is some gray on the cuff You saw it on the pictures of that one if you would open I would be like no this authentic vintage condition So like you said there is a little more leeway On pre-owned clothing just take a lot of pictures Put like a little coin or a red tape.
I’m a friend of the red tape because literally people don’t literally go through it, and believe me, you put the red tape, and they will go to that picture in done. You just manage the expectation of the customer and better get rid of someone who is going to be complaining about the condition, or you already managed effectively the expectation.
Trish: And I just want to say that Crystal with the example that you gave, if I have a jacket and it. I don’t have the tags, but it still has the buttons wrapped, or it has that tissue paper. I make that new without tags. I would have upped that category, not downed it, because nobody’s wearing it with those things still on there. So I think you should have a little bit more a little I don’t want to use the word confidence because I don’t think it’s a lack of confidence, but
Crystal: I can be a little more liberal…
Trish: A little bit more liberal, yeah…
Clara: A little more liberal, but Crystal, guys, get to the fact, okay, a hole is a hole, is it pea-sized, all right, is it a dime-sized, is it a fist-sized, that’s how I met Amanda. When I met Amanda, That’s how I met her. Crystal. She sold a Ralph Lauren downhill skier with a fist-sized hole on the chest for $200. I was like, are you kidding me?
Crystal: And you thought she was going to get arrested, didn’t you?
Clara: Yeah, I know. I thought she was too. And I was like, dude, there are better ways to make money. If you want to go to the bank, there are better ways to make money. And she told me that. She was factual from day one. I have to tell you guys I sold vintage successfully for 15 years. I think that we lost only I can count. Five cases in which eBay and the customer won through fraud. Okay. But I speak of course, Oh, once you do that to me, I’m going to keep watching you for months until I find that they did something else.
And I got said, I’m done six months later. I got that person down because they would buy, leave negative, and then ask for a partial refund. I’m tired of that.
Trish: Should the condition be in the description or in the condition notes both? Crystal, what do you do?
Crystal: I always feel like it’s a good idea. The condition box pops up right underneath the title before anything else, usually when you’re, when they’re looking at a listing. So to put any flaws typed out in there, I feel like that catches the eye of the person, even sometimes more than the condition category.
Trish: The more you can put it wherever it’s, the better for everybody involved.
Crystal: The excellent category could be a great opportunity, especially in the first few weeks. If your things are, in fact, in excellent condition, there are not going to be many items in that excellent category. So if shoppers are, if it is right front and center, the condition filters, if they are filtering by those, there aren’t going to be as many items in that category at first, at least.
Trish: I would like to say before we move on from that that I didn’t, what I didn’t put in my little presentation, which I should have, and I just thought of it right this second, was that eBay is going to give us really until March 31st to get this done, okay, so between February 4th and March 31st, eBay is going to back us for INADs for condition issues.
They say that if it’s a condition issue that somebody’s returning it, you get an INAD, not a return, but an INAD for the condition that eBay is going to pay the return label. And they’ll also back us and take that INAD away. I do think that they’d have to say it was a condition issue if they say, it’s, it has a rip or whatever, that might not cover you in that.
Clara: As you have features, you’re covered.
Trish: I don’t think that they’ll cover everything just off the bat. You may have to fight with them like Clara was talking about a little bit.
Clara: Always appeal. So what if they will try. It’s in nature. And plus, we are in a culture here in the USA. To those of you that are not here in the U. S. Just know it’s not common, what you guys offer here in the U. S. to buy, for example, refrigerators and return. If you don’t like your cars, even cars, that’s unheard of in the rest of the world. So we are on a culture here in the U. S. Where the consumer has always the right to process a return.
Now, what is the reason for that return? Yes, of course, I’m going to try to get away with an item not as described instead of admitting that, sorry, I had people, okay, that literally they return items. They broke it on the sleeves. Okay. And then they’re like, it doesn’t fit me. I’m like, you just damaged the item. I have to appeal it.
Trish: And now eBay does, since you stopped selling clutter, you know that eBay now has that 50 percent when somebody sends you something back, not in the same condition that you got, that you sent it to them, you can deduct up to 50 percent of the selling price of their, 50 percent of their refund.
That gives us a little bit of play also in this. And if you are not,
Clara: you can open a case against the buyer, and you get 100%. Oh, no, I didn’t stop until I got my 100 percent, and I suffer with the North Face. Particularly guys. I don’t know if you guys are selling the North Face. Oh, my God. People love to buy.
Yank the tags. Use it. And then they don’t even when they cinch the, everything, the hoodie, and everything, they don’t even bother to undo that. And then they’re like, Oh, I didn’t like it. I didn’t fit me. And it’s super pretty used. Okay. So it has happened to me so many times. And that was a common problem I have. I don’t know if that happens to you, Crystal, that’s ever happened to you, me a lot of times.
Crystal: When people take the tags off things and use them and send them back. Yeah, I’ve had a handful of times. And that’s where I usually just take the 50 percent deduction off and resell it. They haven’t sided with sellers a lot less recently than they used to.
It used to be easier to appeal a case, but I would say Oh, nine months or a year ago, they changed seller protection significantly in that area where if you have eBay get involved, it usually doesn’t end in your favor.
Trish: Agreed.
Crystal: I’ve found a lot less than the first four years that I did this. It was easier to say, Hey, this buyer did something that was. Not on the up and you were able to have a recourse. Now it’s a lot easier just to move on.
I’ll be interested to find out how eBay will handle it; they will have an influx of. INAD type return initiations in the coming, I would say a month to six weeks, it’s going to be a lot. And I’m wondering how they will deal with it.
I don’t know. I’d like to see if maybe there’s some backpedaling on some things or maybe. Yeah. Seller standards will be relaxed a little bit more when it comes to this, which I would love.
Clara: Crystal, I’m gonna give my forecast. And for me, this is a positive change that eBay is doing; that’s just my perspective, and I think it’s gonna favor sellers and reduce items not at described claims. And also, coming from the technology part, I know it’s going to be automated and streamline the process of avoiding and reducing the items not as described. Just take pictures, people. Cover yourself, take pictures of everything.
Trish: And I think that is really what we want to do. I think that is what eBay wants and, all together.
Crystal: So I have a question. Can I quiz both of you quickly? What category would you put something in if it was in good condition and I had a missing button?
Clara: First of all. Okay. Number one thing. Okay. Go buy the button, people. And sew it, okay? Number one, you can find the match. Okay. And if it doesn’t, I would put it honestly on good. Just because the reason I would put it on good Crystal is because for example, St. John, all right.
The buttons of St. John, come on. They’re like, Literally, you can sell the buttons of St. John for $100. So sometimes for people lacking a button, all right, it’s a big loss of Other people are like, no, I don’t care, I’ll give you full price. But I think that being just If it’s missing a button, if it’s missing a patch, all right, don’t put it on excellent. Excellent people are expecting something to be excellent.
Crystal: Exactly. A good one. So then if it was average condition with a missing button, then would you put Ferris, good, Yeah, it’s still good. It’s still good. I’m just, I’m interested at what other sellers think.
Trish: I think I would do a fair, whatever the last one is. I don’t remember now, but I don’t think I would, I think I would do the lower.
Clara: If it is vintage, I would go with good. And if it is modern, I will go with fair. I’m with you there.
Trish: Agreed. I agree with that.
Crystal: Yep. I’m with you on that. I just want to know.
Trish: All right. So let’s talk about some solutions. We’re trying to give you some solutions to this problem. List Perfectly Mapping. I just, I know it’s a techie word, but what it is right now, List Perfectly’s catalog has four sub condition fields.
And as of today, they all go to eBay preloved. Okay. So if you’re in your List Perfectly catalog and you’re a pro or a pro plus user, it’s a condition field and simple, and businesses don’t have a condition field. So if you’re in pro or pro plus your condition field, you have condition new or used, right?
And then once you hit that used, you guys decide on one of the four conditions, which is excellent, good, fair, or poor. Now, Right now, no matter what you choose, it just still goes to be used in eBay. But as of February 4th, List Perfectly’s new, like new, will go into eBay’s excellent. List Perfectly’s good, will go into eBay’s good.
List Perfectly’s fair, will go into eBay’s fair. And List Perfectly’s poor will go into eBay’s fair. So you’re gonna, then, our four conditions are gonna go, are gonna map. That’s a techie word that I learned from Patrick. I’m gonna map. I just wanna show off my tech skills.
I’m gonna map into eBay’s new categories, okay?
Okay, so if you’re on List Perfectly’s plan that has a condition, so pro or pro plus, you are now going to have the subcategory on the main feed of your catalog, okay?
So it’s going to go, so the condition’s now going to be there? And condition two is going to be there. So whatever you picked is also going to show up. Crystal, how happy does that make you?
Crystal: Very.
Clara: Wait, Crystal, you can do it in bulk.
Trish: Pro and Pro Plus, you are now going to have this. Now. I just would like to say that on the List Perfectly side, sometimes we make things out of desperation, right? Because eBay, one of the platforms changes something. So we have to change it. But in reality, I think this is great moving forward, even for just going forward so you can go in and you can see things right off the bat without having to go in. So it’s a great addition, in my opinion, even if we weren’t doing this, I think it’s a great addition to the catalog. So I’m very excited about that.
Crystal: So is this a sortable column?
Clara: Yep. That’s right.
Trish: Okay. And so then Pro and Pro Plus will now have an update button for condition. Okay.
Crystal: I’m going to stop you there. Okay. If you’re not using List Perfectly, what you’re going to be doing? Pretty much. Okay. Is or re-importing everything and delisting and relisting a painful process with List Perfectly, all you have to do is use the update feature. No need to delist, relist in we now with just the update feature, you’re going to be able on pro and pro plus that support condition you’re going to be able. To send those updated listings in bulk. Okay. So imagine doing this in bulk. So we did it. The reason we invested so heavily in this is because we know eBay’s doing a great campaign when it comes to preloved clothing, and it’s a very fast-growing category.
So we are honored to invest our resources and money on this incredible feature that goes along perfectly with eBay’s new changes.
Trish: So I just want everyone to know it may look a little different or whatever when you guys see the next thing we’re going to show you. So, for Pro Plus, we’re going to have a button that will collect the eBay categories.
Clara: Yep. So, the button might be a different color. All right. We don’t know guys, we just, so we’re calling it right now. Collective categories. All right. Yes. We’re going to do one click, and then LP will scan. All right. Your listings on eBay will give you the result of, Hey, for example, with Theresa Cox, with Club Red 97, 8, 000 listing, we found 800 listings. Things are right that need to be fixed. Once we give you this information, you can edit in bulk edit and then address these concerns on List Perfectly. This is why you should be using the LP catalog. This is what, if you’re doing marketplace to marketplace, yay. But this is your chance to start changing because changes will start happening, especially with new technology. Two things we recommend. A you can do this natively on eBay or you can do it with List Perfectly.
If you’re not in the pro plan users, I really recommend you, it’s a little more manual in the pro plan, in the pro plus, it’s easier.
It’s incredible. Amanda’s leading our tech team. And I want to say thank you to our amazing tech team, especially Amanda and all of you. Incredible. We have a solution. And if you, let’s say that you’re on this.
Simple or business plan, right? Obviously, we don’t support conditions there, but I really think that this could be a great time for you to really embrace the changes in that way use, because List Perfectly you can switch plans anytime. I think it’s a great chance right now to save time on these.
Pain in the back, guys. It’s a pain in the back. Changes are, and it’s not going to go smoothly. Something might happen. All right. It’ll, it’s part of technology. Just keep in mind how much time you can save with LP Pro or Pro Plus.
Crystal: This was probably going to take me months to do. With as many listings as I have now, I don’t even remember. All the items, sometimes something will sell, and I’ll bring it out and I’ll be like, I have no idea when I bought this, or I don’t recollect even listing it, and so for me, I was going to have to go through every item or search for keywords like stains, holes, whatever in my catalog to try to find all those items or try to find the item description. There was no way to search for it or sort by it before. So I am thrilled you’ve saved me so much time.
Clara: So I want to remind everybody you can customize the catalog and move that condition column. All right. Whatever you want it. So it’s easier. Customize it to your flow. All right. In that state this weekend, I want everybody, if you’re in the simple and business plan, you’re going to go to eBay and yes, cancel your plans and start updating those conditions. And if you’re in the pro and Pro Plus stop updating the conditions on the LP catalog. So you’re ready. Once eBay implements the changes where you’re ready to crosslist, I’m so sorry; update or crosslist those changes depending on your method.
I want to thank you, everybody, community. We got this. Go do the work. Let’s make money, and let’s be proactive. Not reactive.
Thank you. Crystal. Thank you, Crystal Maus, our power seller, List Perfectly power user. Thank you, Trish, for the amazing presentation and everything.
I’ll see you soon, guys.
Trish: Thank you for joining us on The Seller Community Podcast from List Perfectly. You can find us at the Seller Community
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